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  1. Hello! I haven't asked for help in a while, but I haven't used Gsap in a while, so I'm a little rusty. I'm having trouble with a transition that I think should be pretty easy, but I'm getting tangled, I just need the section to be pinned, and that as you scroll, a card is positioned in the middle at the title level, and in the next scroll, that card goes up, and the second one remains, etc.. then I have I have to refer it to a page that is on the right side vertically, but I later see how to solve it, mainly I am getting dizzy with the snap and stagger
  2. Hi, (stack : Next JS) i'm close to achieve an effect but am stuck! Here is the result of where i am for now : https://youtu.be/tXUPHLRPiDA As you can see, I'd like to make a transition on clicking to a project thumbnail. Problem : I don't want the container to scaleY up, but i want to keep the infos/image inside to a normal ratio. I tied to animate height, instead of scaleY, but then I have to also animation the scrollTo, and it was a bit messy... Here is the ProjectThumb component (I do have a project list with several ProjectThumb) : import React, { useRef, useState } from "react"; import { useGSAP } from "@gsap/react"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { lineAnimation, projectContainerAnimation, scrollAnimation, subtitleAnimation, titleAnimation, } from "../animations/animations"; import { ScrollToPlugin } from "gsap/ScrollToPlugin"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; import Image from "next/image"; import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); const ProjectThumb = ({ project, setClicked, clicked, }: { project: any; setClicked: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number | null>>; clicked: number | null; }) => { const lineRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const thumbContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const titleRef = useRef(null); const subTitleRef = useRef(null); const imageRef = useRef(null); const router = useRouter(); const [timeline, setTimeline] = useState<any>(); const [timeline2, setTimeline2] = useState<any>(); // set line animation timeline up useGSAP(() => { if (lineRef.current) { const tl2 = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: lineRef.current, start: "top 85%", toggleActions: "play end resume reverse", }, }); tl2.add(lineAnimation(lineRef)); setTimeline2(tl2); } }, [lineRef]); // Set project elements timeline up useGSAP(() => { const tl = gsap.timeline(); setTimeline(tl); // show off all project container but the one clicked if (clicked && clicked !== project.id && thumbContainerRef.current) { timeline.to( thumbContainerRef.current, { opacity: 0, duration: 0.5, }, `<${Math.abs((clicked - project.id) * 0.5) / 3}` ); } }, [clicked, thumbContainerRef]); const handlePlayAnimation = () => { if ( thumbContainerRef.current && subTitleRef.current && titleRef.current && timeline2 && timeline ) { setClicked(project.id); timeline2.clear(); timeline2.to(lineRef.current, { scaleX: 0, duration: 0.5, }); const offset = window.innerHeight * 0.5 - thumbContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2 - 32; const thumbContainerScale = window.innerHeight / thumbContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().height; timeline .add(scrollAnimation(thumbContainerRef, offset)) .add(titleAnimation(titleRef), "-=0.4") .add(subtitleAnimation(subTitleRef), "-=0.25") .add( projectContainerAnimation(thumbContainerRef, thumbContainerScale), "<=0.3" ); // .then(() => router.push(`/projects/${project.id}`)); } }; return ( <div className={`project_container_${project.id} overflow-hidden min-h-[25vh] relative`} ref={thumbContainerRef} > <div ref={lineRef} className="projectLine scale-x-0 h-2 bg-slate-500 opacity-100" ></div> <div onClick={handlePlayAnimation} className="project_infos button absolute w-full h-full z-10 cursor-pointer" > <div></div> <div className="project_title flex gap-4 p-8 items-end text-white" key={project.id} > <h3 ref={titleRef} className="project_title text-2xl w-full text-slate-800" > {project.title} </h3> <p ref={subTitleRef} className="project_subtitle w-full