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  1. There is an issue on scroll on these elements. We have changed the code with a lot of conditions to make it work. We have accepted the fact that it cant work with both scroll and hold event.
  2. We have thought a workaround but we don't know if it's optimal. $('a').on('touchstart', function(){ ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(false); setTimeout(function(){ ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); },400); }); We would appreciate a feedback on it.
  3. Dear Support, We are developing a website that has Scroll Smoother applied on the whole page with multiple scrolltriggers applied. We use normalizescroll(true) globally on all pages so that it follows scroll correctly (Android and IOS). But this options breaks the <a href> elements on touch hold event. Specifically on mobile devices when you hold a <a> element it fires the click event. When we disable normalizescroll it doesnt fire the click event when you hold a <a> element. We created a small codepen to recreate the issue. Please visit it from mobile devide(preferably Android with Chrome). We have fully updated softwares.
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