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Hello, I have a scroll animation on my website that is a .json file.  Animation was made in Blender then exported via After Effects using the extension Bodymovin.  I’ve been very interested in starting with GSAP but I’m having a hard time spending money on something I’m not even sure will do the job.  I’ve installed the GSAP url on my Shopify site but no clue what to do next.  Which is why now, I’m willing to lay a fee to get this wrapped out using three.js and GSAP perhaps.  Or does GSAP and three.js work with .json files?   I’m the Lead Designer here at The Berrics in Los Angeles and I’m very intrigued by coding and web animations doing a lot of reading and learning as I can.  Can anyone please help me.  The quality I have up in my site is hideous.  Please help me.



***  scroll animation is towards bottom of homepage***

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Hi pal.

Are you asking for help getting started with learning GSAP?

What's your learning style? Do you like videos or reading, do you learn by watching other people or doing things yourself?

I don't know what you mean about the json files I'm afraid. json files are just for storing data really - sure you could use JS to get data from a .json file and then use that in an animation but I don't think that's what you're asking. Are you trying to work out how to recreate a Lottie animation using GSAP?

What's your end goal? What are you trying to create?

Also FYI - The core GSAP library is free for the majority of use cases, so you don't have to chuck money at us. (although we won't complain if you do, support is always appreciated)

We do charge to make use of our bonus Club GSAP plugins, but even they're free for experimenting with on codepen, so you can kick the tires as much as you like while you're learning! 

See the Pen OPqpRJ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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Indeed Iam trying to learn how this works.  And apply is as a major tool in my creativity.  I have been racking my brain, trying to get this scrolling animation flawless but no matter what I do, I just can’t seem to find a solution .  Quality is everything to me.   And honestly man, I don’t really have much money to to throw anywhere.  What I can tell you is as I’m chasing my dreams , I’ve found myself making it to the pinnacle of a industry, only to discover the end of the rainbow isn’t always what it seems .  With tons of eyes on me and a innovator of my craft, I’ve searched and searched for other other tools to add to my arsenal.  And I want to believe I’ve found one here with GSAP.  If this can be applied to my scrolling animation, and be the very thing to smooth it out flawlessly, I will then certainly invest a lot of time and dedication into learning this craft and mastering it on levels that have never been seen.

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Yes Iam one to ask question as someone teaches.   I have a skateboard brand that I design myself through and through.  And over the course of the past year , I was noticed on Instagram and invited out here to Los Angeles where I became Lead Designer here at The Berrics.  @berrics @22boardco @jonathanmayea

Yes, Iam trying to figure out how to recreate animations from json files I create.  This is where I must start.  But it doesn’t stop there.  Once I began understanding the possibilities, buckle up.  

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By 'what's the end goal' I was angling more for an idea of the animation you're trying to create. But congrats on the new job.

If you're after scroll animation - here's what you'll need

From looking at your site I'm guessing you're trying to rotate a 3d model of the skateboard or something, maybe this will help.

Good luck!

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Well you see Cassie,

that’s kinda why I’m here in this thread , in hopes of finding someone and to see what kind of fee would it take to do this for me and show me how they did it.  Studying the code abs learning that will come in time .   I’m trying to prevent wasting anymore time seeing as I’m on a tight deadline for this.    Like I even ask myself, “ I wonder if I could copy and paste the majority of the animation from the data inside the .json file with making necessary adjustments.  But I’m pretty sure that won’t be the case.  Once someone was able to get this in place if they were able to, then just briefly ran thru the steps with me.   Not teaching me the code in depth or anything , I can get that understanding over time.  This is sorta why I even mentioned money in the first place.  I need someone to do it for me, and show me how they did it.

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OH. I'm sorry,

I didn't realise at first that this was in the freelance forum, I had assumed you were asking for help as you mentioned installing GSAP and learning.

I'll double check which forum I'm in in future. ?

In this particular case it's not clear which animation you're trying to fix or what's broken. I would try explaining what it is you're trying to achieve. If you don't have the words to explain tech-wise don't worry! A simple storyboard will suffice, leave it to the freelancer to decide how to accomplish it!.

You'll have a little more change of finding someone to help if you create a new thread and follow the steps from this post

  • Describe the project's technical requirements and provide links to similar examples and/or storyboards (if available).
  • List the start and end dates of the project (or at least a rough timeline).
  • Provide an estimated compensation range


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