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Everything posted by TobiKopp

  1. Thanks so much, again. I'm really not a programmer, as I wrote, so I didn't realize different plugins will break if used together. Thanks for pointing that out, especially because I realize this is a forum for programmers. I will have a look into everything you wrote and come up with a decision of how to proceed
  2. Thanks mvaneijgen and sorry for the late answer. It's my own website, so I will work on it only if I have the time, unfortunately. Anyways, yes trying the whole thing in a sandbox makes sense. However, because I'm merely trying to copy the backend of the project in the Youtube video, the sandbox version already exists: https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/PoxojaO?editors=0110 My problem is really implementing it to my site, which for some reason doesn't work. I would really the so thankful if you guys could have a look at it! Thanks in advance
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to implement a horizontally scrolling gallery on my website in Webflow. I want it to be sticky until the gallery reaches the end, and then the page to resume regular scrolling. There are a number of youtube tutorials that I tried, but none worked. I have to admit, although I have a tiny little bit of experience in simple coding, I am by no means a pro. In fact, quite the opposite. After having tried to make this work for the last 5 hours, I think I can justify asking you guys Youtube-Turorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LWinkSulwU The website I'm trying to build: https://tobias-kopp-fotografie.webflow.io/home-new-copy-scrolltrigger2 Would be so awesome if you could help. I bet it's some stupid minor detail that makes it not work at all. I tried to find that error so hard, whithout success ... Cheers, Tobi
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