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  1. A GSAP tale: One goofy guy’s odyssey from knowing nothing to knowing just enough to confuse himself. (This is crazy long so feel free to jump to the epic conclusion). Greetings fellow GreenSockers. The end of this week marks the one-year anniversary of my first post on the forum so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share my 12-month story and hopefully encourage others to jump into the conversations around here. Maybe you’ll recognize yourself in some of the things I’ve experienced. My quick history in a nutshell Web design and coding is a second career for me. After 15 years of owning and operating a photography studio and processing lab (back in the film days - yup - I’m old), the digital camera came along and changed that industry, which necessitated a new career for me. I shifted to video production, which led to motion graphics and finally to web design. Our little agency now offers all those services. The web design clients never needed anything fancy so JavaScript took a back seat to HTML & CSS only sites for a number of years. JavaScript & GSAP: false starts and other obligations I first discovered GSAP a few years ago, but only tried it briefly. It looked cool, but with the time obligations of field video work and motion graphics jobs, it wasn’t something I could work into the schedule. Besides that, it was JavaScript – too complicated I thought. I knew JavaScript was the third piece of a good web designer’s skillset along with HTML and CSS, but I always convinced myself that I didn’t have the time and the sites we built didn’t need it. JavaScript Books + Classes = Fail I did make a few attempts at reading some JavaScript books and working through some online tutorials, but it just never ‘stuck’. Maybe the examples were too theoretical and dry or they were the wrong books and classes. I really don’t know, but I abandoned the learning process a number of times. Cut and Paste mentality Why did I really need to learn anyway? You can just Google what you need, cut and paste some code and presto – you’ve got some working JavaScript or jQuery. I only understood a small portion of what I was cutting and pasting, but hey… it worked so the problem was solved. That’s how I operated for quite some time. What’s a loop? What’s an array? What’s an object? Who cares? Wait a minute. This is ridiculous. Last spring, I was remodeling our company website and I had all these grand visions about making things move and behave in certain ways. Googling for code just wasn’t cutting it. I suddenly felt stupid. “This is ridiculous!” I thought. I should be able to learn how to write my own code. Oh yeah, I remembered that GreenSock thing I had looked at a few times and abandoned. That might work. Maybe I could actually learn how to use it this time. I become a forum lurker I started lurking in the shadows of the forum. After reading a lot of posts, I saw people asking many types of questions from simple to crazy complicated (at least to me). Two things I noticed were that every effort was made to find an answer (no matter the difficulty level of the question) and not one post was condescending or snarky. That’s quite rare on the ol’ interwebs, isn’t it? Hmmmm…maybe I’m in the right place. Oh boy… time to ask a question of my own One of the great things about learning GSAP is you’ll also pick up a lot of other JavaScript and/or jQuery along the way. I kept reading and practicing with some simple tweens, but now I had a question. Dare I post? I suppose, like many others, I feared looking like an idiot even though the forum members and moderators seemed quite nice and helpful. I do several dumb things every day so you’d think I’d be used to it by now. Oh well, here goes. My first question had to do with the indexOf() a Draggable snap array. Within 30 minutes, Diaco and Rodrigo had posted great answers and neither one called me stupid! Yay – how cool. I get hooked on GSAP and the forum About that same time, I decided our company should discontinue on-site video production and switch to studio only filming. I got tired of lugging loads of video gear in and out of buildings – it’s quite tiring and as I mentioned earlier – I’m old. This freed up some time and I decided to dedicate that time to learning GSAP and maybe, one day, even helping others. It wasn’t too long and I actually knew the answer to a forum question. I posted some information and wow – a little red indicator lit up on my control panel. Someone liked something I wrote. How fun – I’m hooked. Carl makes direct contact I continued to learn and experiment. I posted a few additional questions of my own, but I tried to answer more than I asked. If someone posted a question for which I had no answer, I tried to look it up in the docs and figure it out. Most of the time I was far too slow and Jack, Carl or one of the mods would already have the answer posted before I was done reading the question, but it was an interesting way to learn. I did sneak in a few good answers, which led to a private message from Carl. He thanked me for participating and helping in the forums. I thought it was pretty cool that a super smart guy like Professor Schooff would take the time to do that for little ol’ me. My decision to dedicate time to the platform and forum was reinforced. http://i.imgur.com/hdaB73Y.jpg Blake and I have a conversation I don’t recall if it was a back and forth in a forum post or a private message conversation, but Blake told me something that, of course is obvious, but it stuck with me and is important for all of us to remember. He mentioned that we all enter this learning process knowing nothing. If someone of Blake’s considerable skill level can be humble enough to remember first starting out in code, there may be hope for me after all. I guess if you think about it, there was a time when the simple concept of a variable was brand new to all of us. We’re not born with these abilities. They’re learned and we’re all at different points on the educational path. Never feel stupid for not knowing something. Moderator Promotion Throughout the last year, I’ve continued to learn and study both GSAP and JavaScript. Some of those books I abandoned in the past even make sense now. I’ve tried to be active in the GS community and answer as many forum questions as possible. If I’ve answered a question of yours, I hope you found it somewhat helpful. I’ve cranked out some fun CodePens and finally started a Twitter account to tweet them out. I am nowhere near an expert with GSAP or JavaScript, but I know so much more than I knew a year ago. Apparently I know enough to be entrusted with a forum promotion to Moderator status. I’m honored to be included on such an amazing team. 12 months down – what’s next? My agency duties are still numerous so I can’t dedicate full time to coding, but it remains something to which I’m committed and thoroughly enjoy. I started this 12-month GSAP journey just wanting the ability to write my own code rather than cutting and pasting the work of others. I’m confident I have achieved that, but I still have days when a simple piece of code just won’t coalesce in my brain and that can be frustrating. I guess we all have those days, right? I make several mistakes every day, but that’s o.k. too. I learn a lot more from my screw-ups than I ever do when it all goes right on the first try. I plan to keep learning and getting better and when I get stuck, I’ll be able to get an answer from this amazing community. I’ll continue to give back to the GS community by answering any questions that are within my abilities to do so. The super mods: Jonathan, Blake, Diaco and Rodrigo Thank you to my fellow moderators. You guys rock and have taught me so much. @Jonathan – if there is a browser bug, quirk or special fix that you are not aware of, I’ve yet to read about it. Your knowledge has helped me fix many pieces of code before they even became a problem. Plus, if I ever have a question of top/left vs. x/y, I know who I’ll ask. @Blake – if I could be half as good at coding as you, I’d be a very happy guy. Your work always teaches and inspires me. I don’t think you’re allowed to ever stop posting on the forum or we may all show up on your doorstep and ask questions. @Diaco – your code is always so concise. I deconstruct some of your pens and am astounded by how much you squeeze out of a few lines. If I made some of your pens from scratch, I’d have 20 variables, 5 loops, 12 tweens and 80 lines of code. You do the same with two variables and 4 lines of code. Amazing stuff. @Rodrigo – when searching the forum, I often land on one of your past posts and learn a lot. Your knowledge is vast and I wish you had more time to post around here. Your ninja skills are incredibly strong. Our superhero leaders @Carl – I’ve participated in several online forums ranging from graphic design to 3D to video production, but the GreenSock forum is the best and a big part of that is you. You not only provide great answers, but you do it in clever ways with just the right amount of humor thrown in here and there. The collection of videos you’ve made is invaluable and should be mandatory viewing for anyone interested in GSAP. I’ve seen you monitoring the forums at all hours of the day and even on weekends. When you get any sleep I’ll never know, but I thank you for your dedication and sharing your knowledge. @Jack – how you had the vision to start GreenSock and write the first version of the animation platform I can only imagine. I’m glad you did because GSAP is such an amazing collection of tools. The friendliness of the community is definitely following your lead. I don’t understand a lot of what you talk about sometimes, but I know enough to be amazed by your brilliance and talent. You call yourself just a guy who geeks out about code, but you’re more than that. You’re a smart and generous innovator who’s created a special brand and place on the web. I think I can safely speak for the community when I say we all appreciate the time and effort you put into helping us make beautiful and high-performance animations. Thank you sir. The epic conclusion. Well… maybe just a regular conclusion. If you didn’t read the whole post, I don’t blame you. It’s ridiculously long and I’m just some guy you don’t know so I’ll wrap it up with this bit of advice. Whether you’re a genius or feel like an idiot, it doesn’t matter. Try to learn one new thing each day and before you know it, a year will have passed and all those little bits will add up to new skills and abilities. If you’ve never posted on the forum, please jump in and participate. The more voices we have around here, the more we all benefit. If you need an answer, please don’t be afraid to ask a question. Believe me, I’m just some goofy guy in front of a computer. If I can learn this stuff, so can you. As I begin my second year in GreenSockLand, I’m looking forward to learning more, seeing everyone’s work and answering as many of your questions as I can. This is an amazing community and I encourage anyone reading this to set up an account and get involved. My best to all of my fellow GreenSockers. See you around the forums. Edit and Update (July 2020): I just made it to five years of hanging around the forum and you can read the continuation of my journey here. motiontricks.com Finally, without further ado, I introduce you to motiontricks.com - Craig (PointC) PS I made a little CodePen to commemorate my one-year forum anniversary. It’s how I felt before and after discovering the power of GSAP. Enjoy.
