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Everything posted by MaxFyxed

  1. Hi guys, I'm building a website on vite, and practising my js and three skills. I'm having a strange situation, where the ScrollTrigger and the ScrollTo() stop working on mobile, as you can see here: https://tempdomain.me/ For the same reasons, the buttons "portfolio" and "consultar" stopped working on mobile. Any clue? Thanks a lot!
  2. Oh, thats perfect, "type" was the feature I was looking. Thanks you so much, is working now!
  3. Hi boys, I'm using Gsap for almost a year and I love it. i finished a new website, with my first draggable slider. The problem with the slider (is a fullscreen one), is that I can't scroll down in mobile. You can try to scroll simulating a phone with the "Togle device toolbar" from Chrome dev tools. Of course is possible with the mouse, but not dragging. Any idea? Thanks a lot!! https://dominiotemporal.com.ar/perifa/ My slider config (taken from an answer in this forum) var slideDelay = 6; var slideDuration = .3; var slides = document.querySelectorAll(".slide"); var prevButton = document.querySelector("#home-slider-next"); var nextButton = document.querySelector("#home-slider-prev"); let slideButtonContainer = document.querySelector(".home-slider-nav"); var numSlides = slides.length; for (var i = 0; i < numSlides; i++) { gsap.set(slides[i], { xPercent: i * 100 }); } var timer = gsap.delayedCall(slideDelay, autoPlay); var animation = gsap.to(slides, { duration: 1, xPercent: "+=" + (numSlides * 100), ease: "none", paused: true, repeat: -1, modifiers: { xPercent: gsap.utils.wrap(-100, (numSlides - 1) * 100) } }); var proxy = document.createElement("div"); gsap.set(proxy, { x: 0 }); var slideAnimation = gsap.to({}, {duration: 0.1}); var slideWidth = 0; var wrapWidth = 0; resize(); var draggable = new Draggable(proxy, { trigger: ".slides-container", throwProps: true, onPress: updateDraggable, onDrag: updateProgress, onThrowUpdate: updateProgress, snap: { x: gsap.utils.snap(slideWidth) } }); window.addEventListener("resize", resize); prevButton.addEventListener("click", function() { animateSlides(1); }); nextButton.addEventListener("click", function() { animateSlides(-1); }); function updateDraggable() { timer.restart(true); slideAnimation.kill(); this.update(); } function animateSlides(direction) { timer.restart(true); slideAnimation.kill(); var x = snapX(gsap.getProperty(proxy, "x") + direction * slideWidth); slideAnimation = gsap.to(proxy, { duration: slideDuration, x: x, onUpdate: updateProgress }); } function autoPlay() { if (draggable.isPressed || draggable.isDragging || draggable.isThrowing) { timer.restart(true); } else { animateSlides(-1); } } function updateProgress() { animation.progress(gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1, gsap.getProperty(proxy, "x") / wrapWidth)); } function resize() { var norm = (gsap.getProperty(proxy, "x") / wrapWidth) || 0; slideWidth = slides[0].offsetWidth; wrapWidth = slideWidth * numSlides; gsap.set(proxy, { x: norm * wrapWidth }); animateSlides(0); slideAnimation.progress(1); } function snapX(x) { return Math.round(x / slideWidth) * slideWidth; }
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