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Infamous question: Papervision3d Plane apply filter

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I have searched everywhere and cannot find solution.


I have a simple filter being applied to a plane (event.currentTarget) and its being triggered but nothing happens. Its looking for a movieclip and I'm just using a regular plane and bitmapmaterial on it.



import com.greensock.*;

import com.greensock.easing.*;

import com.greensock.plugins.*;




TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, 1, {tint:{color:0xFFFFFF, tintAmount:0.5} });


I've been on this for a few hours now and any help would be very useful. Thank you.

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You're passing the wrong kind of value to tint.


BAD: tint:{color:0xFFFFFF, tintAmount:0.5}




If you need to control the amount of tint, just use the colorTransform plugin, like:


import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, 1, {colorTransform:{tint:0xFFFFFF, tintAmount:0.5} });

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Thanks for the reply, you give awesome support here by the way.


I tried your code and it went through, but it still didn't change the tint, I tried using the tint in the way you said, the colortransform in the way you said, and added both plugins.


I am sure it works on a plane with a color material background,but I have a bitmapmaterial that I applied to my plane, and it doesn't want to budge at all. Regular X,Y,Z and rotation tweening works perfectly though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks, I figured it out.


Need to make sure the material is a MovieMaterial, created from a movieclip....example:


private function maskPlane(w:Number,h:Number,thex:Number,they:Number):Plane


var mm:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(createFill(w,h),false,true);

var p:Plane = new Plane(mm,w,h);

p.position = this.position;

p.z -=5;

p.x = thex;

p.y = they;

p.useOwnContainer = true;

return p;



private function createFill(w:Number,h:Number):MovieClip


var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


holder.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, w, h);


return holder;



make sure .usecontainer = true as well (as shown above); and also what ukla said, moviematerial needs to be (true) for animated... then to animate, you animate the movie of the plane's material.





might be ugly code, BUT IT WORKS, WOOHOO

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