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Sibteali Baqar

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Everything posted by Sibteali Baqar

  1. Thank you everyone for guiding me a lot and bearing my silly and newbie questions. I had not expected such response from the community but i am very glad for it. Happy Learning
  2. I have used your method which you told but its not working as well..
  3. https://codesandbox.io/s/patient-moon-ev7sk?file=/src/App.js The relevant codesandbox for the above stated problem. @OSUblake
  4. @Cassie Hey can you help me in one more issue, i am using react with Gsap and using gsap.utils.selector method as explained in this article But when i try to apply MotionPath in my code it do not works . The code is shown below Here DeepRef is like q as example of Gsap.utils.selector example in article. So what can i do then because i have checked other animations like simple scale, rotation are working but when i use MotionPath and provide path id it is not working.
  5. @Cassie thanks for replying. i have got some of your words but do know how it can be achieved. The blue ones mentioned are the ones i want to stay visible while red ones should go behind the background. Now let me know if it can be done or if possible can you refer me some resources where i can learn to do it. Thank You
  6. Thanks for the help i want to know one more thing since this ellipse if placed on my svg would look something like this ( as shown in picture ) So is there any way i can only display front part of ellipse and rest is hidden but circle can move behind the background and pop out from other side when it ends moving on one side of ellipse. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/576a99f87ecf0a9aea713b8beb894f00?editors=0010 Sorry for the copepen i have used its your I just replaced svg here.
  7. import React from "react"; import styles from "../../Sass/components/Sibteali.module.scss"; import Typewriter from "typewriter-effect"; import { ReactComponent as HeroSvg } from "../../Resources/heroNew.svg"; import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { MotionPathPlugin } from "gsap/MotionPathPlugin"; gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin); export default TextAnimation; const GsapHandler = () => { gsap.to("#circle_1",{ duration:20, motionPath:{ path:"#ellipse_1", autoRotate: true }, repeat:-1, }) }; function TextAnimation() { useEffect(() => { GsapHandler(); }, []); return ( <div className={`${styles.display} ${styles.font}`}> <div className={`${styles.text} Text`} style={{ fontWeight: "800", opacity: 0, }} > <div>Hi! I'm Syed Sibteali Baqar I'm a</div> <div style={{ color: "#fcab10" }}> <Typewriter options={{ autoStart: true, loop: true, cursor: "/", }} onInit={(typewriter) => { typewriter .pauseFor(3000) .typeString(" Computer Engineer") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(17) .typeString(" Web Developer") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(13) .typeString(" Open Source Contributor") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(23) .typeString(" Python Developer") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(16) .typeString(" Speaker") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(7) .typeString(" PC Gamer") .pauseFor(500) .deleteChars(8) .typeString(" Singer") .deleteChars(6) .start(); }} /> </div> </div> <div> <svg className={`${styles.heroImg} starSys`} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="855.6" height="578.4" viewBox="0 0 855.6 578.4"> <path id="mainGlobe" d="M763 338c-3 43-22 84-49 119l-3 4-8 9-10 11-9 9-7 7c-29 25-61 46-95 65-66 36-138 64-213 68s-153-18-207-69c-74-69-95-184-65-280 20-64 61-122 116-160s125-55 190-44c53-31 121-32 178-9 31 13 58 32 82 54a344 344 0 0 1 31 34l3 3 11 16 15 23 4 6 3 5a266 266 0 0 1 32 88l2 12a175 175 0 0 1-1 29Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#3f3d56"}}/> <path d="M568 403 420 279l144 129a3 3 0 1 0 4-5Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0",opacity:".30000001192092896",isolation:"isolate"}}/> <g id="smallGalax"> <circle cx="227.2" cy="198.7" r="89" style={{fill:"#f2f2f2"}}/> <path d="M307 245a81 81 0 1 1-53-76 81 81 0 0 1 53 76Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#fff"}}/> <circle cx="211.2" cy="165.7" r="25" style={{fill:"#e4e4e4"}}/> <path d="M303 222a25 25 0 0 1-27-41 81 81 0 0 1 27 41Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#f2f2f2"}}/> <circle cx="252.2" cy="219.7" r="9" style={{fill:"#e4e4e4"}}/> <path d="M216 323a8 8 0 0 1-1 2 82 82 0 0 1-17-4 9 9 0 1 1 18 2Zm-53-82a18 18 0 0 1-17 18 83 83 0 0 1 2-36 18 18 0 0 1 15 18Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#f2f2f2"}}/> </g> <g id="stars"> <circle cx="606.1" cy="156.4" r="3.7" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <circle cx="571.9" cy="67.