    58 points
  2. Hey fellow GreenSockers A little over five years ago, I took a chance and posted a question on the GreenSock forum. Nobody called me dumb and that was a HUGE relief! So much so that I wrote an entire GS post about it four years ago. It was a turning point for me and my JavaScript journey. Today, I’m taking another big leap in my life and launching a web animation tutorial site. My reasons for doing so are both personal and professional. This thread is a sequel to my One Year post listed above. Call it My Five Year Journey. Personal reasons My life has been full of twists, turns and milestone events over the past few years. I turned the big 50 and ask myself every day how that’s even possible. The memories of getting my first computer (TRS-80) and learning BASIC in the early 80s are so vivid that they feel like it was only a few years ago. Wasn’t it just yesterday I was programming the PET, VIC-20 and Commodore 64 in high school? Time does fly and I’m not getting any younger. I also celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary. That event itself isn’t a reason to start a new website, but the longer I’m married, the more I realize how lucky I am to have a partner and cheerleader with me when I try new things. She has been a tremendous support in this new endeavor. I wonder how I ever talked her into marrying me all those years ago and how she has put up with me for 30+ years. The other recent personal event that has shaped my decision is the one that is affecting us all right now. Seeing the effect of COVID-19 on the world and how it has robbed too many people of their lives and livelihoods has reminded me that time is precious, and you never know what’s around the corner. As they say, seize the day. Professional reasons After taking the leap and posting that first question on the forum, I was hooked on the GreenSock community. I’ve tried to help as many people as I could in my free time. I love seeing someone have that ‘ah-ha’ moment. This new site is an extension of that desire to help and teach. This will be a difficult challenge. It would be far easier to not do this. As a lifelong introvert, I’m far more comfortable in my dark office typing away on the keyboard so this definitely pushes me out of my comfort zone. It will also be a time management challenge to keep posting new content while taking care of clients and still helping on the forum. I’ll do my best. My final professional reason is that this just seems like the universe is pushing me in this direction. I loved computers and programming in my youth, but my career turned to my other loves of video production and photography. Throughout the last decade there have been many forks in the road, and it seems like every decision has led me here. My life has now come full circle. Fear and self-doubt Despite all the personal and professional reasons listed above, there has still been the nagging self-doubt. Will it be any good? Will anyone read it? Hasn’t this already been written? Maybe others don’t have that little voice in the back of their head, but mine starts yelling at me loudly when I try something big. It’s one thing to post an answer in the forum, but quite another to really put yourself out there with a whole new site. After some sleepless nights, I finally found calm from one realization. If I can help even one person with a problem, teach them something new or spark an idea, it will all be worth it. The rest of the fears don’t matter. Life is just too short to be scared or worried. The website’s focus If you know me from the GS forum, you know I love SVGs and making them move with GSAP. The website will, of course, feature a lot of SVGs and GreenSock will power everything. However, my primary focus will be real world projects. I find that I learn best when I’m building an actual project, so I’ll try to keep that as the focus. I’ll have lots of little tips and quick things too, but projects will be the main thing. Frequent visitors to the forum also know I don’t take it all too seriously and joke around a lot. You’ll be happy to know that several of the tutorials feature terrible jokes and puns at no extra charge. Thanks to the GS gang I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. Thank you to Jack( @GreenSock) for creating the tools, but more importantly, thanks for fostering a terrific online community. Had I not discovered GSAP and started hanging around here, I would not know much about JavaScript and the new site would not exist. Special shout-out to @Carl too. He’s already in the trenches with training and tutorials and has encouraged me the whole way as I was getting this thing launched. All my fellow mods — thanks for the help and comradery over the years. You are all awesome! motiontricks.com Finally, without further ado, I introduce you to motiontricks.com My best to all of you. Thanks for reading. Now, let’s get those pixels movin’! ? -Craig (PointC)
    27 points
  3. What a year! Such an honour to be able to serve this inspirational community. Thanks to all the moderators and helpers in these forums for their unwavering efforts and assistance in 2022. Here's to another wonderful year of creativity and adventures!
    25 points
  4. Welcome to the GreenSock forums! Glad you’re here. It’s a wonderful place to learn and get your questions answered. What topics can I post about here? We love answering questions that are directly related to GreenSock tools. API questions, bug reports, or if you’re wondering why GSAP behaves a certain way - those types of posts are welcome around here. What topics should be avoided? As much as we love solving problems, the following types of questions are beyond the scope of what we generally provide here for free: Logic issues. JavaScript and application logic, CSS setup, and generic troubleshooting that isn’t directly related to GreenSock tools. Third party tools. Frameworks (React, Angular), other JavaScript libraries (LocomotiveScroll, Barba), build tools, etc. We’re happy to help with the GSAP part of things if you strip out as much irrelevant code as possible and provide a minimal demo. “How do I do this cool effect I saw on a trendy website?” Someone here may point you in the right direction but please don't expect a full tutorial on how to create and effect you saw on a slick web site. Where else can I go for help? If your question is primarily about another tool, try looking for a forum or GitHub repository about that tool. If it’s a general programming-related question, try StackOverflow. Want feedback about your working code? We’d be glad to take a peek at GSAP-specific code but for more general topics (like performance or application logic) we’d suggest something like CodeReview. Read first Please read Getting Started with GSAP, common GSAP mistakes (maybe also common ScrollTrigger mistakes), as well as the GSAP docs before asking your question. Often you’ll get your question answered just by doing that! Make a minimal demo This helps provide context and gives us a rough idea of what you’re trying to accomplish. It's WAY better than trying to dig into a live website with lots of other things going on, or looking at a small excerpt of code without much context. Pro tip: It's often easier to create a minimal demo from scratch rather than stripping out irrelevant things from your original project. You will GREATLY increase your chances of getting a prompt answer if you create a minimal demo. After you've posted a demo to our forums, please click the "Fork" button on CodePen before making future changes so that context is not lost for future readers of the forum. Be courteous We try to treat people the way we’d want to be treated around here. Please do the same. Also keep in mind that the people answering your post are doing so for free! Most of our regular contributors gain nothing from helping you except the satisfaction of doing so. Please give them your gratitude and respect. Ask away! We’re eager to help, so make a minimal demo and ask your question! We’ll do our best to answer it promptly. Pay it forward - help someone else The best way to learn is to teach someone. You’d be surprised how much you grow when you try answering some questions here! We are so grateful for the group of volunteers dedicated to helping others in these forums. It’s quite satisfying to come alongside a fellow developer who is struggling and deliver a clever solution to their issue. Become a contributor! You do NOT need to be an expert. Anyone...and we do mean anyone...is welcome here.
    22 points
  5. Just to throw my two cents out there - some CodePen accounts to bookmark and/or follow. Talented coders that feature a ton of GSAP: Cassie Evans: https://codepen.io/cassie-codes Blake Bowen: https://codepen.io/osublake Carl Schooff: https://codepen.io/snorkltv Pete Barr: https://codepen.io/petebarr Steve Gardner: https://codepen.io/ste-vg Ryan Mulligan: https://codepen.io/hexagoncircle Tom Miller: https://codepen.io/creativeocean Chris Gannon: https://codepen.io/chrisgannon Darin Senneff: https://codepen.io/dsenneff Craig Roblewsky: https://codepen.io/PointC/ (this guy is awesome ?) It may not be exactly what you need, but there should some good inspiration in those accounts. Happy tweening.
