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Everything posted by diegodsgarcia

  1. I test in Angular 8 and.... Works. it seems to me in Angular 7 really doesn't works with AoT mode ?
  2. I try import in main.js with your code but, nothing..... Same problem in AoT mode....
  3. Humm I can try, but I don't know if I can disable the option in my project of work. I need see that's option have a great influencie in perfomace.
  4. Yeah! I have no idea too. I see the thread, and only solution that I got works was when I put the gsap in scripts in angular.json ?
  5. Here! https://github.com/diegodsgarcia/gsap-test-angular-7 (I remove the script in angular.json to try test) For test I only run ng build --prod and up a http server with dist files (I use the package of npm http-server https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server)
  6. It's really funny, because the error only occurs with mode AoT. When I have more time, I will try test with the version 8 of Angular.
  7. Thanks for awnswer! But I think that's a problem with the Angular because I made a blank project only with code for test: gsap.from('nav a', { opacity: 0, duration: 1, stagger: .5 }); I'm not using any 'ease', I just use the default of gsap Object... I made some tests and only works in mode AoE of ng cli when I add the lib in angular.json file of scrips globals. "scripts": [ "./node_modules/gsap/gsap-core.js" ],
  8. I have a simple project with Angular 7 using GSAP 3. That's it works perfectly with comand 'ng serve' and 'ng build' of Angular CLI, but when I use the comand 'ng build --prod', the application throws the following error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'easeIn' of undefined". I think the problem just happens in AoT build mode of Angular. Could someone help me with this? Thanks!!
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