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Issue during building as well as deploying site in Gatsby

Jacek Łudzik test
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I'm trying to build and deploy my project in Gatsby but can't figure out how to solve this problem. Error seems to be made by ScrollTrigger. I tried to fire animation in if (window) statement as well as if (document) but it also generates error. Does anyone know what should I fix?

Zrzut ekranu 2020-07-7 o 18.16.02.png

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Yes, like Zach said a demo is necessary for us to troubleshoot. The error message seems (to me at least) to indicate that the target of whatever you're doing with GSAP/ScrollTrigger is undefined/null. Probably the scroller (which is the window by default). I bet your code is executing before the window is defined or you forgot to gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) after the window exists. Just a guess. 

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7 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

Gatsby should probably have it's own little section on the installation page. Same with nuxt and next.js. I'd suggest making a demo repos for people to look at.

If you want to write up something real quick and create some repos we're happy to include them! Otherwise it might be a bit before we get around to it.

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14 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

Maybe this?


Gatsby should probably have it's own little section on the installation page. Same with nuxt and next.js. I'd suggest making a demo repos for people to look at.

It solved my problem. Thank you!

14 minutes ago, OSUblake said:



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1 hour ago, ZachSaucier said:

If you want to write up something real quick and create some repos we're happy to include them! Otherwise it might be a bit before we get around to it.


Maybe @GreenSock can create an organization on github? Then I can just add repos to that, and it will be easy for people to find and improve them.


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