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Everything posted by LutzDev

  1. Hi everyone, I am trying to detect if a pinned sidebar (box element in the codepen-example) is next to (between) a specific element (section element in the codepen-example) when scrolling. For this, the top corner of the blue box should act as "scroller-end" and the its bottom-corner as "scroller-start". At the moment the "scroller-start" and "scroller-end" is related to the viewport. Changing the "scroller" does not give the result I expected. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. This question was solved on stackoverflow (here). The solution was not related to GSAP.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to GSAP, and I'm running into a problem that I'm not sure is related to Vue or GSAP. I have created a simplified example on StackBlitz to demonstrate the problem: example. Master timeline -> stores/AnimationStore.ts Usage & Child timeline -> app.vue Here is the problem I'm facing: I'm trying to share a GSAP timeline called master via Pinia in my Nuxt 3 project. Components in the project can create their own child timelines and add them to the master timeline. In the example, the child timeline is correctly added to the master timeline, but when I play the master timeline, it just starts (console.log('Master started')), but doesn't update or finish. Also, the child timeline doesn't run. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance for your help!
  4. Hi everyone, I like the aspects of GSAP timelines. In my Nuxt 3 application, I've been utilizing a master timeline shared via Pinia. Each component utilizes a context that is defined within the "onMountend" Lifecycle Hook and reverts during the "onUnmounted" phase. If a component is mounted, I add its animations to the master timeline. If the component gets unmounted, I remove the component's animation from the master timeline. Does the revert() function automatically remove the component's animations from the master timeline, or do I have to remove the animation myself?
  5. Thanks for response. I had initially thought that ScrollSmoother might not be compatible with my layout.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm quite new to GSAP and would like to use the library for a project. I'm seeking some assistance regarding an issue I'm facing with the ScrollSmoother Plugin. Enabling the plugin is messing up the layout of my page. I have tried troubleshooting it myself, but unfortunately I haven't found a solution yet. The provided CodePen demonstrates the issue with a simplified example (SmoothsSroll is commented out in the example). I would be grateful if someone could give some guidance on how to solve this issue.
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