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Joe Hakooz

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Everything posted by Joe Hakooz

  1. Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way to move a draggable by clicking another element? I've created a horizontal slider similar to the jQuery Mobile Slider. There are several "snaps" along the way. I would like to move the draggable to one of these "snaps" by clicking a button. The problem with simply tweening the draggable... When dragging, the draggable stays within the bounds (specifically when dragged all the way to the right). I suspect it is auto calculating a negative margin. However when I tween the draggable to the far right, it goes out of the bounds. I could implement my own negative margin calculation but was hoping there was a built in way to do this. Thanks for any help!
  2. Correct Jonathan. I see the same thing at CodePen but I'm using IE10 with Browser Mode IE8 and IE8 Standards Document Mode. Tried to install VirtualBox but it hung for an hour until I forced restart Next tried to use VirtualPC but the VPC could not connect to the Internet?!? Then screamed a bunch and watched Breaking Bad... I look forward to any more conversation about this, but one thing is for sure... IE8 is a serious pain in the arse! PS... In case anyone is curious, here is the real version I'm working on. The "Parking" tab triggers the zoom/scale. http://duke.innovah.com/dukeregional/imap.html Thanks all!
  3. Correct, I'm using IE10 developer tools to simulate IE8. This is bad news. GSAP scale does not work in IE8 Standards and you're saying IE8 standards is what the "real" IE8 uses. Would you be willing to test these links on your Win XP IE8? Pretty please??? http://codepen.io/jonathan/pen/udoKG (CodePen doesn't work at all for me in IE8 Standards) http://duke.innovah.com/dukeregional/test.html (My simple test page) Can't thank you enough for your help Jonathan! Joe
  4. Conclusion... Sort of... And thanks again for your help. Turns out the issue is document mode (See attached screenshot). The problem is when you set "Document Mode" to "IE8 Standards (page default)". If you switch that setting to "Standards" it works just fine. Even my simplified test page. So the million dollar question is... what "Document Mode" is the real IE8 typically running in?
  5. The extra div didn't help but you've proven that it can work in IE8. There are a few things you're doing differently so I'm going to play around with that and post my results here when done... Thanks for the help Jonathan!
  6. Good suggestions Jonathan, but neither did the trick. Your second example is currently on my test page. Any other ideas?
  7. Accidentally left that in when creating the test page. Thanks for catching it but unfortunately IE8 still doesn't work...
  8. Hey Guys, Ran into a problem where IE8 is not scaling an image. I've read several posts but nothing seems to work (element must be absolute, etc...) Here is a super basic example... http://duke.innovah.com/dukeregional/test.html Here's the JS: $(document).ready(function() { var bool = true; $('#campus').click(function(){ var _scale = (bool) ? .7: 1; TweenLite.to($('#campus'), 1, {scale:_scale}); bool = !bool; }); }); Works in all tested browsers except IE8. In IE8 the image pans a little but no scaling. I've also tried using scaleX and scaleY instead of scale. Note: I'm using IE10 in Browser Mode: IE8 and Document Mode: IE8 standards. When IE10 is in "compatibility" mode the issue also occurs. Any help or workaround is greatly appreciated!
  9. Conclusion... Ok, I'm a dumbass... The problem was the event I was calling in Objective C was sending the incorrect orientation. Not related in any way to GSAP.
  10. Short Rotation seems to work great. But when I went to test the previous way (that was acting wacky) I wasn't able to replicate the issue. So now I'm not sure what the heck happened. Let's chalk this up to programmer error. I'll post here if there are any other developments...
  11. This is probably an edge case so it's not a huge deal, but thought I would report this as I spent the past few hours figuring it out... My PhoneGap (Cordova) iPad app allows orientation changing in all four directions. 1 = home button bottom 2 = home button top 3 = home button right 4 = home button left For each orientation I use GSAP to rotate an element so that the top of that element always points to the home button. This worked in all variations except when rotating from 3 or 4 to 1. When rotating to orientation 1 I was using rotation:0 Changing rotation:0 to rotation:360 resolved the issue. Crazy right? Hope that helps someone...
  12. Joe Hakooz

