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Parallax With MagicScroll and TweenLiteMax work Once and not on Scroll

Ahmed Elabbasy
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Unfortunately ScrollMagic isn't a GreenSock product, so we don't support it around here. You might want to check out the recently released ScrollTrigger plugin for GSAP which does pretty much everything ScrollMagic does and more.

It looks like you had some typos in your code and you might not be loading the proper ScrollMagic files, but I'm not sure. 


Happy tweening!

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Ahmed Elabbasy

Any membership need this plugin when producing

2 hours ago, Ahmed Elabbasy said:

Any membership need this plugin when producing

Not specifically for that plugin. But GSAP's normal licensing applies.

Ahmed Elabbasy

Very cool, but another question, please, I cannot use smooth Scrollbar with this plugin. Can he do this? 

When I use the smooth scrollbar  the effect is all gone, meaning it can have the same effect smooth scroll


Smooth scrolling hijacks the native scrolling which means that you can't use any scrolling effects that are based on the scroll position including ScrollTrigger. See this post for more info:


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Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. In your demo the image fails to load and I don't see anything weird going on. Can you try to rephrase your issue and provide a more clear demo?

Ahmed Elabbasy

Sorry for this I tried to do something like what I am currently working on. The problem is try to change the view port to large and click on owl carusal right or left on image and try to scroll you will see something like photo rerender and another Scroll trigger gone



I think the part that you're talking about is related to the scrollToElement function? It looks like it's trying to scroll the element into view but it overcompensates every time that you click it. 


You still have quite a bit of code there. I recommend stripping all irrelevant parts of it so that you can focus on solely the issue at hand.

Ahmed Elabbasy

If there is no error setting up or installing the plugin, I can play around
But how can I reduce the speed of scrolling?
at the end, I really sorry for your time

12 hours ago, Ahmed Elabbasy said:

how can I reduce the speed of scrolling?

That's a very unclear question. ScrollTrigger does not hijack the page's native scrolling so you don't directly control the scroll speed with it.

Ahmed Elabbasy

Thanks a lot. I think I have come to a solution now

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