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Everything posted by geener

  1. Unfortunately, the solution did not work Maybe you can understand what causes this behavior like in the video? In the video when the screen blinked twice, it was me reloading the page twice https://streamable.com/u63in7
  2. but I provided link to codesandbox codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/sharp-fast-j625lw
  3. I have a problem with three js and gsap animation, its logic is that as I scroll, the faces of the cube are attached to the cube itself. when you attach a face to the cube, the face becomes for a while with 100% transparency. The problem is that let's say in production when I update the page in the section below the section with the animation I described above, all of the faces of my cube become opaque as if they are simultaneously joined to the cube, what can this be about and how can it be fixed? now will send my code in the next message animation: useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (!width) return; if (width >= 1200) { const changeOpacity = (props: ChangeOpacity) => { const { variant = "increase", selector, start = "+=75", end = `+=${window.innerHeight}`, } = props; if (variant === "increase") { return gsap.to( {}, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: contextRef.current, scrub: 0.1, start, end, onUpdate: (self) => { const progress = self.progress; gsap.to(selector, { opacity: progress * 2, duration: 0, }); }, }, } ); } return gsap.to( {}, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: contextRef.current, scrub: 0.1, start, end, onUpdate: () => { gsap.to(selector, { opacity: 0, duration: 0, }); }, }, } ); }; const ctx = gsap.context(() => { changeOpacity({ selector: ".first-panel", start: `+=75`, }); changeOpacity({ variant: "decrease", selector: ".first-panel", start: `+=${75 + window.innerHeight + 75}`, }); changeOpacity({ selector: ".second-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight}`, }); changeOpacity({ variant: "decrease", selector: ".second-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 2}`, }); changeOpacity({ selector: ".third-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 2 + 75}`, }); changeOpacity({ variant: "decrease", selector: ".third-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 3}`, }); changeOpacity({ selector: ".fourth-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 3 + 75}`, }); changeOpacity({ variant: "decrease", selector: ".fourth-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 4}`, }); changeOpacity({ selector: ".fifth-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 4 + 75}`, }); changeOpacity({ variant: "decrease", selector: ".fifth-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 5}`, }); changeOpacity({ selector: ".sixth-panel", start: `+=${window.innerHeight * 5 + 75}`, }); }, contextRef); return () => ctx.revert(); } }, [width, contextRef]); codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/sharp-fast-j625lw problem: must be like this :
  4. Thank you very much, your solution helped
  5. Sorry, I already updated this code https://codesandbox.io/s/optimistic-poitras-cym566?file=/src/cube.tsx
  6. Unfortunately, moving all the code to gsap.context didn't help. My animation is still limited to attaching only one face and stops there
  7. I want to implement an animation that would collect parts of the cube on a scroll. The farther you scroll, the more faces of the cube joined. I encountered a problem that the animation works only if markers: true. I read a thread on a similar case, it said that the parent has flex or that the height is not 100vh, but none of that worked for me. In the case where markers: false, the animation works until the first edge, and then the scroll works as normal, not as scrub. What are some other options to solve the problem? The link with the current problem: https://codesandbox.io/s/optimistic-poitras-cym566?file=/src/cube.tsx
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