    21 points
  6. You can't animate most flexbox values because they're words, e.g. flex-start, space-around, column-reverse. You can't say, animate to column reverse. The browser has to do the layout. But that's actually a good thing as that's one less thing you have to calculate. To do a flexbox animations, start off by recording the position of your element in it's current state. Now change its flexbox style and let the browser reposition it. Now record the new position of your element. You now know where the element was, and where its supposed to be. Now move your element back to it's old position and animate it to it's new position. This all takes place in between animation frames, so you won't see the jump. This technique will work for every flexbox property. It will actually work for any type of layout that the browser handles, like the new CSS grid. For more information, check out these threads.
    19 points
  7. In case anyone else comes across this like I did, having trouble with GSAP animating from one clip-path to another: make sure both clip-paths are using the same units, including any zero values. For example, trying to animate from this: clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%); to this: clip-path: polygon(-100% 0, -100% 0, -100% 100%, -100% 100%) wasn't working, but when I changed the zero values to percentages, it worked perfectly. // From clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%) // To clip-path: polygon(-100% 0%, -100% 0%, -100% 100%, -100% 100%)
    17 points
  8. Heya! Remember I said I was working on a Svelte project that would be needing some GSAP? Here are some of the barebones examples I made using GSAP and Svelte. onMount: https://svelte.dev/repl/94885eb0f90045da934ed5fd9f7fdb2a?version=3.29.0 Transition directive: https://svelte.dev/repl/1f70e16d637945fa8788fafafb481454?version=3.29.0 In/Out directives: https://svelte.dev/repl/000b2f192c204cd799dbb4f6d70a1c21?version=3.29.0 Action directive: https://svelte.dev/repl/eb2f99e9f3324e25af4eaada0389eed6?version=3.29.0 Animation directive: (TO-DO soon). Hope this helps.
    17 points
  9. With over 120,000 posts in the popular GreenSock forums, we've noticed some common mistakes that you'd be wise to avoid. We threw in a few tips as well. Here is a summary of the mistakes: Creating from() logic issues Using fromTo() when from() or to() would work Not setting ALL transforms with GSAP Not using xPercent and yPercent Recreating animations over and over Adding tweens to completed timelines Not using loops Importing things incorrectly Using CSS transitions and GSAP on the same properties Using the old/verbose syntax Creating from() logic issues It's usually smart to use .to() and .from() tweens instead of .fromTo() because they're more dynamic - they pull either the starting or ending values from whatever they happen to CURRENTLY be at the time that tween renders for the first time. It’s one of the tips in the article on animating efficiently. But be careful because that dynamic nature can bite you in a few scenarios. First, keep in mind that .from() tweens go from the provided value to the current value. Take a look at this example: See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Try clicking it one time and letting it play. It works, fading in the element. Now try clicking it multiple times right after each other. The box stops showing up because it uses the current opacity as the end point which, if the animation has not completed, is some value less than 1. The fix for this is simple: use a .fromTo(). Alternatively you could create the animation beforehand and use a control method (we'll talk more about this approach later in this article). See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Second, keep in mind that by default immediateRender is true by default for .from() and .fromTo() tweens because that's typically the most intuitive behavior (if you're animating from a certain value, it should start there right away). But if you create a .from() tween after a .to() tween affecting the same properties of the same object, try to figure out what will happen: const tl = gsap.timeline() tl.to(".box", {x: 100}); tl.from(".box", {x: 100}); You might expect the box to animate x from 0 to 100 and then back to 0. Or maybe you'd expect it to animate from 0 to 100 and then stay at 100. Let’s see what happens: See the Pen Illustrating .from() effects - Part 1 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. The box animates x from 100 to 100 and then back to 0. Why is that? By default .to() tweens wait to render until their playhead actually moves (it's a waste of CPU cycles to render at a time of 0 because nothing will have changed). But since from() has immediateRender: true, x jumps to 100 immediately on the current tick! Then it runs the .to() tween on the next tick (since it’s first in the timeline) and records the current starting value which is 100! So it animates 100 to 100 over 0.5 seconds. Then it runs the .from() tween which has the cached value of 0 as the end value. If you have several timelines affecting the same element, situations like this can be a little tricky to catch. So just be mindful of how things work when using .to() and .from() tweens. They’re very powerful but with power comes responsibility. A simple solution here is to set immediateRender: true on the .to() tween, or immediateRender: false on the .from() tween. The third situation is similar but involves repeatRefresh and repeats. Let’s say you have a situation where you want a looped animation that fades in some text and fades it out. You could create a timeline, use a .from() to fade in the text, then use a .to() to fade it out: const tl = gsap.timeline({repeat:-1}); tl.set(".text", { color: "random([green, gray, orange, pink])" }, 2); tl.from(chars, { opacity: 0 }); tl.to(chars, { opacity: 0 }); This will work just fine! Here’s the same thing but staggered using SplitText to make it look a little nicer: See the Pen Fade in and out text by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. But this only randomizes the colors at the start. What if we want new random values each repeat? That’s where repeatRefresh comes in. Let’s add repeatRefresh: true to see what happens: See the Pen Random on Reset (wrong way) by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. The animation plays correctly the first time but after that the elements don’t fade in a second time! Why is that? repeatRefresh uses the end values of the animation as the starting values of the next iteration. In this case, the opacity of our text elements are all 0 at the end. So when the animation gets to the .from() the second time around, the opacity animates from a value of 0 to a value of 0 since the tween is relative. What we want to do instead is always animate from a value of 0 to a value of 1 so here the easiest fix is to use a .fromTo(): See the Pen Random on Reset by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Now it does what we want. There are other solutions like using a .set() before the .from() but most often it’s easiest to just use a .fromTo() in cases like this. Using fromTo() when from() or to() would work If you can, it's better for performance, maintainability, and ease to use relative tweens like .from() or .to(). So don't use .fromTo() unless you need to. .fromTo() tweens aren't bad, but should only be used when needed. Not setting ALL transforms with GSAP If you are going to animate an element with GSAP, even the initial transform values (including on SVG elements) should be set with GSAP because it delivers better: Accuracy - The browser always reports computed values in pixels, thus it's impossible for GSAP to discern when you use another unit like % or vw in your CSS rule. Also, computed values are in matrix() or matrix3d() which are inherently ambiguous when it comes to rotation and scale. The matrix for 0, 360, and 720 degrees are identical. A scaleX of -1 results in the same matrix as something with rotation of 180 degrees and scaleY of -1. There are infinite combinations that are identical, but when you set transform-related values with GSAP, everything is saved in a perfectly accurate way. Performance - GSAP caches transform-related values to make things super fast. Parsing all of the components from a computed value is more expensive. If you are worried about a flash of unstyled content, you can handle that by using a technique that hides the element initially and then shows it via JavaScript as this post covers. Or you can set the initial styles with CSS rules and ALSO set them in GSAP. Not using xPercent and yPercent Did you know that you can combine percentage-based translation and other units? This is super useful if, for example, you'd like to align the center of an element with a particular offset, like {xPercent: -50, yPercent: -50, x: 100, y: 300}. We often see people use percent values in the x and y properties which is technically possible but can cause confusion at times. For example, if you set x and y to "-50%" and then later you set xPercent: -50, you'd see it move as if it's at xPercent: -100 because the x and xPercent both have -50%. Whenever you're setting a percentage-based translation, it's typically best to use the xPercent and yPercent properties. // Not recommended x: "50%", y: "50%", // Recommended xPercent: 50, yPercent: 50 Recreating animations over and over Creating your tweens and timelines beforehand has several advantages: Performance - Instead of having to create them right as they’re needed, you can do it ahead of time. Additionally, you need fewer instances of animations. Most of the time you’d never notice, but it’s good practice. Simplified logic - This is especially true when related to user interaction events. Freedom - Want to pause an animation when an event happens? Do it. Want to reverse an animation when the user does something? No problem. This sort of thing is much more difficult to handle when you create animations inside of event callbacks. Most of the time when you create animations beforehand, you will want to keep them paused until they’re needed. Then you can use control methods like .play(), .pause(), .reverse(), .progress(), .seek(), .restart(), and .timeScale() to affect their play state. Here’s a simple example: See the Pen Playing and reversing an animation on hover by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. For more information related to creating animations