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Everything posted by Dcoo

  1. Thanks for the reply, and yes ,sorry my question is confusing! what I'm wondering is is there something like manager.deleteSelection(); for cropMode true? ​or would it be something like crop.Selection = cropped "true"; or Crop.Selection.cropMode = true;
  2. I would like to use a button to turn on and off Crop, is there an equivalent to "manager.deleteSelection(); " for cropMode true? I'm adding my imageLoader to new Crop shown below: but I want to use a button "on click" to change the "cropped true" of whatever object is slected and then agin to false with a finished button. but my var crop:Crop = new Crop(imageLoader,manager); is not accessible out side the function imageLoaded so I get an error that flash docent know what Crop is? any ideas would be most welcome function imageLoaded ( event:Event ):void{ log2 ( "Image loaded asynchronously." ); imageLoader.width = 640; imageLoader.height = 480; imageLoader.y = 109.35; imageLoader.x = 660; imageLoader.rotation = 90; this.addChild ( imageLoader ); var crop:Crop = new Crop(imageLoader,manager); }
  3. maybe I'm doing something wrong because I add my text to the TransformManager but it only transformes the text box not the text inside
  4. I have added dynamic text to my TransformManager, is it possible to change the size of dynamically added text ?
  5. Is it possible to call the crop with a button instead of double clicking?
  6. Yes thank you, I'm wondering why my transformManager was working with out that code? import com.greensock.transform.*;
  7. dang, I get this eror message when I test that code Scene 1, Layer 'cam', Frame 2, Line 197 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Crop. Scene 1, Layer 'cam', Frame 2, Line 197 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Crop. Note: I added import com.greensock.transform.*; and don't get the eror
  8. Ok but it still looks like I would need to know the name of the object, but in my code its being loaded from a camera so I don't know what the name will be? right now all the pictures loaded manager as loader and it works fine how could I add a crop into this scenario? function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void { loader.width = 640; loader.height = 480; loader.y = 109.35; loader.x = 160; /*loader.rotation = 90;*/ this.addChild( loader ); manager.addItem(loader); }
  9. I'm not sure where to add it? Before I add it to the manager? var imageLoaderCrop:Crop = new Crop(loader); manager.addItem(loader);
  10. So you cant us it for dynamic content? you would need to know the name of the object your adding ?
  11. Sorry I just pasted the wrong code in there! I'm looking a crop instance for dynamically added images, I'm adding images as there taken, to my manager function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void { loader.width = 640; loader.height = 480; loader.y = 109.35; loader.x = 160; /*loader.rotation = 90;*/ this.addChild( loader ); manager.addItem(loader); } and here is my manager var myTargets:Array = []; var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets,constrainScale:false,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:false,handleSize:35}); in the example it shows each crop made one at a time can I some how set up a crop with "myTargets" var mc1Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc1, manager); var mc2Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc2, manager); var mc3Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc3, manager);
  12. I cant get crop to work, is it possible to use it with dynamically added images? var myTargets:Array = []; var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets,constrainScale:false,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:false,handleSize:35});
  13. so using deleteSelection() method. if I want to call yourTransformManager.deleteSelection(); should be written like this? manager.deleteSelection();
  14. No problem, sound fair, one question for you then, in this code is my TransformManager named "manager" ? or does it get a name programmatically? var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[deco127],constrainScale:true,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:true,handleSize:29});
  15. Sorry, what if I have more that one TransformManager, but they have the same name? yourTransformManager.deleteSelection();
  16. Just changed textField.embedFonts = true; and now it works! yourtxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, textFrom); function textFrom(event:MouseEvent):void { var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); textFormat.size = 35; textFormat.font = "Cubano"; textFormat.color = 0xEFB20C; /*"Cubano","35","0xEFB20C","focusRectPadding",0;*/ var textField:TextField = new TextField(); textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat; textField.text = 'Your text here'; textField.x = 258.75; textField.y = 100; textField.width = 300; textField.height = 80; textField.embedFonts = true; textField.multiline = true; textField.wordWrap = true; textField.type = "input"; textField.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, fixFocusRect); function fixFocusRect(event:Event):void { event.target.drawFocus(false); } addChild(textField); var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[textField],hasSelectableText:true,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:true,handleSize:28}); }
  17. Hi Jack, is there an example of how to use deleteSelection() method ?
  18. is there sorting I could do to stop my dynamic text field from disappearing on rotate ? yourtxt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, textFrom); function textFrom(event:MouseEvent):void { var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Cubano","35","0xEFB20C","focusRectPadding",0); var textField:TextField = new TextField(); textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat; textField.text = 'Your text here'; textField.x = 258.75; textField.y = 100; textField.width = 300; textField.height = 80; textField.multiline = true; textField.wordWrap = true; textField.type = "input"; textField.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, fixFocusRect); function fixFocusRect(event:Event):void { event.target.drawFocus(false); } addChild(textField); var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[textField],hasSelectableText:true,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:true,handleSize:22}); }
  19. I am trying to delete on drag and drop or intersect with checkHitAreare it dorset seem to work with TransformManager. in my app i would like the user to be able to drag an item to a trashcan, the items are all objects that are in a TransformManager. is it possible to call same delete function that is used when desktop users hit the delete key? stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkHitAreare); function checkHitAreare(evt:Event) { var currentMC:MovieClip; var removeMCs:Array = []; for(var i=0; i < stage.numChildren; i++){ currentMC = MovieClip(stage.getChildAt(i)); if (currentMC != this.recp_mc && this.recp_mc.hitTestObject(currentMC)) { removeMCs.push(currentMC); } } for(var j:int = 0 ; j < removeMCs.length;j++) { stage.removeChild(removeMCs[j]); } }
  20. Wow, Carl..that's amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH! you fine folks at greensock go way, way above and beyond! cheers! Dcoo
  21. Ok thanks Carl, if you could have a look that would be real nice of you!
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