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Catalin R.

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Everything posted by Catalin R.

  1. Hi GreenSock, Is there any topic (codePen) with the effect shown in this pen? I need this effect to work for every elelement of a large gallery. Thanks!
  2. Yes Jack, this conditional logic I need! Thanks a lot! Have a nice day!
  3. Thanks Craig! Thanks Jack! You're right. Is't not the best experience for user to force him to wait the whole animation! I have to find a solution to have a certain animation when I open the menu and another animation (more shorter than first) when I close the menu.
  4. Yes, I want to force the user to watch the whole animation. And I need another animation when I close the menu (another timelineMax or something, I don't need a reverse of the current animation). Thanks!
  5. Hi, I have a problem with the syncing of click events. I've found many codepens about that but nothing works properly. 1. When I open the menu I have a timelineMax with the animation I want 2. When I close the menu I need another timelineMax (another animation), a fade-out not a reverse of the current timelineMax 3. The same thing for Test Drop which has a drop-menu 4. When the drop-menu is open and I close the entire menu (top-right trigger) there's a lack of syncing 5. How can I run a timelineMax to the end without any animation interfere meantime (by clicking the top-right trigger)? https://codepen.io/ZenTao/pen/OZBKBX I hope that is't not too much for this day! Thanks!
  6. Hi Shaun, I've made a codepen with my case: When I click an icon I want to do something with those divs "animateMe" and "fading". Is there any possibility to prevent to run the timelineMax again until the animation is completed? https://codepen.io/ZenTao/pen/BrZKGJ Thanks
  7. Hi, I have a timelineMax which runs on a click event. What is the best way to prevent to run the timelineMax again until the animation is completed? Thanks!
  8. Hi, Seems we got to the bottom of this thanks a lot guys! Instead of removing the <base href="" ( not quite possible without a lot of pain for the rest of the site ) we changed the clip path: <g class="clipPathReveal3" clip-path="url(#theClipPath3)"> changed to <g class="clipPathReveal3" clip-path="url('/php-web-content-management-system/#theClipPath3')"> Cheers!
  9. Hi PointC, I've eliminated al css and js files. https://devsaver.com/test2.htm I have the same bug! I've copied the SVG element from your codepen and put it inside my html. I have the same issue. Has CodePen something which fixes svg elements?
  10. Hi PointC, I have minimum js files and no css files. https://devsaver.com/test2.htm I have the same bug!
  11. Hi PointC, SVG element is a little bit modified. See the link: https://devsaver.com/test/ On IOS, path with class "mainPathBase" appears with fill black color.
  12. Hi, I have a bug on IOS. It seems that clipPath doesn't work! See those three animations, please! https://devsaver.com/php-web-content-management-system/ Can anybody help with this bug? Thanks! Note: I can't upload any image on GSAP platform.
  13. Nice effect! But, I have a gallery and I need an hover effect. It should be smooth, pretty fast and the image should look like a broken glass. Any idea should help me! Thanks and happy tweening!
  14. Hi, Has anybody any idea about how to get a special hover effect, a broken glass effect on image? Something like here: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=959&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=tMLsWuLjF6mX6ASEnaKgDw&q=image+broken+glass&oq=image+broken+glass&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i30k1j0i8i30k1l3.6705.9787.0.15311. Thanks!
  15. Thanks PointC! Thanks for the real support!
  16. The message is: There was a problem processing the uploaded file. Please contact us for assistance.
  17. Hi, https://devsaver.com/php-web-content-management-system/ After a clear cache for this page all animations are right. Click back-to-top button or scroll up the page, refresh the page and scroll down to the animations. Appears a bug like in screenshot. Sorry, I can't upload a file, GSAP processing problem!
  18. Hi PointC, https://devsaver.com/php-web-content-management-system/ I've made the same effect for three times on this page. I have the same problem with that overflow: visible. Can you help me, please!
  19. Hi, PointC I've used this but there's a problem. With clear cache works well, and after I refreshed the page this overflow: visible; doesn't work anymore.
  20. Hi, Is there any posibility to see the entire glasses? From y:-308 to y:0 How to animate the glasses beyond svg parent? Thanks!
  21. Hi, I want to animate some paths svg like below (see images, please). Has anybody any idea? Thanks!
  22. Hi, Which plugin should I use for BendyBox? Thanks!
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