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Catalin R.

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Everything posted by Catalin R.

  1. Hi, I need to add freezeBrowser function when I play this timelineMax and unfreezeBrowser function on reverse of TimelineMax. I need these functions to freeze and unfreeze the browser. How can I do that? Thanks!
  2. Hi Jack, I have a simple question: Does this slider (https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/YRzRyM) work when we have attribute dir="rtl" on html tag?
  3. Hi, Yes, it's about rtl languages. Thanks!
  4. Catalin R.

    3D slider

    Hi, Is there any example with a slider made with GSAP, something like that: http://specious.github.io/cloud9carousel/ Thanks a lot!
  5. Hi, Yes, it's about "right-to-left".
  6. Hi, I cannot see any codepen inside a topic on GSAP forum. The section for codepen is empty. I cannot upload files too! Can anybody fix this? Thanks!
  7. Hi, Is there a solution for this slider when we have rtl? https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/YRzRyM?editors=0010 Thanks a lot!
  8. Hi, The slider made with GSAP works fine. I also use owl carousel for some widgets and I have a problem with javascript. I'll check the code of owl carousel again. Thanks!
  9. Hi, Is owl carousel compatible with GSAP? https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/
  10. Hi, I need to use a variable for background position. TweenMax.set(item, {backgroundPosition: "center myVariable"}); How can I use myVariable for this? Thanks!
  11. Hi, I need something like in this codepen but with text (paragraphs) inside instead of div class box. Can anybody help me with an example? Thanks!
  12. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    It works! Thanks a lot!
  13. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    I need jQuery into my project.
  14. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    Sorry! Something's wrong between 30 and 40 line in js file.
  15. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    Hi, I've made the change you suggested me. Doesn't work. I've found this slider here: and my problem is that I do not know how to create dots with jQuery. Can you help me with this, please? Thanks!
  16. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    Hi, I have a problem with this code: for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { TweenMax.set(slides[i], { backgroundColor: colorArray[i] }); var newDot = document.createElement("div"); newDot.className = "dot"; newDot.index = i; navDots.push(newDot); jQuery(newDot).on("click", function() { slideAnim(); }); //dots.appendChild(newDot); } The dots of slider are not appearing. I've commented this: //dots.appendChild(newDot); Because I have an error. I need to use jQuery to create new dot here. When I drag the slide I have also an error: Cannot read property "x" Thanks!
  17. Catalin R.

    Slider GSAP

    Hi, I have a problem with this slider. Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot!
  18. Thanks Craig! I'll make a demo.
  19. Hi, I don't need owl-carousel anymore. I need two sliders synchronized by GSAP, if already exist a demo, codepen or something. Thanks! Respectfully, Catalin
  20. Hi, I need to fix a problem with owl-carousel. I use a plugin to have thumbs for owl-carousel (https://github.com/gijsroge/OwlCarousel2-Thumbs). For old version of owl carousel this plugin works. But, when owl-carousel plugin has updates my plugin for thumbs doesn't work anymore. So, Is already exist a demo with two sliders synchronized by GSAP? Thanks!
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