A Tween is what does all the animation work - think of it like a high-performance property setter. You feed in targets (the objects you want to animate), a duration, and any properties you want to animate and when its playhead moves to a new position, it figures out what the property values should be at that point applies them accordingly.
Methods for creating a Tween (all of these methods return a Tween instance):
For simple animations, the methods above are all you need! For example:
//rotate and move elements with a class of "box" ("x" is a shortcut for a translateX() transform) over the course of 1 second.".box", { rotation: 27, x: 100, duration: 1 });
Since GSAP can animate any property of any object, you are NOT limited to CSS properties or DOM objects. Go crazy. You may be surprised by how many things can be animated with GSAP and it "just works".
You can do basic sequencing by using the delay
special property, but Timelines make sequencing and complex choreography much, much easier. A Timeline is like a container for multiple Tween instances (and/or other Timelines) where you can position them in time and control them as a whole. See the Timeline docs for details.
To control the Tween instance later, assign it to a variable (GSAP is conveniently object-oriented):
let tween =".class", { rotation: 360, duration: 5, ease: "elastic" });
//now we can control it!
To simply fire off animations and let them run, there's no need to use variables. Tweens play immediately by default (though you can set a delay
or paused
value) and when they finish, they automatically dispose of themselves. Call
as much as you want without worrying about cleanup.
- targets - the object(s) whose properties you want to animate. This can be selector text like
, etc. (GSAP usesdocument.querySelectorAll()
internally) or it can be direct references to elements, generic objects, or even an array of objects - vars - an object containing all the properties/values you want to animate, along with any special properties like
, oronComplete
(listed below).
Special Properties
- The scope to be used for all of the callbacks (onStart, onUpdate, onComplete, etc.).
- Assign arbitrary data to this property (a string, a reference to an object, whatever) and it gets attached to the tween instance itself so that you can reference it later like
. - Amount of delay before the animation should begin (in seconds).
- The duration of the animation (in seconds). Default:
. - Controls the rate of change during the animation, giving it a specific feel. For example,
. See the Ease Visualizer for a list of all of the options.ease
can be a String (most common) or a function that accepts a progress value between 0 and 1 and returns a converted, similarly normalized value. Default:"power1.out"
. - Allows you to (optionally) assign a unique identifier to your tween instance so that you can find it later with
and it will show up in GSDevTools with that id. - Normally a tween waits to render for the first time until the very next tick (update cycle) unless you specify a delay. Set
immediateRender: true
to force it to render immediately upon instantiation. Default:false
for to() tweens,true
for from() and fromTo() tweens or anything with a scrollTrigger applied. - Normally tweens inherit from their parent timeline's
object (if one is defined), but you can disable this on a per-tween basis by settinginherit: false
. - When a tween renders for the very first time and reads its starting values, GSAP will try to delay writing of values until the very end of the current "tick" which can improve performance because it avoids the read/write/read/write layout thrashing that browsers dislike. To disable lazy rendering for a particular tween, set
lazy: false
. In most cases, there's no need to setlazy
. To learn more, watch this video. Default:true
(except for zero-duration tweens). - A function to call when the animation has completed.
- An Array of parameters to pass the onComplete function. For example,".class", {x:100, onComplete:myFunction, onCompleteParams:["param1", "param2"]});
. - A function to call each time the animation enters a new iteration cycle (repeats). Obviously this only occurs if you set a non-zero
. - An Array of parameters to pass the onRepeat function.
- A function to call when the animation has reached its beginning again from the reverse direction (excluding repeats).
- An Array of parameters to pass the onReverseComplete function.
- A function to call when the animation begins (when its time changes from 0 to some other value which can happen more than once if the tween is restarted multiple times).
- An Array of parameters to pass the onStart function.
- A function to call every time the animation updates (on each "tick" that moves its playhead).
- An Array of parameters to pass the onUpdate function.
