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GSAP3 ScrollTrigger - Scrub Enabled - Move element up and then down

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Go to solution Solved by GreenSock,

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Hi Guys.


I am new to GSAP, GSAP3 and scrollTrigger.

I have been trying to implement some of the basics to learn how to use GSAP and ScrollTrigger.


Please refer to the codePen.


I am trying to make the letters (YEAH) in the first horizontal sliding section move up then down then up then down through the "scrubbed" animation.

In other words, how do I make them go up and down multiple times instead of just the once.


I have looked for examples and have been unable to find anything doing this.


Can it be done?

See the Pen yLEmJor by kubik101 (@kubik101) on CodePen.


Hi @kubik101 and welcome to the GreenSock forums!


Please take a look at this thread to see how a similar situation it was approached:




Hopefully that's enough to get you started. Let us know if you have more questions.


Happy Tweening!

  • Solution

Welcome aboard, @kubik101


You could actually use a function-based value to simplify things so that you don't need one animation for the even ones, and another for the odd ones: 

See the Pen MWXNjEj?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen.


And you just set a repeat value to whatever you want (I chose 3, so it'll play once and then repeat 3 times) and set yoyo: true to make it invert on every repeat. 


Does that clear things up? 


Hi GreenSock.


Thank you for your solution.

So simple in the end.


While I have you, if you're able and willing, an extended question which I have posted here:



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