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Note: This plugin was removed from GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 release notes for details.

Tweens any color-related property of any object, like myObject.borderColor from "rgb(255,0,51)" to "rgb(102,204,0)" (and you can define the initial color in almost any format like "#FF00CC" or "rgba(255,0,51,0.5)" or "red" or "#f0c" or 0xFF00CC or "hsl(105,50%,80%)"). New values are always set in the format "rgb(...)" (or rgba(...) for values that include alpha). You can tween an unlimited number of color properties simultaneously. Just use the associated property name inside the colorProps:{} object like this:

//tweens myObject.borderColor and myObject.myCustomProp 
TweenLite.to(myObject, 1, {colorProps:{borderColor:"red", myCustomProp:"rgb(204,51,0)"}, ease:Linear.easeNone});

ColorPropsPlugin is NOT generally intended to be used with css-related color properties because the CSSPlugin already handles those. ColorPropsPlugin is meant to tween other color-related properties directly on your JavaScript object(s). To learn more read the ColorPropsPlugin documentation.

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