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MotionPathPlugin.convertCoordinates( fromElement:Element | window, toElement:Element | window, point:Object ) : Object (point or Matrix2D)

Converts a point from one element's local coordinates into where that point lines up in a different element's local coordinate system regardless of how many nested transforms are affecting the elements!


  • fromElement: Element | window

    The element whose local coordinates serve as the input. The point (3rd parameter) is defined according to this element's local coordinates.

  • toElement: Element | window

    The element whose local coordinates serve as the output. In other words, the point will be converted into this element's local coordinate system. This should be an element reference (like myElem), not a selector string

  • point: Object

    [optional] An object with x and y properties like {x:100, y:200} that define the local coordinates in the fromElement that should be converted into the toElement's local coordinates.

Returns : Object (point or Matrix2D)

If a point parameter is provided, it will be converted and a new point is returned like {x: 100, y: 200} representing the converted coordinates in the toElement. If no point is provided, a Matrix2D object is returned so that you can use it to quickly convert ANY coordinates using its apply() method.


Converts a point from one element's local coordinates into where that point lines up in a different element's local coordinate system regardless of how many nested transforms are affecting the elements! For example, if an element is rotated and scaled inside a transformed container and the user clicks on it, you could convert the event's pageX and pageY coordinates into where that is in that nested element's coordinate system.

Sample code

let fromElement = document.querySelector("#from"),
toElement = document.querySelector("#to"),
point = { x: 100, y: 0 },
convertedPoint = MotionPathPlugin.convertCoordinates(

// or if you want to convert multiple points, don't pass one to the function and it'll return a Matrix2D
let matrix = MotionPathPlugin.convertCoordinates(fromElement, toElement), // no point parameter!
p1 = matrix.apply({ x: 100, y: 0 }),
p2 = matrix.apply({ x: 0, y: 200 }),
p3 = matrix.apply({ x: 50, y: 50 });


## Demo