text-slate-800" > {project.subtitle} </p> </div> </div> <Image ref={imageRef} src={project.images.thumbnail} width={1920} height={1080} alt={project.title} className="h-full object-cover aspect-square opacity-30 absolute" /> </div> ); }; export default ProjectThumb; And here are the animations called by the previous component : import gsap from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; import { ScrollToPlugin } from "gsap/ScrollToPlugin"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); export const lineAnimation = (ref: any) => { return gsap.to(ref.current, { scaleX: 1, transformOrigin: "left", duration: 0.75, }); }; export const thumbContainerAnimation = (ref: any) => { return gsap.to(ref.current, { height: "100vh", transformOrigin: "top center", duration: 1, ease: "expo.in", }); }; export const scrollAnimation = (ref: any, offset: number) => { return gsap.to(window, { duration: 0.75, scrollTo: { y: ref.current, offsetY: offset }, ease: "expo.inOut", }); }; export const titleAnimation = (ref: any) => { return gsap.to(ref.current, { duration: 0.4, y: -50, opacity: 0, ease: "expo.in", }); }; export const subtitleAnimation = (ref: any) => { return gsap.to(ref.current, { duration: 0.35, y: -50, opacity: 0, ease: "expo.in", }); }; export const projectContainerAnimation = (ref: any, scale: number) => { return gsap.to(ref.current, { scaleY: scale, transformOrigin: "center", duration: 1.2, ease: "power4.inOut", }); };
  3. Hello, I have a Flip transition that animates between a single column and a grid layout. This works, however there is further control + logic required to get the transition to feel smooth and to handle which images transition into view, as well as the position of the viewport during this transition. Here is my current implementation: Stackblitz and here is a good example of what I am trying to achieve with a smooth transition on another website (click the `index` button in the top right corner of the page to see the transition I am aiming for). This may not be strictly a GSAP question, and if not please disregard, though I am curious if anyone may have any pointers on what could help to get my transition closer to the linked example website. From what I can observe, the linked example improves the Flip by achieving the following: From grid view > column view, the grid view keeps track of which row is at the top of the viewport and always transitions so that the top row are the images that move into view in the single column view From column view > grid view, the image in view transitions into the top row of the grid The change in the height of the page is managed so that the viewport position does not end up away from the items on which the transition started, i.e. the items in view at the start of the transition stay in view throughout and until the end of the transition
  4. Hello, Im just trying to get ScrollSmoother working on astro web, with new astro view transition Api. During the first page load, everything work as expected. But when Im transitioning to another page, the scrollSmoother stops working. It looks like during the initialisation of ScrollSmoother, it doesnt inject styles into the <body> tag, so there is scrollbar missing and users cant scroll the page. I also tried to set the styles manually loke this: useEffect(() => { const wrapperHeight = document.getElementById("smooth-content")?.offsetHeight; const smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 0.4, effects: true, }); if (document) { document.body.style.height = `${wrapperHeight}px`; document.body.style.overscrollBehavior = "none"; document.body.style.scrollBehavior = "auto"; } return () => { smoother.kill(); if (document) { document.body.style.height = ""; document.body.style.overscrollBehavior = ""; document.body.style.scrollBehavior = ""; } }; }, []); But unfortunatelly, the height is calculated wrong ( shorter than it should be ), and the ScrollSmoother is flickering ( somewhere about the half of the page, it jumps to the top of the page ). I've also tried to initialize and kill ScrollSmoother in Astro lifecycle hooks, in React component, and even in Vue components. Without view transitions, everything works as expected. Thanks for answer.
