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About amanfromsolan

  • Birthday 04/11/1998

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  1. I have been working on a menu that unveils itself by stretching out the menu button to the nav height and width. It has been working flawlessly over my laptop but lags on my phone. Is there a way to make this smoother? Or am I animating too many elements at a click? I have attached a CodePen Demo.
  2. Many thanks for helping again, Blake. I was already wondering on the difference between onclick and addEventListener method. I'll make my switch now.
  3. I'm trying to create a Open/close toggle for the navigation using the TweenMax's play() and reverse() functions and also a bit of jQuery. The navigation closes fine but has trouble opening up again. I have attached a codepen demo for something you can tweak around with.
  4. I was trying to create a stagger animation and then triggering it on click. I'm finding this unusual error that says, "Uncaught Error: staggerAnimation.play() is not a function." I have attached the CodePen for better reference.
  5. Thanks, Joe. I see now where I was going wrong. Will be sure to use array index when getting elements by tag name.
  6. Hello there! I'm just starting out on JavaScript, and I found out GSAP animations are 20X faster than jQuery's (thanks to this article over here: https://css-tricks.com/myth-busting-css-animations-vs-javascript/), so I'm keen on learning it. I have a navigation bar that should close as soon as I press the close button. But it closes as soon as the page loads (not on the click). I'd appreciate your help.
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