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="224.9" cy="491.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="584.2" cy="279.5" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="305.1" cy="298.4" r="3.7" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <circle cx="266.9" cy="383.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="486.9" cy="45.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="357.9" cy="506.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="325.9" cy="65.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="381.9" cy="170.8" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="296.2" cy="428.5" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="549.2" cy="442.5" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="437.2" cy="316.5" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="494.2" cy="170.5" r="2.2" style={{fill:"#f0f0f0"}}/> <circle cx="597.8" cy="240.6" r="4.3" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> <circle cx="423.8" cy="98.6" r="4.3" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> <circle cx="423.8" cy="393.6" r="4.3" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> </g> <path d="M691 470a8 8 0 0 0-7 6 7 7 0 0 0 0 2v12l9-9 10-11Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <path id="ellipse_1" d="m719 533-43-2c-79-5-183-22-290-49s-207-60-280-93c-35-16-62-31-80-45-20-15-28-28-25-38 5-21 50-25 88-25v3c-52 0-82 8-86 23-4 18 34 47 105 79s171 66 279 93 210 44 289 49 125-2 130-21c4-16-22-38-72-64l1-3c37 19 79 46 74 68-3 10-16 18-40 22-14 2-31 3-50 3Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <g id="smallGalax2"> <circle cx="681.3" cy="182.3" r="34.4" style={{fill:"#fff"}}/> <path d="M682 200a35 35 0 1 0 35 35 35 35 0 0 0-35-35Zm0 68a34 34 0 1 1 34-34 34 34 0 0 1-34 34Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#2f2e41"}}/> <path d="M651 243a1 1 0 0 1 0-1 34 34 0 0 1 8-28 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 32 32 0 0 0-8 27Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#2f2e41"}}/> </g> <path d="M717 318h-58a8 8 0 0 0-8 8v128a48 48 0 0 0 26 43l7-7 9-9 10-11 8-9 3-4c27-35 46-76 49-119a64 64 0 0 0-46-20Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#2f2e41"}}/> <path d="M719 345a15 15 0 0 0-10-4 14 14 0 0 0-9 3 5 5 0 0 0-1 1l-48 49-34 35a8 8 0 0 0-1 2 6 6 0 0 0-1 3 7 7 0 0 0 2 5l1 1 10 10a7 7 0 0 0 5 1 7 7 0 0 0 5-2l1-1 12-12 69-71a15 15 0 0 0-1-20Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <path id="ellipse_2" d="M240 569c-36 0-69-1-98-3-39-4-70-9-91-16-24-7-36-16-37-27-2-21 40-41 75-54l1 3c-49 18-74 35-73 50 2 20 48 34 125 41 79 6 184 4 294-7s213-29 290-51c74-21 116-44 114-64-1-15-33-28-89-36v-3c41 6 90 17 92 39 1 11-9 22-30 34s-49 22-87 33a2037 2037 0 0 1-486 61Z" transform="translate(0 -52)" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <circle id="smallGalax3" cx="529.4" cy="54" r="9.4" style={{fill:"#e6e6e6"}}/> <circle cx="19.1" cy="381.4" r="17.5" style={{fill:"#e6e6e6"}}/> <circle id="circle_1" cx="87.4" cy="228.9" r="17.5" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <circle id="circle_2" cx="838.1" cy="382.4" r="17.5" style={{fill:"#6c63ff"}}/> <g id="smallPlanets"> <circle cx="127.1" cy="56.4" r="10.7" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> <circle cx="77.1" cy="462.4" r="10.7" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> <circle cx="807.1" cy="287.4" r="10.7" style={{fill:"#ff6584"}}/> </g> <circle cx="645.1" cy="546.4" r="17.5" style={{fill:"#e6e6e6"}}/> </svg> </div> </div> ); } In the above code i want to animate a planet ( Circle or Ellipse having id="circle_1") along a path ( id= ellipse_1 ) but the circle is not animating on given path as expected. here is the picture for reference i want circle to move along elliptical path as shown in picture. Note: Sorry for not giving codepen as i am working locally on my machine. Github Link: https://github.com/sibteali786/Portfolio_Animated Component Name: TextAnimation.js directory: src/components/Animated_components
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