  5. Apologies in advance for the question that is more related to Barba.js than GSAP but you guys always point me in the right direction. I have researched different methods, but my JS knowledge is limited so I am not sure on what strategy to use. I want to do a simple page transition between two pages with separate JS files that have many GSAP timelines and event listeners. Ideally I would like to use the views / beforeEnter hook to re initialise my JS scripts, but I don't know how to do this. Or do I need to break up my JS files into functions and call them using hooks; I also have different JS files for mobile version so if it is possible to on page transition to load / run my JS files that would be ideal. barba.init({ views:[ { namespace: 'detail', beforeEnter(){ } } ], transitions: [ { name: 'general-transition-opacityfade', once({next}){ animationEnter(next.container) }, leave: ({current}) => animationLeave(current.container), enter({next}){ animationEnter(next.container); } }, { name: 'detail', to:{ namespace:['detail'] }, once({next}){ navigation1(next.container) }, leave: ({current}) => animationLeave(current.container), enter({next}){ navigation1(next.container); navin2(next.container); navin3(next.container); } } ] })
  6. Hi everyone, Can anyone help me figure out on how to do this type of animation on scroll. It is a canvas with svg patterns, and when the user scrolls it will start scaling the 1st row from a smaller size to the initial svg width and height. Not sure how to make this one work Would really appreciate if someone can help me. I have had an attempt, maybe it is a good start but I can't figure it out properly. I have also break down the code into parts from the https://remote.com/global-hr/contractor-invoicing-and-payments https://i.imgur.com/hXHepSI.mp4 HTML <div class="sc-f1d6031c-0 hjWElG pattern-transition" from="white" to="red500"> <canvas width="5080" height="868"></canvas> <svg width="78" height="40" viewBox="0 0 78 40" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="pattern duo-petal pattern-ref" style="fill: pink;"> <path d="M39 39.9939C47.9212 39.939 60.9436 36.5061 67.7442 29.6951C74.3072 23.122 77.7258 14.2683 78 5.54268V0H76.507C66.495 0.195122 56.2148 2.82317 48.5672 10.4878C43.4911 15.5732 40.3162 21.8232 39 28.378C37.6838 21.8232 34.5089 15.5732 29.4328 10.4878C21.7852 2.82317 11.505 0.195122 1.49297 0H0V5.54878C0.280313 14.2744 3.69891 23.128 10.2558 29.7012C17.0564 36.5122 30.0727 39.9451 39 40"></path> </svg></div> CSS .hjWElG { position: relative; width: 100%; display: grid; margin-top: -0.5px; margin-bottom: -0.5px; background-color: #ffffff; } /*!sc*/ .hjWElG canvas { width: 100%; height: auto; } /*!sc*/ .hjWElG .pattern-ref { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const svgPath = document.querySelector('svg path').getAttribute('d'); const patternColor = 'pink'; // Color of the SVG fill let pattern; let maxScale = 1; // Maximum scale at the bottom of the page // Function to draw the SVG path into a canvas pattern function drawPattern(scale) { const scaledWidth = 78 * scale; const scaledHeight = 40 * scale; const blob = new Blob([`<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='${scaledWidth}' height='${scaledHeight}'><path fill='${patternColor}' d='${svgPath}' transform='scale(${scale})'/></svg>`], {type: 'image/svg+xml'}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat'); updateCanvas(scale); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; img.src = url; } // Function to update canvas drawing based on scroll function updateCanvas(scale) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = pattern; ctx.save(); ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width / scale, canvas.height / scale); ctx.restore(); } // Update the canvas on scroll window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { const scrollPercent = window.scrollY / (document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight); const scale = Math.max(scrollPercent, 0.1) * maxScale; // Scale starts from 0.1 to 1 drawPattern(scale); }); // Resize canvas dynamically and redraw pattern window.addEventListener('resize', function() { canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; const scale = window.scrollY / (document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight) * maxScale; drawPattern(Math.max(scale, 0.1)); }); // Initial setup canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; drawPattern(0.5); // Start with the smallest scale });
  7. Hello, I am having trouble with keeping the state that controls various parts of a layout in sync with the use of Flip toggle on that page. A little context: I am working on a image gallery page that uses GSAP's Flip plugin to toggle between two layout states: a grid four-column view and a full single-column view. The state (`isGridView`) is used to control the srcSet that is provided to the images — so that the appropriate size images are rendered depending on the layout. Additionally other parts of the layout depend on the state but must be sequenced in the correct order of the Flip animation, i.e. when we transition to the grid view, we need to fade in captions for the images after the animation completes, but when we transition to the full view we need to fade out those captions before the animation. My problem: when the page transitions a couple of times, the state stops being matched to the correct Flipped layout. This results in captions showing in the full view (incorrect) or images appearing blurry (incorrect srcSet). I have tried to set up my Flip to depend on the state of the layout. However my main difficulty is not knowing when / how best to update the React state before / during / after the Flip transition. I am currently using onComplete, but that only updates after the captions have completed their staggered fade-in, and it is very plausible that the user clicks to transition again before the stagger animation has completed, and as a result the state never gets updated for that cycle. I have tried to test with onStart and onUpdate, but onStart means that the srcSet changes too early, resulting in flashes during the transition, and onUpdate seems unreliable for keeping the state in sync in my testing too. I have a feeling I am not setting this up in the best React way. I would be so grateful if anyone has time to take a glance at my StackBlitz reproduction linked in this post to see where I am going wrong. I currently have a function `performLayoutFlip` that is called to do the Flip transition; it could be nice to have a timeline that gets reversed, but I need to account for controlling the captions (fade in after a delay vs fade out immediately) so I don't know how I would manage a timeline that isn't exactly symmetrical. (PS If you click on the images to transition a few times you should see the captions and images come out of sync). Let me know if I can help clarify anything, many thanks in advance! Stackblitz minimal reproduction
  8. Hi! If I switch pages within the same namespace, with a async page-transition in between, the delay time I assign to the timeline for this namespace doubles. This only happens when I switch between pages in the same namespace and not between pages in different namespaces. Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this? I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks!
