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IE9 position tween issues

sorciereus test
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Go to solution Solved by sorciereus,

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi there. I'm working on an ad (can't share the actual images for) The behavior is different in IE9 from all other browsers. (i don't have access to test on anything above IE9) I haven't encountered this issue before. In addition, these are transparent png with drop shadows, the drop shadows fill while it's animating. 


As you can see from the following code: 

var i = 0;
var a = 1;
var d = .5;
var d2 = .55;
var d3 = .56;
var t = .5;
var tt = .25;
var e = Power2.easeOut; 
TweenMax.set("#container", {alpha:a, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#jacket", t, {y:35, x:-20, delay:d, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#helmet", t, {y:66, x:-14, delay:d3, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#goggles", t, {x:-105, y:10, delay:d2, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#boots", t, {y:-6, x:16, delay:d2, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#shirt", t, {y:-5, x:98, delay:d, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#shoes", t, {x:-40, y:2, delay:d2, ease:e});
//TweenMax.to("#hat", t, {x:-100, delay:d3, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#txt1", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2});
TweenMax.to("#txt2", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.1});
TweenMax.to("#txt3", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.2});
TweenMax.from("#txt2_1", tt, {y:25, alpha:i, delay:2.3});
TweenMax.from("#txt2_2", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.4});
TweenMax.from("#bar", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.5}); 
TweenMax.from("#txt2_3", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.6});
TweenMax.from("#cta", tt, {y:35, alpha:i, delay:2.7});  

I'm doing tweens on divs moving them based on their x and y positions.


Looks great in everything but IE9 as I mentioned above. If you watch for example, the direction the #shirt div moves in any browser and then try in IE9. Moves in the opposite direction. Any suggestions? I tried switching the x and y to left/right top/bottom to no avail. I know MSFT is not supporting IE and I'm trying to guide my work off of 9, atleast, but in the meantime I could use some help. Thanks in advance for any tips. 


See the Pen RWyRXZ by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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Hi. I actually fixed this myself by converting all the tweens to relative tweens like this:

var i = 0;
var a = 1;
var d = .5;
var d2 = .55;
var d3 = .56;
var t = .5;
var tt = .25;
var e = Power2.easeOut; 
TweenMax.set("#container", {alpha:a, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#jacket", t, {top:"+=35", left:"-=20", delay:d, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#helmet", t, {top:"+=66", left:"-=14", delay:d3, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#goggles", t, {left:"-=105", top:"+=10", delay:d2, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#boots", t, {top:"-=6", left:"+=16", delay:d2, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#shirt", t, {top:"-=5", left:"+=98", delay:d, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#shoes", t, {left:"-=40", top:"+=2", delay:d2, ease:e});
//TweenMax.to("#hat", t, {x:-100, delay:d3, ease:e});
TweenMax.to("#txt1", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2});
TweenMax.to("#txt2", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.1});
TweenMax.to("#txt3", tt, {alpha:i, delay:2.2});
TweenMax.from("#txt2_1", tt, {top:"+=25", alpha:i, delay:2.3});
TweenMax.from("#txt2_2", tt, {top:"+=35", alpha:i, delay:2.4});
TweenMax.from("#bar", tt, {top:"+=35", alpha:i, delay:2.5}); 
TweenMax.from("#txt2_3", tt, {top:"+=35", alpha:i, delay:2.6});
TweenMax.from("#cta", tt, {top:"+=35", alpha:i, delay:2.7});  
 Hadn't had this bug come up before which is why I was interested - I do have a question about backgroundPosition in IE9 but I'll make a seperate thread sometime. 
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it would really help if you would take the time to replace your missing images with some type of content (just use a background color) and minimize the code so that we can focus on the problem. For instance, if the #shirt isn't animating correctly just include enough html, css, and js to show the #shirt mis-behaving. 


I tried to reduce down to just the #shirt and could not get IE9 to misbehave: http://s.codepen.io/GreenSock/debug/NGMpXJ


You really shouldn't have to resort to using relative values with left and top. x and y should work fine in IE9. If you can provide a clear demo verify that my reduced case shows the problem, we will certainly take another look

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