beforehand, you can see the animating efficiently article. One exception to this rule is when you need things to be dynamic, like if the initial values may vary. For example, if you’re animating the height of the bars in a chart between various states and the user may click different buttons quickly, it’d make sense to create the animation each time to ensure they flow from whatever the current state is (even if it's mid-tween) like the demo below. See the Pen Playing and reversing an animation on hover by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. If you're animating dynamically to a new position that's updated very frequently, you might want to consider the gsap.quickTo() method. Adding tweens to completed timelines A common pattern of mistakes that I’ve seen goes like this: const tl = gsap.timeline() tl.to(myElem, { x: 100 }); myElem.addEventListener("click", () => tl.to(myElem, { x: 300 }) ); Did you catch the mistake? If you add new tweens to a timeline that is already completed, they won’t be called unless you re-run the timeline. Almost always in these situations you should just use control methods for a previously created animation or create a new animation instead (not using an existing timeline) following the guidelines that we covered in the previous section. Not using loops If you want to apply the same effect to multiple elements (sections, cards, buttons, etc.) when a certain event happens to each one, you should almost always use a loop. For example, don’t use a selector like "button" when you want it to affect just one button. For example, if you wanted to fire an effect when each button is clicked: // BAD: immediately animates ALL buttons at once! gsap.effects.explode("button", { direction: "up", duration: 3 }); // GOOD: animation is specific to each button, and only when clicked gsap.utils.toArray("button").forEach(btn => btn.addEventListener("click", () => gsap.effects.explode(btn, { direction: "up", duration: 3 })) }); Inside of this loop, you can use a selector that is scoped to the given element so that you're only getting things INSIDE that element. For example: gsap.utils.toArray(".container").forEach(container => { let info = container.querySelector(".information"), silhouette = container.querySelector(".silhouette .cover"), tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }); tl.to(info, { yPercent: 0 }) .to(silhouette, { opacity: 0 }, 0); container.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => tl.play() ); container.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => tl.reverse() ); }); See the Pen Who's That Pokémon? - forEach example demo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Importing GSAP incorrectly A common issue people face when using GSAP in a module environment is importing GSAP or its plugins incorrectly. Most of the time import errors error can be avoided by thoroughly reading the relevant parts of the installation page. I won't copy all of the details into this post, but be sure to make use of that page if you're facing any sort of import error. It even has a very handy GSAP install helper tool that can generate the correct import code to use in most environments. Using CSS transitions and GSAP on the same properties You should definitely avoid having CSS transitions applied to elements that you're animating with GSAP. That's terrible for performance because the browser would constantly be interrupting things. For example, let's say you animate width to 500px from 100px. On every single tick (requestAnimationFrame), GSAP would set the interpolated value but the CSS transition would basically say "NOPE! I won't let you do that yet...I'm gonna transition to that new value over the course of ____ seconds..." and it'd start interpolating. But on the very next tick, GSAP would set a new value and CSS transitions would interrupt and start over again, going to that new value. Over and over and over. That would not only add a bunch of stress to the browser, but it'd slow things down regarding the overall timing of the animation. For example, if the GSAP tween has a duration of 1 second and the CSS transition is also set to 1 second, that means it'd stop moving after TWO seconds! Using the old/verbose syntax Drop the Lite/Max I regularly see people using the old syntax even though they are loading GSAP 3. Old habits die hard. Even though the old syntax still technically works, the new modern GSAP 3 syntax is sleeker and simpler. Plus the old syntax won't be supported in GSAP 4 (which is far off in the future, but it's still a good idea to write future-friendly code). For example instead of using something that has Lite/Max in it, just use gsap: // old TweenLite.to() TweenMax.from() new TimelineMax() // new gsap.to() gsap.from() gsap.timeline() Use the string form for eases The shorter string form of eases requires less typing and lets you avoid extra import statements in module environments. // old Power2.easeOut Sine.easeInOut // new "power2" // The default is .out "sine.inOut" Duration belongs in the vars parameter Putting the duration inside of the vars parameter does require a bit more typing, but it makes things more readable and intuitive. GSAP’s defaults and effects are very helpful but you can’t make use of them if you’re putting the duration as the second parameter. // old gsap.to(elem, 1, { x: 100 }); // new gsap.to(elem, { duration: 1, x: 100}); // using GSAP’s defaults: const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } }); tl.to(elem, { x: 100 }); // no duration necessary! tl.to(elem, { y: 100, duration: 3 }); // easily overwrite the default value For a more full listing of changes in GSAP 3, check out the GSAP 3 Migration Guide. Numerical values don’t usually need to be strings For example if you want to set the x transform to 100 pixels, you don’t need to say x: "100px", you can just say x: 100. Simple! The only time when you need to pass numerical values as strings are if you need to change the unit (like x: "10vw") or pass in a complex value (like transformOrigin: "0px 50px"). The target of a tween can be a selector string I often see people do something like this: gsap.to(document.querySelectorAll(".box"), { x: 100 }); Or even with jQuery: gsap.to($(".box"), { x: 100 }); Both of the above will work but could be simplified by passing a selector string in as the target; GSAP will automatically use .querySelectorAll() to get a list of all of the elements that match. So the above can be written simple as gsap.to(".box", { x: 100 }); You could also pass in a complex selector string like ".box, .card" and it will select all boxes and cards. Or use an Array of elements so long as they are of the same type (selector string, variable reference, generic object, etc.). Conclusion So how'd you do? Is your GSAP code clear of these common mistakes? Hopefully you learned a few things. As always, if you need any help, the GreenSock forums are a fantastic resource. We love to help people develop their animation superpowers. If you're looking for another great learning resource, read how to animate efficiently! Now go forth and tween responsibly!
    17 points
  10. Welcome! This forum is being provided as a free service to connect talented GSAP animators with those looking to hire them. Please read this entire post before participating. When Posting a Job: Describe the project's technical requirements and provide links to similar examples and/or storyboards (if available). List the start and end dates of the project (or at least a rough timeline). Provide an estimated compensation range. The more detailed you are in describing your needs, the better your odds of success. If you omit the budget, there's a high risk that qualified candidates will assume it isn’t worth their time. Remember that talented GSAP experts are typically in high demand. We encourage candidates to post public replies to show they're interested, but further coordination should be handled privately either through the forum’s private message system or email. It's probably best not to post your email address in a public forum. Once a candidate is found, please update the post to let others know that the job is no longer available. Freelancers Feel free to post your availability in this forum proactively. Include links to your own website, portfolio, CodePen profile, etc. so that people can get a feel for your style and skill level. It’s a great idea (though not necessary) to post a price range for each example as well. Please represent your skills accurately and include proper attribution for work that’s not yours. One of the keys to a successful working relationship is managing expectations (both sides)! Always under-promise and over-deliver. Pricing a project We generally recommend agreeing to an overall project price and timeline ahead of time rather than billing a flat hourly rate. Some developers work twice as fast as others, so an hourly rate isn’t an accurate gauge of overall cost. But for open-ended projects, we understand that hourly rates might be the best fit. Additional notes We are starting this service on a trial basis. Freelancers are NOT employees of GreenSock. Anyone on the Internet can post here. GreenSock is not liable for anything that happens before, after, or during the life of your project. Please don’t contact us for arbitration help. It’s fine if you want to simply report abuse. If we receive complaints about your conduct (employers or developers), you may be banned from posting here. Again, we make no promises to investigate each and every claim or get into "he said, she said" back-and-forth, so it's in your best interest to keep things positive and exceed expectations. Make us proud. GreenSock does not research or endorse any of the parties posting here. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for making this service even better. Happy tweening!
    17 points
  11. Hey everyone! I've been working on a fun demo project called TweenPages to show how I do complex page transitions with GSAP in Next.js. I haven't shared it yet with anyone publicly until now. Would love to get some early feedback. Especially on the docs where I go into detail on the code side of things. Am I doing it right? Am I doing it wrong? Are there things I can improve? Fun! - https://tweenpages.vercel.app/ Docs - https://tweenpages.vercel.app/docs Code - https://github.com/johnpolacek/TweenPages Hope the project helps anyone who want to do GSAP animations like these on Next.js.