  9. Hello there, Im trying to achieve a specific page transition using nuxt 3 and gsap. I saw the starter code of a simple page transition when you define a custom transition in a seprate file and import it in every page using definePageMeta function and the specify the pageTransition to the one you defined and it work, however i want a specific pattern. I'm going to explain my situation using tailwindcss What I'm trying to achieve is this: Make a page transition that have a div initially with 'absolute w-full h-full bg-black top-0 left-0 ' so this div is covering the hole page even the default layout. On onEnter i want to translateY by -100% so the page and the layout is visible. On onLeave set translateY by 100% then animate translateY by -100% ... This easely achievable using gsap However the implementation in nuxt 3 is hard i think, i couldn't do it because in the page transition if i the definePageMeta the el the return in the onEnter or onLeave is the root of the page ex: index.vue And if i add and another div in index.vue i got an error about the Transition component can't do animation if there is not one root element , i tried to make a seprate component for the transition and add this component inside every page however the animation did not triggered for the onEnter and onLeave methods when change routes using the NuxtLink component or use router.push('url'), i don't know where is the problem, if anyone knows how to do this, please help, Visit Dennis website and try to change routes you will understand what i want to achieve. And thank
  10. Hello im trying to get my barba.js to work and animate to different pages. When it goes to the second page it doesnt do anything. None of the buttons work either. Also I tried uploading to codepen but im not sure how to do multiple pages on there. here it is live and and git hub code
  11. Working on Nuxt3 Page Transtions and want to the scroll position to be retained on the .page-transition-leave-active element. Currently if you scroll down from the top position, navigate to a new route, the page snaps to the top position before routing. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-ncqyhu?file=pages%2Findex.vue To recreate the issue in the Stackblitz Min Dem. 1.) Go to the "ScrollTrigger" Route. 2). Scroll to the bottom (Orange Section) 3.) Click on the Layers Section Route. The orange section will snap to the blue (first section on the page), then animate out. A couple of things to assist. I have added the below css to allow the entering and leaving "pages" to overlap, creating more of a seamless transition. So this may play a role. .page-transiton-enter-active { position: fixed; height: 100%; width:100%; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; z-index:9; } .page-transiton-leave-active { position: fixed; height: 100%; width:100%; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; /* z-index:4; */ } I have also set the pageTransition mode property to null, this allows the enter/exit pages to be in the DOM at the same time const pageTransition = { name: 'page-transiton', // mode: '', onEnter: (el, done) => { Lastly, in my project I am using scrollSmoother, but was able to recreate the issue without S.M. Although, not sure if SM could be used as a tool to fix the issue. <template> <div id="smooth-wrapper" ref="wrapper"> <div id="smooth-content" ref="content"> </div> </div> Thanks in advance
  12. Hello there, as OP mentioned, I understand this is a gsap forum but I can't seem to get an answer to this barba js problem. For context, Currently I have a base transition with gsap nothing too fancy and in the contact page a script to load a multistep form. I can't get barba to reload that script in that specific namespace 'contacto'. Anyone with any updated solutions? I've tried using views and hooks but nothing seems to be working. TLDR: init script everytime barba transitions to a this specific page.
