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Everything posted by Choochoo

  1. psuedo: var t1:timelinemax = new timelinemax(); t1.append(something1); t1.append(something2); t1.append(something3); var t2:timeline max = new timelinemax(); t2.append(other1); t2.append(other2); t2.append(other3); t2.reverse = true; t1.append(t2); t1.play(); ////// the order should be something1 something2 something3 other3 other2 other1 anyway to do this?
  2. Whew solved it... it works just fine, I was using a BorderContainer in Flash builder 4 and when i would do this rollOver.append(TweenMax.to(border,.1,{borderWeight:7})); it would not work, so I had to give it its own custom made stroke component and then animate that. i.e. rollOver.append(TweenMax.to(thestroke,.1,{weight:7})); SOLVED thanks!
  3. I am using the new flash builder 4, and have a stroke on one of my containers, was wondering if I could animate its stroke weight somehow.
  4. I am converting an entire slideshow into TweenMax, I love it, its way easier than what was in before Problem: When loading dynamic pictures (large pictures) it lags the animation on every load. It loads the picture, attachs it to a MC, then throws it to the animation, there is say, 70 pictures, and I tell it to start on the 3rd picture, so everytime a new picture is loaded, it lags the animation slightly. Is there a better way of doing this or tricks of optimization? Thanks! function add_to_mc(mc:movieclip) { time = 14;//total duration of one picture fadetime = 2;//how long fades takes maintl.addLabel(i.toString(), maintl.duration); if (maintl.duration == 0) { maintl.append(TweenLite.to(mc, time, {onStart:checkCarousel,ease:Linear.easeNone, _x:nEndLeft, _y:nEndTop, _width:nEndWidth, _height:nEndHeight } )); } else { maintl.append(TweenMax.to(mc, 0.1, { _visible:true } ), -fadetime); maintl.append(TweenLite.to(mc, time, {onStart:checkCarousel,ease:Linear.easeNone,_x:nEndLeft, _y:nEndTop, _width:nEndWidth, _height:nEndHeight } ), -fadetime); } maintl.append(TweenMax.to(mc, fadetime, {ease:Linear.easeNone,autoAlpha:0 } ),-fadetime); } } edit: I was maybe thinking of creating the entire Timeline with fake movieclips with predermined sizes, then just inserting the pictures into them, so nothing new is created while playing the timeline
  5. I figured it out, it was user error, thanks!
  6. try taking off the () on RemoveLeft see what happens
  7. is this the same for as2? because I have identical code to that, and it doesn't hit the onComplete function unless I have the () on it.
  8. try putting append instead of insert if that doesn't work, add the onComplete function to the TweenMax.to instead of the timeline, see what you get.
  9. Anybody know of fast code that will remove all tweens in a label example: Timeline.addLabel("first",0); Timeline.append(some_tween); Timeline.addLabel("second",Timeline.TotalDuration); Timeline.append(some_tween2); Best way to remove the some_tween2, as well as the "second" label name, so it just goes back to Timeline.addLabel("first",0); Timeline.append(some_tween); in the timeline
  10. I do my_timeline.tweenTo("label_name",{onComplete:TweenTo_finished}); though when label_name is hit, it has a callback function. it does the callback function, but never gets to TweenTo_finished function.
  11. So I figured out what was going on in my flash file. for my main timeline it was timeline.addCallback(shrinkMe,"images"); timeline.tweenTo(0,{onComplete:the_function}); if tweening back, and hitting a callback, it won't go to "the_function" it'll just do the callback, is there a way around this?
  12. I recreated a small sample file and it worked perfectly, for some reason its just not working for me, its not a greensock issue Thanks.
  13. code: main_timeline.tweenTo(main_timeline.getLabelTime(main_timeline.currentLabel),{onComplete:menu_addon,onCompleteParams:[category,option]}); I am basically Going forward 111111111>22222222222> back tracking 111111111> clearing... recreating, and going forward again 111111111111>333333333> onComplete randomly gets triggered after it reverses the 222222222222> any work arounds? or ideas?
