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Directional rotations for Three.js?

whales test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I was trying to do directional rotations in Three.js and encountered some weird/interesting behaviors...


Using "_ccw" will actually result in clockwise rotation while "_cw" lead to counterclockwise rotation. That effect is happening regardless of whether I put positive/negative radians before the string.


I have checked this 

 plugin "whipped together" by the almighty code god but it doesn't cover directional rotations in Three.js. 


Anyways.. at least I could do directional rotations now!! Just wanna share. Maybe it's because how Three.js use positive number for counterclockwise rotation and negative number for clockwise?





See the Pen NMrqvy?editors=1010 by asiankingofwhales (@asiankingofwhales) on CodePen

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1 hour ago, whales said:

Maybe it's because how Three.js use positive number for counterclockwise rotation and negative number for clockwise?


Ah, yes indeed - it looks like Three.js inverts the rotational direction. In every other system I've seen, positive rotation goes clockwise (so animating 0 -> 45, for example, would spin clockwise) but in Three.js it goes counter-clockwise. Super weird. So yeah, I guess you've just gotta flip _ccw and _cw when you're working with Three.js :)

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35 minutes ago, whales said:

And thanks for the NSFW videos with gang signs.


Hehe. I just did a little more searching, and found out that you should use right-handed gang signs when using three.js.





Positive rotation for right hand goes counter clockwise, which is indeed the opposite of what the plugin does.




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