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Everything posted by violacase

  1. Funny thing is that the first notification is: 'style sheet could not be loaded'. That is correct: No style sheet has been asked for being loaded. I'm working with Nuxt with scoped css.
  2. Firefox version 87.0b9 (64-bit) for all kind of CSS errors (?) coming from Gsap notifies: 'declaration dropped'. These messages sometimes heavily cascades. Is this really an issue? If not: how to suppress these notifications? Otherwise what do do? Neglect?
  3. Agreed. And know that gsap helps you a LOT with creating animation stuff that you want. It solves for you many otherwise rather difficult to write js code. Gsap is great.
  4. That's very easy: learn (a bit of) javascript. (https:/wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript) Gsap is javascript. To work with all of its features you really must have some understanding of the language and how to implement this in your work. Good luck!
  5. Thanks all for your responses! Jack, your elaborate prose is very informative and to the point. Many thanks. BTW: @Ivo Dolenc (https://github.com/ivodolenc/nuxt-gsap-module) approach gets 5 stars from me. I would like to work on this for the club member plugins, but it goes beyond my head. I'm a Nuxt user, not a system analyst. If I gave the impression of being dissatisfied, I want to rectify his here. I love Gsap and its community.
  6. Thanks for sharing, @Ivo Dolenc. Your solution is very, very fine. What we really need of course is an integration with the club plugins. On https://github.com/ivodolenc/nuxt-gsap-module/issues/4 you mentioned that you are currently busy with other projects. Please consider making some time to continue this nice peace of work. The Nuxt/Gsap family will be very grateful!
  7. Thanks @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I've read that too. The problem with this is the 'try-and-maybe-this-works' solution. I don't like that at all. I want a professional well described approach.
  8. How the *** can I get this editor format my pasted text as how it is on the website?
  9. Hey @ZachSaucier, You responded mainly to my btw, not to my suggestion to create a dedicated sub forum. There may be many environments, but that should not be a reason not to consider my suggestion. Firstly, you have the absolute top, namely: React, Vue, Nuxt, Angular, Svelte. After that a few others exist indeed. You could put them under "Other" You are mainly explaining the general procedure. I already read this. Do I have to post problems that still encounter in this global forum? Then it becomes further polluted with non-specific GSAP problems.
  10. I'm struggling getting the membership plugins nicely run in a Nuxt environment. Searching the global forum for as it is now really is a mess. Why not create sub forum pages for these environments? Surely other people do and shall encounter problems in their env's. And by the way: A definitely good step-to-step installation guide for these particular environments (at least for Nuxt in my case) lack over here.
  11. Hi @pointc Yes, I saw that I already was a member in 2014... My focus last years was on teaching, playing the violin, renovating a ruin in France and back end development. It feels good to be back. I noticed you still are very active over here. Nice to see you again!
  12. Many thanks Shrug Making this pic!
  13. On the member profile settings I don't see any options for setting an avatar. What I DO see is a 'cover photo' option. That doesn't work. I'm getting stuck.
  14. Is someone working on intellisense for gsap at the moment? I can't find it in the vscode marketplace.
  15. Follow up: Accidentally I hit a very nice website that can help all of us to port jQuery to vanilla js: http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/
  16. Have a look at this conversation: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/15542-thanks-for-a-smart-aspect-ratio-code/ Could set you on the right track.
  17. Guten Tag mikel, Grüsse aus nachbarn Land Niederlande. OsuBlake is a giant. I was so free to examen the functionality and code of the shoemakers website. Very nice!
  18. Hi jbjanot, Thanks for your reply. I could but it's a long time ago I worked with jQuery. Unfortunately I also can't find some time to work on this Well, maybe later. Keep up the good work!
  19. @jbjanot Hi, I love your extra.slider project: clean, little overhead and functional. There's ONE thing I don't like at all: it depends on jQuery. Since I'm developing in Vue.js I don't need/want to invoke jQuery. Any chance you can find the time to build a vanilla js ES2015/16 version? This version would give Angular, Vue, React, etc. developers a clean basis to scaffold. If you can I could contribute by creating a Vue.js components system based on your lib. NOTA: jQuery is mostly used (also by you) to do queries in the DOM. Notice today we have https://developer.mozilla.org/nl/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelector
  20. Thanks Carl, Anyone knows IF and if so WHEN the main browser builders (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera) are planning to implement SVG->GPU hardware animation?
  21. This is a very interesting issue I think. I can't contribute because my knowledge is rather short in this matter. I hope the experts here will contribute on this subject.
  22. violacase

    UI Concept Mimic #01

    Nice end result Nickzilla. Waiting for probe #2!
  23. violacase

    SVG Gotchas!

    As Jonathan said: Hey PointC, Great demo of animating the viewbox attribute with GSAP. I am very interested in the contents of the books shown in the bonus bookshelf!
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