    16 points
  12. I know this thread is now over a month old, but I wanted to share a fork of Zach's pen. I made a 6-sided die from the cube. To simplify/clarify, the 3d rotations are moved out of the CSS. Hopefully this demo is useful to someone... https://codepen.io/creativeocean/pen/qBRbNwa
    15 points
  13. Hey fellow GreenSockers, I’ve seen some demos and questions lately with SVGs containing nested groups that are 10 deep and generic class names that aren’t helpful. This makes your job tougher, so I thought I’d share a few tips for better SVG exports from Adobe Illustrator. I’ve created a simple SVG with a background rectangle, some ungrouped squares, a group of circles, a group of lines and one open wavy path. Here’s the artwork with the layer panel in AI. Tip 1: IDs If you have elements that you know you’ll be targeting individually, give them an ID in AI. In this case I’ve given each of the colored squares a name. I’ve also named the wavy open path. Tip 2: Grouping If you have a group of elements that you’ll want to stagger or somehow target as a group, create a group for them. Simply select all of them and pressing Ctrl + G will make a group for you. You can also create a sub-layer and add them to it or create an entirely separate layer. Do whatever works for you. Just get them grouped before export. You can see in my layers panels I have a masterGroup around everything and then nested groups around the straight lines and circles. The elements in those groups do not need an ID as I’ll have no need to target them individually. You can also use nested groups within nested groups. Maybe a character has a group called ‘#face’, but the eyes need to be their own group within the face group. If that’s what you need for control, go for it. Tip 3: Export Settings Choose File –-> Export –-> Export As --> then choose ‘Save as type: SVG’. The directory is unimportant as you won’t actually be saving it. Choose Export at the bottom of that panel and then we’ll get to the important settings. The next screen you’ll see will be for the SVG Options. At this point you could choose OK and the file would be saved, but I find it best to click to ‘Show Code’ instead. That will launch a text editor which will allow you to copy and paste the code into your editor. Make certain the Object IDs is set to Layer Names. If not, the group names and path IDs will not come through to the SVG. The most important setting here is the Styling. If you choose: Internal CSS, you’ll get a bunch of generic class names. The IDs will still come through, but I don’t find generic class names helpful at all. Here’s what you get with that export. <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1000" height="500" viewBox="0 0 1000 500"> <defs> <style> .cls-1 { fill: #333; } .cls-2 { fill: #ff0; } .cls-3 { fill: #7ac943; } .cls-4 { fill: #3fa9f5; } .cls-5 { fill: #ff931e; } .cls-6 { fill: none; stroke: #e6e6e6; stroke-miterlimit: 10; stroke-width: 4px; } </style> </defs> <g id="backgroundGroup"> <rect id="backgroundGray" class="cls-1" width="1000" height="500"/> </g> <g id="masterGroup"> <g id="nestedCircles"> <circle class="cls-2" cx="650" cy="150" r="50"/> <circle class="cls-3" cx="650" cy="350" r="50"/> <circle class="cls-4" cx="850" cy="150" r="50"/> <circle class="cls-5" cx="850" cy="350" r="50"/> </g> <rect id="greenBox" class="cls-3" x="100" y="100" width="100" height="100"/> <rect id="blueBox" class="cls-4" x="100" y="300" width="100" height="100"/> <rect id="orangeBox" class="cls-5" x="300" y="100" width="100" height="100"/> <rect id="yellowBox" class="cls-2" x="300" y="300" width="100" height="100"/> <path id="wavyPath" class="cls-6" d="M68,457c45.67-15.25,115.6-33,201-31,84.49,2,104.92,21.37,193,25,108.61,4.48,136.93-22.58,236-28,61.7-3.37,150.91,1.64,262,43"/> <g id="straightLines"> <line class="cls-6" x1="450" y1="100" x2="450" y2="400"/> <line class="cls-6" x1="500" y1="100" x2="500" y2="400"/> <line class="cls-6" x1="550" y1="100" x2="550" y2="400"/> </g> </g> </svg> For styling I prefer to set it to Presentation Attributes. Here’s what you get with that setting. <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1000" height="500" viewBox="0 0 1000 500"> <g id="backgroundGroup"> <rect id="backgroundGray" width="1000" height="500" fill="#333"/> </g> <g id="masterGroup"> <g id="nestedCircles"> <circle cx="650" cy="150" r="50" fill="#ff0"/> <circle cx="650" cy="350" r="50" fill="#7ac943"/> <circle cx="850" cy="150" r="50" fill="#3fa9f5"/> <circle cx="850" cy="350" r="50" fill="#ff931e"/> </g> <rect id="greenBox" x="100" y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="#7ac943"/> <rect id="blueBox" x="100" y="300" width="100" height="100" fill="#3fa9f5"/> <rect id="orangeBox" x="300" y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="#ff931e"/> <rect id="yellowBox" x="300" y="300" width="100" height="100" fill="#ff0"/> <path id="wavyPath" d="M68,457c45.67-15.25,115.6-33,201-31,84.49,2,104.92,21.37,193,25,108.61,4.48,136.93-22.58,236-28,61.7-3.37,150.91,1.64,262,43" fill="none" stroke="#e6e6e6" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="4"/> <g id="straightLines"> <line x1="450" y1="100" x2="450" y2="400" fill="none" stroke="#e6e6e6" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="4"/> <line x1="500" y1="100" x2="500" y2="400" fill="none" stroke="#e6e6e6" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="4"/> <line x1="550" y1="100" x2="550" y2="400" fill="none" stroke="#e6e6e6" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="4"/> </g> </g> </svg> The output is much cleaner and any of those attributes can be easily controlled with CSS or GSAP. This code straight out of AI is ready to animate with no cleanup necessary. You can quickly target those group child elements for whatever you need. It’s the best of both worlds as you can get to each element for a stagger without the need for unique IDs and you can also control them as a collective. The nested circles can be targeted like this: tl.staggerFrom("#nestedCircles circle", 0.5, {attr:{r:0}}, 0.15); Or easily targeted as a group: tl.to("#nestedCircles", 1, {svgOrigin:"750 250", rotation:360}); Bottom line: Better artwork prep will make your GreenSock life easier. Proper names and grouping before you export will make your animation work go faster as you won’t have to fumble with meaningless class names and trying to group things in your code editor. That’s not to say that you can’t tweak a few names or groups – I do that all the time. But the more things you can have exported from AI correctly, the easier your coding and animation work will be. Of course, all this is just my two-cent opinion. Take from it what you will. Hopefully some of it will be helpful. Happy tweening.
    15 points
  14. Oh my turn! my turn!! PS: Sorry couldn't resist
    15 points
  15. I've been getting a bunch of people asking me about how to do a smooth page scroll effect, so here it is. Scrolling is just a transform. If you scroll 100px down, the browser will translate the page -100px up. We can do that with GSAP. TweenLite.set(contentToScroll, { y: -window.pageYOffset }); So how do you prevent the browser from scrolling the content? Position your content in a fixed container, and set the height of the body equal to the height of your content. This will allow the page to scroll, but the fixed container won't move. Now animate the y position of your content based on the scroll position of the page.
    14 points
  16. Hi there! My name is Sarah, I'm on the Vue core team and do a lot of work with Vue and SVG animation using GSAP. Yep, you're on the right track, refs are the way to target these elements though technically it still works to target an id or class as usual. However, there are some key pieces in here that I want to separate out in case it's helpful to you, because really the sky's the limit! And they play so well together: 1) The way that animation and rendering work, you are *always* going to be touching the DOM in the case of animation, this can't only happen in the virtual DOM (something that people miss about React, too, even when looking at libraries like React-Motion) 2) There's a way to interpolate numbers that then update the DOM by transitioning state, and then there is accessing the DOM directly. You can use Vue and GSAP for both. I rewrote the docs example to use GSAP for our transitioning state example here: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/transitioning-state.html#Animating-State-with-Watchers, but the way you're working with the DOM nodes and watchers, you may be more interested in this chart I wrote with where I'm spinning up SVG DOM nodes with directives, which is similar to what you're doing. In other words, you can use Vue and GSAP to interpolate number or values, and then apply that to a style binding, OR you can just update the fill in GSAP by targeting the element directly, that will still work. There is even a relative HSL tween that gsap offers if that's your jam 3) You might also want to set things up with a transition component, which offer some javascript hooks for beforeEnter, enter, and leaving states: (I have a bunch of pens that do this but this is probably the simplest Vue Book Content Typer) The nice thing that the transition component offers you is an ability to coordinate one thing entering and another leaving, with transition modes. They're pretty spectacular. You will also be given FLIP under the hood with the transition-group component. 4) You can also plug directly into the mounted lifecycle hook, as you can see here: Vue Weather Notifier Pen. This way you can activate an SVG animation on the component as soon as it's in the DOM. You can also see in this pen I'm changing opacity, using drawSVG, changing color, rotating, you name it- it's all possible on SVG elements and you don't *have* to put them in data. Though there's nothing wrong with transitioning state that way either. I also wrote this article that should help you: https://css-tricks.com/intro-to-vue-5-animations/ And have this open source repo which is a whole workshop just about vue and svg animations: https://github.com/sdras/animating-vue-workshop Please feel free to ask any questions as well. Thanks!
