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Everything posted by zero0000

  1. It's nice to nom install and get `import { TweenLite, Elastic, CSSPlugin, TimelineLite } from "gsap";` Is there anyway to import Draggable like this?
  2. I have one LoaderMax instance that loads two DataLoad instances that are loading xml files. When the load completes it loads the xml files twice. If I remove LoaderMax instance and load them without it, they load only once. _loaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"pagesXML", onComplete:_onComplete, onError:_onError, maxConnections:1}); _homeLoader = new DataLoader(home.xml, {name:"home", onComplete:_onHomeComplete, format:"text"}); _loaderMax.append(_homeLoader); _projectLoader = new DataLoader(projects.xml, {name:"projects", onComplete:_onProjectsComplete, format:"text"}); _loaderMax.append(_projectLoader); _loaderMax.load(); Is there any reason this would happen?
  3. Can I tween the alpha of a of a TextField with a device font? It is not working very well for me. The TextField does not fade over time, it just toggles the alpha at the end of the tween. Is this a limitation?
  4. Can someone explain to me how to tween a custom property using TweenMax? For example: var _obj:Object = new Object(); _obj.someProp = 0; How do I tween _obj.someProp to 100 over ten seconds with ease?
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