    Mobile performance

    For what it's worth, I just replaced simple jquery animations (fadein/out, width/height) in a PhoneGap project and the results are night and day. GSAP is king. A month or so ago I used GSAP beta JS to do slightly more advanced animations and again the result was super good. IE chugs a little, but I'd try to sell a pure JS version if you can.
  13. Quick question here, sorry if this is answered somewhere else (couldn't find an answer). Simplified scenario... Let's say I have a div "#container" with an image inside it. Then I attach a tween to the image which rotates it infinitely. Then... using jQuery, I replace the contents of #container with a new image. Will the Tween that was attached to the original image (which is now gone) continue to eat memory, or is it now eligible for garbage collection? Do I first need to "Kill" all of its tweens before removing it? My real situation is much more complicated but that is the general idea. Thanks!
  14. I have no doubt there is a very good reason not to implement it in TimelineMax/Lite. Very good suggestion. Totally achieves what I need... Thanks!
  15. I know you can set a defaultEase for TweenMax, but how can I set it for a TimelineMax? I've tried... var tl = new TimelineMax({defaultEase:Power2.easeInOut}); ...and other variations but nada happens. Is it possible? Thanks
  16. Just wanted to confirm that the non minified version does not crash my CS5. Very strange...
  17. I too have this problem using CS5. It seems a lot like the 8 kb bug (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/417116) but obviously TweenMax.min.js is larger. I actually tried changing the TweenMax file size by adding garbage text and it did not fix the problem. Also, I only started getting this problem when I upgraded from TweenMax.min.js v1.43 to v1.8xx (the latest version as of yesterday). I'll try using the non minified version for development...
  18. I should have upgraded first. I was using TweenMax.min.js (1.43) Upgaded to 1.481 and it works.! One note, when I open the new file in DW CS5 it crashes Dreamweaver. I thought it was that kb bug that dreamweaver has had for years, but when I added several KB to the file it still crashes. Strangely, the old file (1.43) does not crash DW. This could very well be something on my end, but wanted to pass along the info... Thanks
  19. Hey Guys, The TimelineMax method getLabelsArray() will not work for me. Here is a super simplified version... var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.append('start'); tl.to($('#elem'), .5, {css:{top:'200px'}}); console.log('yo'); // This one shows in console var labels = tl.getLabelsArray(); console.log('yo2: ' + labels[0].name); // This does not Has anyone been able to get this to work? All I'm really trying to do is play a label by index, and this is the only way I can see to do it. Thanks for any help
  20. Nice catch Carl. I can live with that for sure. Thanks!
  21. Hello, Not sure if this is a bug or by design. I suspect the latter of course In the AS version, KillTweensOf has a second parameter that will call the onComplete function. Here is a thread about that... http://forums.greensock.com/topic/1932-can-a-killed-tween-still-trigger-oncomplete/ In the JS version, KillTweensOf does not have this parameter. I'm curious, should it be there? My work around was to use KillAll which does use the onComplete param. This worked for my situation but I could see this being a problem for others. Thanks!
  22. Fixed it! Incredible work my man! Thanks, Joe
  23. Thanks Dave1 and Carl, and of course Jack for staying on top of this! In case this helps you troubleshoot, here are my specs and extra info... Out of all the links shared above, including Carl's last two (bunnies and clock), the only one where rotation works on my Atrix is Peacock Phone Specs Model number: MB860 System version: 4.5.141.MB860.ATT.en.US Android version: 2.3.6 Baseband version: N_01.77.37P Webtop version: WT-1.2.0-110_OLY-6 Kernel version: Build number: 4.5.141
  24. Jack, or anyone else with an Android device. Can you please confirm if rotation works on this simple test page...? (Three shapes should spin 360 degrees and move down) http://kab.zoodigan.com/bigbanner/default2.html They do not rotate for me on Android. I've now tried a third Android device with the same results. I suspect it must be my deployment that is having issues??? Question I'm using TweenMax v1.33 so the CSS plugin should automatically be included, right? Regardless, I have included the plugins and easing folders. Here is my folder structure for the above page. /bigbanner/default2.html /bigbanner/js/TweenMax.min.js /bigbanner/js/plugins/* /bigbanner/js/easing/* I only include jQuery and TweenMax in my page. I'm losing my mind here so any fresh eyes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again
  25. Here is my super simple example. The three shapes should rotate 360 degrees and move down a bit... http://kab.zoodigan.com/bigbanner/default2.html If that works for you, I'll chalk it up to bad luck. Our two Android devices aren't rendering rotation at all. Everything else works fine though. Crazy right? But to answer your question. Here is how I viewed your example files which also do not rotate. I unzipped the Greensock JS zip to my server (IIS7). The example code is unchanged http://kab.zoodigan.com/greensock-v12-js/examples/falling_text.html Everything works except rotation on my Atrix (original) and Droid 2. As previously mentioned, I would totally accept that my phones are the issue, but Carl's Peacock example DOES work on my phone. Totally stumped on this one! Thanks again
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