    14 points
  17. Hey everyone We’re rolling up on Thanksgiving here in America, so I thought I’d say how thankful I am for this forum. You’re a terrific group of people and one AI. I’m so glad I started participating a few years ago. It’s truly been life changing. As a thank you, I’m gonna drop a couple sliders here for the community. I know there are umpteen ways to make a slider, but this is my take on it. I added multiple control types and linked the nav dots animation to the draggable element for a bit of fun. We often have questions about sliders so hopefully these will be a good jumping-off point for someone. Happy Tweensgiving
    13 points
  18. We love answering GSAP-related questions, but in order to get you a fast, accurate answer it is very important that you provide code we can test. Your problem may be related to CSS, HTML, a framework or JavaScript (or a mixture of those). A tiny code snippet (outside of its context), is difficult to diagnose. We need code that we can dig into and play with...quickly. We are big fans of CodePen.io, an online editor that allows you to create (and share) demos that are easy to inspect and edit. They make isolating issues much faster. Watch How it is Done: GSAP 3 Starter Pen: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/VoZNxw To create a demo with all of GSAP including every bonus plugin: Click the Edit on CodePen button Click the Fork button to create your own copy (lower right corner). Add the minimal amount of HTML, CSS and JavaScript necessary to replicate your issue. Save the pen Paste the URL of your pen (demo) into a new forum topic with a short description of the problem. Include OS, browser and device information where applicable. CodePen is completely free to use and you don't even have to sign up or log in. We do recommend creating a free account as it will allow you to save and organize your pens and much more. Using a framework/library like React, Vue, Next, etc.? CodePen isn't always ideal for these tools, so here are some Stackblitz starter templates that you can fork and import the gsap-trial NPM package: React (please read this article!) Next Svelte Sveltekit Vue Nuxt Please share the StackBlitz link directly to the file in question (where you've put the GSAP code) so we don't need to hunt through all the files. Helpful tips: Isolate the problem Create a demo from scratch. Don't copy your whole project Make demos focused and concise Use stand-ins for content like simple colored <div> elements The special "trial versions" of the bonus plugins also work on the following domains: codesandbox.io, stackblitz.com, jsfiddle.net Use the pen below to easily copy and paste the urls to the bonus plugins: Each time you reply to a thread in the forums, please make sure to use the "Fork" button in the bottom right of the CodePen window so that you don't keep overwriting the original CodePen with new changes. This will help context not to be lost in our forums when other people view the thread later. It allows us to better keep track of how your demo is being changed. Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to helping you.
    12 points
  19. Are you guilty of any of the most common mistakes people make in their ScrollTrigger code? Nesting ScrollTriggers inside multiple timeline tweens Creating to() logic issues Using one ScrollTrigger or animation for multiple "sections" Forgetting to use function-based start/end values for things that are dependent on viewport sizing Start animation mid-viewport, but reset it offscreen Creating ScrollTriggers out of order Loading new content but not refreshing Why does my "scrub" animation jump on initial load? Or my non-scrub animation start playing? Tip: How to make scrub animations take longer Navigating back to a page causes ScrollTrigger to break Note: There's also a separate article that covers the most common GSAP mistakes. Debugging tip: In many cases, the issue isn't directly related to ScrollTrigger, so it's helpful to get things working without ScrollTrigger/any scroll effects and then, once everything else is working, hook things up to ScrollTrigger. Nesting ScrollTriggers inside multiple timeline tweens A very common mistake is applying ScrollTrigger to multiple tweens that are nested inside a timeline. Logic-wise, that can't work. When you nest an animation in a timeline, that means the playhead of the parent timeline is what controls the playhead of the child animations (they all must be synchronized otherwise it wouldn't make any sense). When you add a ScrollTrigger with scrub, you're basically saying "I want the playhead of this animation to be controlled by the scrollbar position"...you can't have both. For example, what if the parent timeline is playing forward but the user also is scrolling backwards? See the problem? It can't go forward and backward at the same time, and you wouldn't want the playhead to get out of sync with the parent timeline's. Or what if the parent timeline is paused but the user is scrolling? So definitely avoid putting ScrollTriggers on nested animations. Instead, either keep those tweens independent (don't nest them in a timeline) -OR- just apply a single ScrollTrigger to the parent timeline itself to hook the entire animation as a whole to the scroll position. Creating to() logic issues If you want to animate the same properties of the same element in multiple ScrollTriggers, it’s common to create logic issues like this: gsap.to('h1', { x: 100, scrollTrigger: { trigger: 'h1', start: 'top bottom', end: 'center center', scrub: true } }); gsap.to('h1', { x: 200, scrollTrigger: { trigger: 'h1', start: 'center center', end: 'bottom top', scrub: true } }); Did you catch the mistake? You might think that it will animate the x value to 100 and then directly to 200 when the second ScrollTrigger starts. However if you scroll through the page you’ll see that it animates to 100 then jumps back to 0 (the starting x value) then animates to 200. This is because the starting values of ScrollTriggers are cached when the ScrollTrigger is created. See the Pen ScrollTrigger to() logic issue by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. To work around this either use set immediateRender: false (like this demo shows) or use .fromTo()s for the later tweens (like this demo shows) or set a ScrollTrigger on a timeline and put the tweens in that timelines instead (like this demo shows). Using one ScrollTrigger or animation for multiple "sections" If you want to apply the same effect to multiple sections/elements so that they animate when they come into view, for example, it's common for people to try to use a single tween which targets all the elements but that ends up animating them all at once. For example: See the Pen ScrollTrigger generic target issue by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Since each of the elements would get triggered at a different scroll position, and of course their animations would be distinct, just do a simple loop instead, like this: See the Pen ScrollTrigger generic target issue - fixed with scoping by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Forgetting to use function-based start/end values for things that are dependent on viewport sizing For example, let's say you've got a start or end value that references the height of an element which may change if/when the viewport resizes. ScrollTrigger will refresh() automatically when the viewport resizes, but if you hard-coded your value when the ScrollTrigger was created that won't get updated...unless you use a function-based value. end: `+=${elem.offsetHeight}` // won't be updated on refresh end: () => `+=${elem.offsetHeight}` // will be updated Additionally, if you want the animation values to update, make sure the ones you want to update are function-based values and set invalidateOnRefresh: true in the ScrollTrigger. Start animation mid-viewport, but reset it offscreen For example try scrolling down then back up in this demo: See the Pen ScrollTrigger reset issue by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Notice that we want the animation to start mid-screen, but when scrolling backwards we want it to reset at a completely different place (when the element goes offscreen). The solution is to use two ScrollTriggers - one for the playing and one for the resetting once the element is off screen. See the Pen ScrollTrigger reset issue - fixed with two ScrollTriggers by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Creating ScrollTriggers out of order If you have any ScrollTriggers that pin elements (with the default pinSpacing: true) then the order in which the ScrollTriggers are created is important. This is because any ScrollTriggers after the ScrollTrigger with pinning need to compensate for the extra distance that the pinning adds. You can see an example of how this sort of thing might happen in the pen below. Notice that the third box's animation runs before it's actually in the viewport. See the Pen ScrollTrigger creation order issue by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. To fix this you can either create the ScrollTriggers in the order in which they are reached when scrolling or use ScrollTrigger's refreshPriority property to tell certain ScrollTriggers to calculate their positions sooner (the higher the refreshPriority the sooner the positions will be calculated). The demo below creates the ScrollTriggers in their proper order. See the Pen ScrollTrigger creation order issue - fixed by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Loading new content but not refreshing All ScrollTriggers get setup as soon as it's reasonably safe to do so, usually once all content is loaded. However if you're loading images that don't have a width or height attribute correctly set or you are loading content dynamically (via AJAX/fetch/etc.) and that content affects the layout of the page you usually need to refresh ScrollTrigger so it updates the positions of the ScrollTriggers. You can do that easily by calling ScrollTrigger.refresh() in the callback for your method that is loading the image or new content. Why does my "scrub" animation jump on initial load? Or my non-scrub animation start playing? Most likely the ScrollTrigger’s start value is before the starting scroll position. This usually happens when the start is something like "top bottom" (the default start value) and the element is at the very top of the page. If you don’t want this to happen simply adjust the start value to one that’s after a scroll position of 0. Tip: How to make "scrub" animations take longer The duration of a "scrub" animation will always be forced to fit exactly between the start and end of the ScrollTrigger position, so increasing the duration value won't do anything if the start and end of the ScrollTrigger stay the same. To make the animation longer, just push the end value down further. For example, instead of end: "+=300", make it "+=600" and the animation will take twice as long. If you want to add blank space between parts of a scrubbed animation, just use empty tweens as the docs cover. Navigating back to a page causes ScrollTrigger to break If you have a single-page application (SPA; i.e. a framework such as React or Vue, a page-transition library like Highway.js, Swup, or Barba.js, or something similar) and you use ScrollTrigger you might run into some issues when you navigate back to a page that you've visited already. Usually this is because SPAs don't automatically destroy and re-create your ScrollTriggers so you need to do that yourself when navigating between pages or components. To do that, you should kill off any relevant ScrollTriggers in whatever tool you're using's unmount or equivalent callback. Then make sure to re-create any necessary ScrollTriggers in the new component/page's mount or equivalent callback. In some cases when the targets and such still exist but the measurements are incorrect you might just need to call ScrollTrigger.refresh(). If you need help in your particular situation, please make a minimal demo and then create a new thread in our forums along with the demo and an explanation of what's going wrong. Still need some help? The GreenSock forums are the best place to get your questions answered. We love helping people develop their animation superpowers.