  14. Yeah i am sorta having a problem with the same thing... not sure if I have it setup correctly tl.insert(TweenMax.to(myText,.4,{glowFilter:{color:0x0000FF, alpha:1,strength:9, blurX:100, blurY:50}}),0); tl.insert(TweenMax.to(myText,.12,{glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1,strength:2, blurX:1.5, blurY:1.5,overwrite:false}}),0); the second one kills the first one
  15. like a onStart? var b:button = ---------; var capturedX:Int; TweenLite.to(b,2,{onStart:captureX}); function captureX():void { capturedX = b.x; } if thats wrong, then I'm lost on the question
  16. var invisible_menu : Number = 0 var visible_menu : Number = 0 //Rollover btn1 menu_mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,showMenu); menu_mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,hideMenu); var myTween:TweenLite; function showMenu(event:MouseEvent) :void { myTween = TweenLite.allTo([menu_mc2,menu_mc3,menu_mc4,menu_mc5,menu_mc6,menu_mc7,menu_mc8,menu_mc9], .2, {y:"+29",ease:Linear.easeIn}); } function hideMenu(event:MouseEvent):void { myTween.duration *= 2 myTween.reverse(); } not tested, but its something like that.
  17. You're right, when remaking it, I found code that set my "timeline.reverse = true, timeline.totalProgress = 100" thats whats doing it. How about this, attached is a demo of what I'm doing, whats a better way of doing this effect without having to do totalProgress= 0, timeline.reversed = true?
  18. code goes like this. var main_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); var one_tl:TimelineMax = createTween(); //reversed timeline function one_tl.append(createTween2()); //normal timeline function function createTween():TimelineMax { var temp:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //temp inserts of timelines; temp.reversed = true; return temp; } function createTween2():TimelineMax { var temp:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //temp inserts of timelines; return temp; } main_tl.append(one_tl); //// or main_tl.insert(one_tl,0); doesn't matter main_tl.play(); //////////////////end code////////////////////////// now what happens is, if i do one_tl.play(); it works fine, if I append it to main_tl it starts it at the end instantly, pretty much like a one_tl.gotoAndStop(one_tl.duration) code would do. BUT, if I say main_tl.restart(); it works just fine. for some reason main_tl is going to the end and I have to restart it everytime, I just want to have it play at 0. the reason for this, is cuz i'm going to keep adding to main_tl and I do not want to keep having to rewind in a timeline just to play where it last appended. Thanks! edit:fixed function return values
  19. also thetimeline.gotoAndStop(thetimeline.getLabelBefore(thetimeline.currentTime));
  20. sorry, didn't look at all the timeline features solve is: thetimeline.gotoAndStop(thetimeline.currentLabel);
  21. psuedo: create item create label("0"); create tween for item; add to timeline create item create label("1"); create tween for item; add to timeline; timeline.play(); if(timeline.totalProgress is past Label("0") but not past Label("1")) thetimeline.gotoAndStop("0"); end psuedo I have everything setup except how to tell it to goback and stop on its previously passed label
  22. check my edit, let me know the results
  23. fb_mc.onRollOver=function(){ myTween.play(); } fb_mc.onRollOver=function(){ myTween.reverse(); } they are both on rollover, change the reverse to on RollOut, and just stop the tween after its made, make sure you've imported the plugins and ran the plugin enabler; var myTween:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(fb_mc, 1, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:0xff0000, amount:1}}); myTween.stop(); fb_mc.onRollOver=function(){ myTween.play(); } fb_mc.onRollOut=function(){ myTween.reverse(); }
  24. Hey thanks, I figured it out. Need to make sure the material is a MovieMaterial, created from a movieclip....example: private function maskPlane(w:Number,h:Number,thex:Number,they:Number):Plane { var mm:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(createFill(w,h),false,true); var p:Plane = new Plane(mm,w,h); p.position = this.position; p.z -=5; p.x = thex; p.y = they; p.useOwnContainer = true; return p; } private function createFill(w:Number,h:Number):MovieClip { var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); holder.graphics.beginFill(0x58595B); holder.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); holder.graphics.endFill(); return holder; } make sure .usecontainer = true as well (as shown above); and also what ukla said, moviematerial needs to be (true) for animated... then to animate, you animate the movie of the plane's material. TweenMax.allTo([MovieMaterial(top.material).movie,MovieMaterial(left.material).movie,MovieMaterial(right.material).movie,MovieMaterial(bottom.material).movie],.3,{tint:0xC1DCF7}),0); might be ugly code, BUT IT WORKS, WOOHOO
  25. Thanks for the reply, you give awesome support here by the way. I tried your code and it went through, but it still didn't change the tint, I tried using the tint in the way you said, the colortransform in the way you said, and added both plugins. I am sure it works on a plane with a color material background,but I have a bitmapmaterial that I applied to my plane, and it doesn't want to budge at all. Regular X,Y,Z and rotation tweening works perfectly though.
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