  13. Hey, this question is not directly related to GSAP but I thought you guys might have some good insight about this: I'm trying to create a page transition similar to this site: https://vucko.co/ but I struggle to find a way to make the page transition seamless so that the previous & next page are visible at the same time for a brief moment, this creates the effect that the page never changes while the next page is transitioning from bottom to top. My main problem is that when I create a javascript transition with Nuxt & GSAP the previous page has to go away before the next one even has a chance to be visible. I'm not an expert with page transitions so I might be missing something fundamental here. Here is a basic demo of a Nuxt transition setup I have been using: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-lq1ckq?file=helpers%2FtransitionConfig.js
  14. Hi Guys. This should be a very straight one. So i have this animation that uses scroll trigger and pinned the page. Pretty smooth with no issue. Check it out https://stackblitz.com/edit/circle-scroll-trigger?file=src%2FApp.js Now i have another project that uses React page transition. So i added the above animation to the scroll trigger page. Check it out here https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-spyzevefwe?file=src%2Fviews%2FScroll.js The issue comes when i switch between pages and i tried to scroll down to the animation, It just disappeared. But if i refresh the page, everything works fine. I think the page transition is interfering with the scroll trigger animation. Appreciate all the help i can get. Thanks.
  15. Hi Crew, I have slightly modified the existing stackblitz for Nuxt3/GSAP but simplifying the animation to one tween in and out for simplicity. Im trying to achieve a seamless side to side transition where effectively both the out animation and the in animation occur at the same time. I can achieve this effect with css only, but really want GSAP for the flexibility. I have tried playing around with the hooks, but cant get it to work. I think they hooks are right. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-d3iqbd?file=helpers%2FtransitionConfig.js Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi guys. Here is a starter code provided by GSAP team on Page Transition with NextJS https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-13cw4u?file=components%2FTransition.js I however discovered that it doesn't work with NextJS app router but works with page router. In app router, the exiting route and the entering route is always the same thing. I will appreciate if someone can create a template for this page transition using App Router. Thanks
  17. So I THINK i have worked this out - after a huge amount of time! I noticed that the section worked fine, a long as there was NO other blocks on the page. But no single block seemed to be the issue - it was ANY block on the page. The only common denominator they had was the padding (which I ruled out) and they each had a heading - which was, believe it or not, the issue. It was cause by the css transition: all .3s ease-in-out; Which had been applied, to every heading. When resizing quickly (for example on ipad orientation change), scroll trigger calculates WHILE the headings are still in the process of resizing - thus, throwing off the calcultaions. Fingers crossed this is it, but it appears to have fixed the issue Edit - false alarm..... it has not
  18. I'm currently in the process of setting up a slideshow utilizing timelines, morphSVG, and motionPath along with BarbaJS Page Transitions in Webflow.. Everything works flawlessly when I reload the page on all pages. However, I've encountered an issue when navigating from the homepage, where I've incorporated motionPath with a delay, to the about page. It seems that this transition breaks all animations. Interestingly, when I remove the delay from the motionPath, the animations function smoothly without any errors during navigation between pages. It appears that the delay within the motionPath is causing conflicts or disruptions during page transitions, leading to animation issues. If you have any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate your input. function slideshowAnimation(e) { let tween; function animateOnPath() { let progress = tween ? tween.totalProgress() : 0; tween && tween.revert(); tween = gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1 }); tween.to(".slideshow_item_large-5", { opacity: 1, duration: 0 }) .to(".slideshow_svg_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.5 }, duration: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.5 }, duration: 0, }) .to(".slideshow_item_large-5", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 1, delay: 4 }) .to(".slideshow_svg_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-5", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 0, delay: 0.5 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-1", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.in", opacity: 1, delay: 0 }, "-=1") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-1", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-1", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-1", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 4 }) .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-1", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-1", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 0, delay: 0.5 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-2", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.in", opacity: 1, delay: 0 }, "-=1") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-2", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-2", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-2", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 4 }) .