    12 points
  20. @ddi-web-team @Sygol @Yannis Yannakopoulos I whipped together a helper function that should make this quite easy. Check it out in this CodePen: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/823312ec3785be7b25315ec2efd517d8?editors=0010 We may end up adding it as a static method on ScrollTrigger if there's enough interest. What do you think?
    12 points
  21. [updated September 2, 2020] Good news: Google pushed GSAP to their CDN (for use with DoubleClick and AdWords ads). URLs can be found at: https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6307288#gs If you get news of other ad networks that have similar news to share, feel free to post here. Enjoy!
    12 points
  22. Hello @vibhor4all and welcome to the GreenSock Forum! Like @mikel advised you can check DOM and window. This way you only run your animation when the HTML, SVG, Canvas, and other assets are ready and loaded to be animated. It is best to wait until the DOM is ready then check if the window is loaded. Since both DOM ready and window loaded can fire at different times based on the server wait response and client building the DOM. Also its optional to also only run on the next requestAnimationFrame() to help prevent jank when first loaded. Wait until: DOM ready: Even if the window is loaded before the DOM, the window will fire immediately. window loaded: If the DOM is ready before the window is loaded the window will just fire when it is fully loaded. OPTIONAL - Run code on next render tick. Waits until next requestAnimationFrame() which prevents running code in the middle of render tick Vanilla JS way: // wait until DOM is ready document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { // wait until window is loaded - all images, styles-sheets, fonts, links, and other media assets // you could also use addEventListener() instead window.onload = function() { // OPTIONAL - waits til next tick render to run code (prevents running in the middle of render tick) window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { // GSAP custom code goes here }); }; }); Or the jQuery way: // wait until DOM is ready $(document).ready(function(){ // wait until window is loaded - all images, styles-sheets, fonts, links, and other media assets $(window).on("load", function(){ // OPTIONAL - waits til next tick render to run code (prevents running in the middle of render tick) window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { // GSAP custom code goes here }); }); }); But a codepen will be appreciated to help you better Resources: DomContentLoaded() : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded requestAnimationFrame() : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame window onload : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onload Happy Tweening
    12 points
  23. run into similar issue using the app directory in NextJS 13. I'm using ScrollTrigger and ScrollSmoother plugin and managed to fix it by moving the gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother) inside of useEffect/ useIsomorphicLayoutEffect hook. hope this helps
    11 points
  24. I spent a bunch of time reworking the helper function to accommodate a new option, center: true which will basically make the active element be the one that's centered in the container. Here's a fork that adds an "active" class to the element in the center, and I made one of the elements wider just to make sure it still works when they're not all the same width: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/gOvvJee?editors=0010 I added an onChange callback as well which gets called when the "active" element changes. It's responsive, and the momentum-based snapping works with the centering too. ? Does that help?
    11 points
  25. Hey everyone Another quick SVG tip. Set your stroke dash length to 0 and your linecap to round. That will get you a nice circle border around your path or a string of circles along an open path. For a complete string of circle shapes along the stroke, set the gap equal to the stroke-width. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/VXMmZV If you set the gap to less than the stroke-width, you can overlap the circles and create a nice scalloped edge. I personally like around 50-70% of the stroke-width. Throw a gradient on for a nice picture frame. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/bvvddx With some creative layering and masking you can confine the scalloped edge to the inside or outside of you path. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/YaaqPQ Using two strokes with different stroke-width and gap sizes, you can turn an ordinary ellipse into a cloud. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/RMMMKv Morphing shapes with a circle border creates some cool results. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/rddOqd Since these are circles making up the stroke and not actual elements, we can’t draw them on or make them move individually. Or can we…? Using a mask, we can draw them on and animating the gap size can bring them into position in an interesting manner. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/wmmmmK It has its limits but can produce some fun results. The main thing to remember is set your dash length to 0 and the linecap to round. After that, experiment with stroke-width and gap size. Happy tweening.
    11 points
  26. Welcome to the forum. You can check out the Bezier plugin: https://greensock.com/docs/Plugins/BezierPlugin The MorphSVG plugin has a .pathDataToBezier() method. https://greensock.com/docs/Plugins/MorphSVGPlugin You may also be able to make it work with a textPath animation. I wrote about that here: Demo from that thread: https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/vRzmeO Hopefully that points you in the right direction. Happy tweening.
    11 points
  27. Hello everyone, This post is going to be one of those a little long and for those more busy and timeless it is about: A person who had a dream and when he reached resolve to thank the people who helped reach that goal. Well let's go then: First, this was my first post on the forum: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/16437-animation-scale-left-to-right/ And on this date I still used Adobe Muse to make a website because I did not know anything about HTML / CSS, but I already wanted to be good, make sites cool, cool and one day I could gain recognition at Awwwards, so if you go see this post will see that mention a site that had just won this recognition. But it was impossible to win not knowing HTML and CSS, so I started to study and learned everything by scouring the internet inside, but something I was sure, to get there I would need to master doing Animations, so every day I needed to understand how it worked the GSAP. I was studying and creating new challenges and whenever I tried to do something and did not find the solution on the Internet, I was obliged to ask in this Forum, and at no time did I leave here without a useful answer, ready for me was very clear, I had found a source for learning and for evolution. So know that this is how I and many people see this forum. So after less than 2 years of many studies and many questions I finally decided to run my dream that was to gain a recognition at Awwwards, and to my surprise I did not only won as a Site of the Day but also the Developer award. A reason for much satisfaction and pride, and I certainly could not without the support, help of this incredible community, who always welcomes and helps everyone who comes here to seek a light for their goal. So thank you to all of you and as a form of gratitude and recognition I made a point of mentioning in the thanksgiving session of my website (http://victor.work) on the page about, because it is also conquest of you. (and also mentioned GSAP FORUM in my hobbies) So through all this I would like to let you know that you provide a very important role for the web community, a tool that we can evaluate as perfect and yet I see you doing the best and working hard to perfect it even more. Guys you are very importants. I'll leave the recognition link here at Awwwards: https://www.awwwards.com/sites/victor-work-folio19 Anyway, this is it: Thank you very much indeed, you guys are awesome.
