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_Greg _

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Everything posted by _Greg _

  1. Hi! On my old demo i try 3.3.2 version of ScrollTrigger. ScrollTrigger with id 'Change between slides" stop working, what changed on this version? ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: '.pinwrapper', start: `center center`, end: "center center", markers: true, id: "Change between slides", animation: tl_inout, toggleActions: "restart complete reverse complete" }) Thank you!
  2. Thank you! Yes, its not a problem with ScrollTrigger, its problem with my code So maybe you can delete this post?
  3. Thank you! I find with ScrollTrigger.getAll() one element from list of triggers, witch get that error. I will try to fix it. I try disable ScrollTrigger.refresh(); but trigger did't work with my code well (wrong place triggers on the page)
  4. Hi! After 1-30 times of page reload (without update cache) i have Error On my app.js:13 code: window.addEventListener('load', function(){ gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); }) I try to create codepen demo, but on codepen i did't see any errors on console How can i catch or debug this type of error?
  5. Hi! Please read official documentation about Events https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger On Demos part of Documantion page you can find official demo with Callbacks https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/qBdeVJY
  6. I update Codepen demo (add one more pin element on page) all working good, on my video is not working
  7. I test it on my local project GSAP v 3.3.1 and ScrollTrigger v 3.3.1 and have some more issue with onRefresh and how ScrollTrigger count trigger height, how can i sent private link on youtube video?
  8. Yes. Thank you! Everything works great! ❤️ GSAP is always on top Can copy that version to my local project before release? ScrollTriger with GSAP is the best!
  9. Hi! Did you check official demo of GreenSock? https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KKpLdWW?editors=0010 Does it have same lags? On your demo i have lags with scrolling on my PC (Chrome 84.0.4147.30, Win10) but on official demo all working well
  10. Hi. ScrollTrigger is great! I want to stop play again animation after i leave and back to browser tab. As you can see on my example if you scroll down page to position when tl_inout played (green box will be on screen) and switch browser tab and then back (or just resize browser) - animation will start play from beginning. I wan't that animation will be in same place (if before trigger it must be on progress(0), if after trigger - progress(1)) I think i do somthing wrong. i try add this but its not working: onRefresh: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => { if(direction === 1){ tl_inout.progress(1) }else if(direction === -1){ tl_inout.progress(0) } } And sorry for my english And sometimes you get result like on screen:
  11. Ohhh.. yes, you're right, I did not pay attention Thank you, Jack.
  12. Hi! Can someone help me, i can't find error. I want to create simple animation with hide/show some div's using jQuery and GSAP Everything work well but in console i have error: Uncaught Cannot tween a null target. $(document).ready(function ($) { if($('#teamBio').length){ var bioText = $('.bioText'), teamBtns = $('.btns'), longBio = bioText.find('.longBio'), certBio = bioText.find('.certBio'), shortBio = bioText.find('.shortBio'); teamBtns.each(function(i){ var tl_blocks = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); tl_blocks .fromTo(teamBtns[i], 0.3, {width:"40%", autoAlpha:1}, { width: "0%", autoAlpha:0}) .fromTo(bioText[i], 0.3, {width:"60%"}, { width:'100%'}, "-=0.3") .to(shortBio[i], 0.3, {autoAlpha:0, display:"none"}) .to([longBio[i], certBio[i]], 0.3, {display:"block", autoAlpha:1}); $(this).click(function(){ tl_blocks.play(); return false; }) }); } });
  13. Try on old phone (512 RAM, 800MHz processor, Android 2.3.3) with Opera Mini - working good (sandwich icon not on center of a circle, but its Opera Mini)
  14. Thank you Carl, I find answer in this forum! What i get with your help http://test.rezniklawyers.com/whoweare.html (carousel, with mouse move and press) I use your answer on other topic (http://greensock.com/forums/topic/7907-reversing-timeline-animation-and-repeating-it-infinitely/?p=30278): var tween = new TimelineMax({ onComplete: complete, onCompleteParams: ['{self}'], onReverseComplete: reversethis, onReverseCompleteParams: ['{self}'] }); Then control by: tween.progress(some_variable_witch_calculate) But have some trouble with CPU usage when carousel moving , and now working with mobile adaptive to 'pan'/'swipe' events
  15. I update Codepen and try clarified the issue: 1. we move from left to right from 0 to left: '-=' distance 2. Then we want to reverse (press .btn-right) and animation must move from $this (were is box now) to 0, then change direction to left: '+=' distance, then all tween.play() commands working with this ('+=') direction 3. now all move from 0 to left : '+=' distance 4. When we press btn-left distance again change to '-=' Thanks for your answer!
  16. Thanks, it very helpful, but i understand, that with TweenLite/TweenMax i can't use play(), pause(), reverse() commands? How can i control playback? I find on Docs: Special Properties and Callbacks: onUpdate and onUpdateParams Can i use this callback functions to Update value1 value1 = direction + '=' + distance; I update Codepen and try clarified the issue: 1. we move from left to right from 0 to left: '-=' distance 2. Then we want to reverse (press .btn-right) and animation must move from $this (were is box now) to 0, then change direction to left: '+=' distance, then all tween.play() commands working with this ('+=') direction 3. now all move from 0 to left : '+=' distance 4. When we press btn-left distance again change to '-=' Thanks for your answer!
  17. HI, i don't understand how can i dynamic update values on tween: Example in attach. Code: $(function () { var tween = new TimelineMax({paused: true}), box = $('.box'), leftBtn = $('.btn-left'), rightBtn = $('.btn-right'), direction = '-', distance = 500, value1= direction + '=' + distance; function directionMove(playk) { if (playk == 'playk') { direction = '-'; value1 = direction + '=' + distance; // how to update value tween.play(); } else if (playk == 'reversk') { direction = '+'; value1 = direction + '=' + distance; //how to update value tween.play(); } } tween .to(box, 15, {css: {x: value1}, ease: Linear.easeNone}); // no need move by default leftBtn.on({ click: function () { directionMove('playk'); } }); rightBtn.on({ click: function () { directionMove('reversk'); } }) }); I want update value1 dynamic (on this example: onClick). I can find solution, can you help me, Thanks!
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