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-2", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-2", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 0, delay: 0.5 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-3", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.in", opacity: 1, delay: 0 }, "-=1") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-3", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-3", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-3", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 4 }) .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-3", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-3", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 0, delay: 0.5 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-4", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.in", opacity: 1, delay: 0 }, "-=1") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-4", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-4", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-4", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 4 }) .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-4", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.5, end: 0.8 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-4", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.out", opacity: 0, delay: 0.5 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_item_large-5", { duration: 0.5, ease: "cubic.in", opacity: 1, delay: 0 }, "-=1") .to(".slideshow_svg_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<") .to(".slideshow_img_item_large-5", { motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5], autoRotate: true, start: 0.2, end: 0.5 }, duration: 1, ease: "cubic.inOut", delay: 0 }, "<"); tween.totalProgress(progress); } animateOnPath(); window.addEventListener("resize", animateOnPath); }
  19. Good morning, I have smooth scroller active on a website, but it gets stuck after barba.js transitioning. I reviewed some older topics here, but even though I found many, I wasn't able to understand how to fix it. I understood that I need to "clean" and restart scrollSmoother/Trigger after transition, but then wasn't able to do it. This is my code. Could you please help? barba.init({ debug: true, sync: true, timeout: 10000, transitions: [{ name: 'opacity-transition', once(data) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { var tl = gsap.timeline(); tl .to(".transoverlay", { opacity: 0 }) .set(".transoverlay", { display: "none" }) .from('#masthead', { opacity: 0, y: 5 }, 4) .from('.fadein', { opacity: 0, y: 5 }); }); }, before(data) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const timeline = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: resolve }); timeline .set(".pageTitle", { display: "none" }) .set(".transoverlay", { top: "-100vh", opacity: 1, display: "flex" }) .to(".transoverlay", { y: "100vh", opacity: 1, duration: 0.5 }) .to(".blslogo", { display: "block", opacity: 1, duration: 0.5 }) .to(data.current.container, { opacity: 0 }, 0.2) .to(".nextPage", { display: "block", opacity: 1, duration: 0.2 }) .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: 0 } }); }); }, beforeEnter(data) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const barbaNamespace = data.next.container.getAttribute('data-barba-namespace'); const pageTitle = document.getElementById('wipertitle'); pageTitle.innerHTML = barbaNamespace; const timeline = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: resolve }); timeline .set("#wipertitle", { display: "block" }) .from("#wipertitle", { opacity: 0, y: 5, duration: 0.5 }) .set("#wipertitle", { display: "block", onComplete: resolve }, -0.5); }); }, enter(data) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const timeline = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: resolve }); timeline .to(data.next.container, { opacity: 1 }); }); }, after(data) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const timeline = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: resolve }); timeline .to("#wipercontent", { opacity: 0, duration: 0.5 }) .to(".transoverlay", { y: "200vh", opacity: 0, duration: 0.5, display: "none" }) .set("#wipercontent", { opacity: 1 }) .set(".blslogo", { opacity: 0, display: "none" }); }); } }] });
  20. I'm facing a specific issue with the page transition animation (GSAP + Barba) on my website. The problem is occurring only on mobile browsers such as Safari on iPhone and Chrome on mobile devices. Test flow: scroll down the home page to the section with the black background and click on either link: "Conoce el estudio" or "Contacta" Problem Description: When transitioning between two pages, I've implemented an effect where the current page slides out to the left and the new page comes in from the right. During this transition, I apply an instant translateY to the elements of the current page based on the scroll position and use scrollTo to ensure the new page appears at the top. The code I'm using is as follows: barba.hooks.beforeEnter((data) => { const currentContainer = data.current.container const scrolledPixels = window.scrollY * -1 gsap.set(currentContainer, {y: scrolledPixels}) window.scrollTo({top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'instant'}); }); On desktop browsers, everything works perfectly. However, on mobile devices, I experience a brief "flickering" or flash with the text elements during the transition. Usually, images remain static as expected, but the text seems to re-render, causing a brief flash of the top of the page before snapping back to the desired position. Has anyone faced a similar problem or has any suggestions on how to solve it? Any guidance or direction would be greatly appreciated. What I've Tried: TranslateY it in plain JS Disable force3d to prevent hardware acceleration. Disabling any other simultaneous animations or transitions. Optimizing the CSS, adding will-change and checking properties related to text rendering. Using requestAnimationFrame to synchronize animations. Intercept native scroll behavior with ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true) None of the above solutions has resolved the issue. I'm aware that the question may not be 100% related to GSAP, but I just hope to find someone who knows what the magic trick is.