    11 points
  28. You can do that by determining velocity of mouse or scrolling, then use that velocity to apply skew. So to determine velocity you can use simple easing and take difference between target and easing value. Here is demo showing original effect based on mouse. This one uses a predefined tween, I set the progress of tween based on eased value. The scroll based effect is a lot more simple as you don't need to use any predefined tween,
    11 points
  29. GreenShock /ɡrēn ˌSHäk/ noun: GreenShock psychological condition caused by prolonged exposure to the GreenSock Animation Platform, especially the use of Club GreenSock plugins. "I’m in GreenShock after witnessing Jack Doyle ‘whip up’ a new plugin and casually post it in the forum." synonyms: astonishment, surprise, stupefaction, incredulity, disbelief, speechlessness, awe, wonder, wonderment
    11 points
  30. Here is very basic demo. You can change movement based on element you are animating. You can also use parallax.js which responds to gyroscope on mobile devices.
    11 points
  31. The Stackoverflow effect! I think most people have this fear, but as you've seen, this forum is totally different. And when it comes to programming, I don't think there are any dumb questions.
    11 points
  32. Welcome the forums @chanced That means whatever tool/framework you are using doesn't support ES Modules, so you would need to import the UMD files. This is a common issue for frameworks that do SSR because of past limited support for ES Modules in a node environment. import Flip from "gsap/dist/Flip";
    10 points
  33. Looping back with a codepen. ✨ https://codepen.io/cassie-codes/pen/zYdxopE
    10 points
  34. And now I've gone even further down the 3D cube rabbit hole –made a Draggable version: https://codepen.io/creativeocean/pen/poRyMLX?editors=0010
    10 points
  35. Hey, I created a simple example based on this CodePen from the GreenSock collection (I assume that this is what you're after). Now for some reason in Codesandbox this didn't worked so I had to create a repo and publish the sample in the corresponding GitHub page. This is the repo url: https://github.com/rhernandog/gsap-flip-react Here is the meat of the code: https://github.com/rhernandog/gsap-flip-react/blob/master/src/App.js Here is the live sample: https://rhernandog.github.io/gsap-flip-react/ Based on your initial post in the thread, I take that you want to remove the elements from the DOM when they're animated out and mount them back, once they're animated in. Unfortunately, for work reasons I don't have enough time to add such feature to this sample, but this should be a good starting point for it and hopefully it will help you. When I have more time in the future I hope to be able to improve this sample. Happy Tweening!!!
    10 points
  36. Hey @maxvia I am no react guy, so I can not tell you on how to implement this with react, but I can show you one example of how to achieve this sort of effect. ***** Please take note of the Edit added to the bottom of this post with regard to the setup ***** It is pretty straight to get there with ScrollTrigger and this being all the JS you need for this version: gsap.set('section.footer-container', { yPercent: -50 }) const uncover = gsap.timeline({ paused:true }) uncover .to('section.footer-container', { yPercent: 0, ease: 'none' }) ; ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: 'section.conclusion', start: 'top top', end: '+=75%', animation: uncover, scrub: true, }) in combination with these CSS keypoints (related to the JS) section { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; } footer { height: 75vh; width: 100vw; overflow: hidden; } section.footer-container { height: 75vh; } in this possible HTML markup <section class="intro"></section> <section class="description"></section> <section class="conclusion"></section> <footer class="footer"> <section class="footer-container"> </section> </footer> What is basically going on here (as well as in on the page you linked to, I think) is that from a certain point on, the initially on the y-axis set up .footer-container is being animated downwards. But since the amount it is being animated down is less, than the amount of the scroll that is moving things up, it appears, that it is simply just scrolling slower than the rest from further down. Hope this explenation somehow makes sense to you. Here is a very basic demo https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/51ad2dfcf2ff34e11c1f7fa8f6be11bf Here is one in combination with smooth-scrollbar for the smooth-scrolling effect similar to what they have on their site https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/e10646738ea5ff087a5f27e2960beb8a And here is one with extra edge-easing ( when coming closer to the top / bottom of the page ) applied to smooth-scrollbar, because to me it feels, they have something like that on their page, too https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/a229bb24e2d94079ccc8e874639aa79f Very neat effect you chose there. It was fun building those demos out. Hope they help you. Cheers, Paul Edit: I updated all of the demos above. The way I had things set up initially ( with the start of the ScrollTrigger set to 'top top' ) this would only have worked, if the section before the footer would have had a height of 100vh. This isn't neccessary at all though, if you simply set the start of the ScrollTrigger to 'bottom bottom' instead. The section before the footer can have any height now.
    10 points
  37. I’ve seen a few questions recently about getting better morphs so I thought I’d share a little tip that may help my fellow AI users. Whether you’ve created your own vectors or downloaded some stock artwork, the scissors tool is a quick way to get better morphs. You can also completely control the start point of your DrawSVG animations. I have an example using a couple heart shapes. This is just an icon from a collection I downloaded. The designer has the first point in the upper right curve of the heart. That’s probably not the best start point for any type of animations, so that needs to be fixed. Step 1 – Cut that path. Grab your scissors tool (it’s in the fly-out menu under the eraser). Line that up with the anchor point at the bottom point of the heart and cut. You’ll now have two anchors at that location. Step 2 – Select the points at the cut location and then join them together. It’s under the Object --> Path –-> Join (or Ctrl+J shortcut.) That is now the new start point of the path. You can now export the SVG. Here’s the difference with DrawSVG. You can see on heart one (as originally designed) the path starts drawing from an unnatural position. In heart two I’ve made that cut at the bottom and the animation feels better and animates the way a heart would naturally be drawn. Here’s the difference with MorphSVG Again, the first heart and star are left as the original designer created them. You can see the morph looks pretty good, but it has a bit of a twist to it. I used the scissors on both heart two and star two with a cut right at the center of the bottom. This morph looks much more natural. The bottom point of the heart splits into the bottom two points of the star and the twisting motion is now gone. There's your hot tip for Valentine's Day. Happy tweening and morphing everyone.
    10 points
  38. Hi @Valeria Welcome to the forum and thank you for joining Club GreenSock. As @Acccent mentioned, there would be a whole bunch of ways to approach this. Here's my two cent approach for you. I'm not sure if that is even close to what you had in mind, but maybe it will give you some ideas. Happy tweening and welcome aboard. @Acccent - congratulations on your Moderator promotion. Well done!
    10 points
  39. Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums!! A looooooooong time ago I made this for another question in the forums. It uses the draggable tool to move the numbers but you could easily use it to get started with what you need: I made a fork of it and changed a bit to simulate what you need: Hopefully this helps. Happy Tweening!!!
    10 points
  40. The best JavaScript programmers I know come from a art/design background. In fact, GSAP was a written by a graphic designer, so there's no harm in learning the language. You'll be able to do a lot more with your animations. That said, this is still a complicated question. I guess the biggest question is, for how long should the animation be stopped from playing on a page? A session? A day? A week? Rest of eternity? Regardless, I think the answer will come from the sessionStorage or localStorage urls provided. You can store and retrieve a variable in the browser, so you could store a variable like if the animation has played, or maybe the date it was last played on. The syntax is very easy. var hasPlayed = sessionStorage.getItem("hasMyAnimationPlayed"); if (!hasPlayed) { TweenMax.to(foo, 1, { x: 100, onComplete: function() { sessionStorage.setItem("hasMyAnimationPlayed", true); } }); }
    10 points
  41. Hi dear community! I know you missed new releases with HERO banners. Today I present 3 of them! Please give us feedback if you like them. 1. World Of Tanks — Take Control Animation here 2. World Of Tanks — Video 360° Animation here 3. World Of Warships — Dunkirk Collaboration Animation here Thank you!
    10 points
  42. You win "Jack's favorite post" for the week...or month...probably year. It's so nice to hear about your journey and the encouragement you give to fellow "lurkers" to wade into the pool and risk asking a question and/or help someone else around here. That's what makes this place so special. I agree that the vibe in these forums is very unique and positive. Rare indeed on the interwebs. Thanks for the way you've reinforced and contributed to that vibe (as this post demonstrates). We echo all your sentiments about the other moderators. Amazing guys. We're all lucky to have them hanging out here, sharing their knowledge. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary. Love the Muscle codepen. Ha. To everyone else reading this, follow in Craig's footsteps and try helping someone here (or ask a question that's pestering you). We promise, we won't make you feel dumb...unless you insist that IE8 is awesome.
    10 points
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