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Andrea Contesini

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Everything posted by Andrea Contesini

  1. Hello @Cassie thanks for the update. For me is not working, maybe I have to wait the next update, but reading the ticket the problem seems to be related to M3 Apple devices. I hope they will fix asap. Thanks, have a nice day.
  2. Hello @Cassie Any news from Google Support? I've tried to undestrand the ticket you opened but for me is very difficult. Which is the problem? Can Google support find a fast solution? Thanks so much.
  3. Hello Cassie, thanks so much for the support. I hope Chrome team will check the issue and find a solution for us. Have a nice day, i'll follow the ticket you opened. Bye
  4. Hello, yes you are right sorry. Here's the basic demo https://codepen.io/andreacontesini/pen/qBvvMQK?editors=1010 Please use the lateral tabs view to see the correct view of sections. If you check the code on Safari it works good but here on Chrome is flickering. Thanks so much.
  5. Hello, after Chrome last update, my code doesn't work anymore. Video is flickering on scroll. I activated controls on video to check the correct animation of GSAP and all seems to be good but video doesn't follow scroll correctly and needs seconds to align with the scroll position. Video is encoded correctly and since 5/6 day ago, it worked correctly an all devices and browsers. On Safari, for example, it works correctly. It seems that the problem is related to Chrome on Mac. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks so much. Here's the code to play video on scrub. //GESTISCO IL PLAY/PAUSE DEL VIDEO SECONDO LO SCROLL let video = document.querySelector('#thevideo'); let sections = document.querySelectorAll('.gsap--section'); /* Make sure the video is 'activated' on iOS */ function once(el, event, fn, opts) { var onceFn = function (e) { el.removeEventListener(event, onceFn); fn.apply(this, arguments); }; el.addEventListener(event, onceFn, opts); return onceFn; } video.play(); // must call .play() first, otherwise it won't trigger things to be scrubbable (weird) video.pause(); var containerH = $(".gsap--outer").outerHeight(); //TIMELINE const videoTl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { scroller: '.inner-site', pinType: 'fixed', anticipatePin: 1, trigger: ".gsap-pincontainer", start: "top top", end: "+=" + (100 * sections.length) + "%", pin: true, scrub: 2, // markers: true, } }); videoTl.to( video, { currentTime: 14, }); videoTl.to(".gsap--outer", { y: -(containerH - innerHeight), //100% - altezza del col-span }, "<"); }
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