  21. Hi I'm working on page transition in Nuxt 3 with gsap, following this Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-bthjlg?file=README.md Is it possible to wait the page leaves and then revert the context? Otherwise you see weird behavior, for example when you are on the Layer section page, you scroll to a pinned section and then you navigate to another page it should stay to that section and not jumping to the top. Thanks in advance for your help!
  22. Hi, I have a page where I have x number of containers/divs. Some of these have defined background colors, and should thereby change body background color once they getting visible as you scroll down. But also change back to their color if user scrolls back up. I'm using React and my thought was to create a custom hook that I connect to the node/container/div that should be used as trigger. That is all working fine, if that seems to be a good approach, I basically create a new ScrollTrigger every time that hook is being used. However, some questions: - I guess I have to use the callbacks for onEnter and onEnterBack in order to add/remove the body background color class? - What should my start values be? "top top" (=if top of element hits top of viewport) if a "colored" section is a top of page? And for other sections "top bottom" (=if top of element reaches bottom of viewport)? - If the first section on the page should set a specific background color, and then the user scrolls down a bit, the next section becomes visible = trigger color change, but then the user scrolls back up again, how can I tell if it should transition back to it's color again then? onEnterBack wont get triggered in this case..?
  23. Hello, it's my first time I use Gsap so I'ma bit confused. I followed this video tutorial that was really good. My goal is create a site in React composed (at the moment) of only two "sections": each section should fill the entire browser window. Below the design: As you can see, the first section contains a button (next) in the center of the page and some squares (some in red and other in orange). The squares should move (and rotate) in loop with a smooth, random and natural way. I immagine that each square moves very slowly and when it reaches the border of the screen, it continues its movement in the opposite direction. When the user clicks on the next button, it goes to the second section. The transition between the first and the second section should be something like this: orange squares go to opacity = 0 next button goes to opacity = 0 red squares continue to move in the meantime some other red squares appear from the outside of the screen and from opacity 0 goes to opacity 1 also a label (alpaca) appears. Ok, now we are at section #2. Here squares moves as before but their space to move is smaller then before so they are closer to the center of the screen. This seems too complicate to me so I need some suggestions before start to write code: there is a similar example (codesandbox, codepen, ...) I can look at that can help me? the site can be a single page application, I don't necessary need to use routes so section#1 and section#2 can be both on the same route (for example mysite.com/test) how can I handle animations and transitions with gsap? This is my code at the moment: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/gsap-animation-4qcwxn?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js. It doesn't work well. First of all the squares animation it's very strange, second of all I didn't know how to animate squares between first and second section. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot!
  24. Hey, I have recently started to dig into Nuxt 3 javascript page transitions with gsap and I am unable to get this simple javascript fade transition to work properly. There must be something that I don't understand here since I'm assuming that the hooks & the animations are correctly setup to the transitionConfig.js but it still does not fade smoothly to the next page, the leave animation looks good but onEnter doesn't. I forked the Nuxt 3 page transition project on Stackblitz to match the setup in my local setup so I managed to reproduce the problem here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-sgqvct?file=helpers%2FtransitionConfig.js
  25. Hello. Can anyone give advice on how to properly implement those animations presented on this site. https://mashroom.pro/ncracker/ I have three questions in particular: 1. How can I reduce the speed of the cards that fly from bottom to top of the scroll. 2. What are some approaches to properly implement a transition where a certain section is approached and becomes directly part of the screen, after which it scrolls freely and plays its animations. I have a problem that after the animation ends, the section jumps around (because I disable aspect-ratio and overflow: hidden). 3. Am I taking the right approach for animating product sections? I create a timeline for each section with a common scrolltrigger, in which I make a pin for the section, and then I add animations. p.s. demo - https://codepen.io/cno6/pen/VwqWjNz
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