- If
, all tweens of the same targets will be killed immediately regardless of what properties they affect. If"auto"
, when the tween renders for the first time it hunt down any conflicts in active animations (animating the same properties of the same targets) and kill only those parts of the other tweens. Non-conflicting parts remain intact. Iffalse
, no overwriting strategies will be employed. Default:false
. - If
, the animation will pause itself immediately upon creation. Default:false
. - How many times the animation should repeat. So
repeat: 1
would play a total of two iterations. Default:0
.repeat: -1
will repeat infinitely. - Amount of time to wait between repeats (in seconds). Default:
. - Setting
repeatRefresh: true
causes a repeating tween toinvalidate()
and re-record its starting/ending values internally on each full iteration (not including yoyo's). This is useful when you use dynamic values (relative, random, or function-based). For example,x: "random(-100, 100)"
would get a new random x value on each repeat.duration
, andstagger
do NOT refresh. - If
, the animation will start out with its playhead reversed, meaning it will be oriented to move toward its start. Since the playhead begins at a time of 0 anyway, a reversed tween will appear paused initially because its playhead cannot move backward past the start. - If
, the animation will invert its starting and ending values (this is what a from() tween does internally), though the ease doesn't get flipped. In other words, you can make ato()
tween into afrom()
by settingrunBackwards: true
. - If multiple targets are defined, you can easily stagger the start times for each by setting a value like
stagger: 0.1
(for 0.1 seconds between each start time). Or you can get much more advanced staggers by using a stagger object. For more information, see the stagger documentation. - Defines starting values for any properties (even if they're not animating). For example,
startAt: {x: -100, opacity: 0}
- If
, every otherrepeat
iteration will run in the opposite direction so that the tween appears to go back and forth. This has no affect on thereversed
property though. So ifrepeat
, it will look like: start - 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3 - end. But ifyoyo
, it will look like: start - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - end. Default:false
. - Allows you to alter the ease in the tween's
phase. Set it to a specific ease like""
or set it totrue
to simply invert the tween's normalease
. Note: GSAP is smart enough to automatically setyoyo: true
if you define anyyoyoEase
, so there's less code for you to write. Default:false
. - To animate the targets to various states, use
- an array of vars objects that serve asto()
tweens. For example,keyframes: [{x:100, duration:1}, {y:100, duration:0.5}]
. All keyframes will be perfectly sequenced back-to-back, but you can define adelay
value to add spacing between each step (or a negative delay would create an overlap). Keyframes are only to be used into()
A plugin adds extra capabilities to GSAP's core. Some plugins make it easier to work with rendering libraries like PIXI.js or EaselJS while other plugins add superpowers like morphing SVG shapes, adding drag and drop functionality, etc. This allows the GSAP core to remain relatively small and lets you add features only when you need them. See the full list of plugins here.
Function-based values
Get incredibly dynamic animations by using a function for any value, and it will get called once for each target the first time the tween renders, and whatever is returned by that function will be used as the value. This can be very useful for applying conditional logic or randomizing things (though GSAP has baked-in randomizing capabilities too...scroll down for that).".class", {
x: 100, //normal value
y: function(index, target, targets) { //function-based value
return index \* 50;
duration: 1
The function is passed three parameters:
- index - the index of the target in the array. For example, if there are 3
elements with the class ".box", and".box", ...)
, the function gets called 3 times (once for each target); the index would be0
first, then1
, and finally2
. - target - the target itself (the
element in this example) - targets - the array of targets (same as
Random values
Define random values as a string like "random(-100, 100)"
for a range or like "random([red, blue, green])"
for an array and GSAP will swap in a random value for each target accordingly! This makes advanced randomized effects simple. You can even have the random number rounded to the closest increment of any number! For example:".class", {
x:"random(-100, 100, 5)" //chooses a random number between -100 and 100 for each target, rounding to the closest 5!
Or use an array-like value and GSAP will randomly select one of those:".class", {
x:"random(\[0, 100, 200, 500\])" //randomly selects one of the values (0, 100, 200, or 500)
There's also a gsap.utils.random()
function that you can use directly if you prefer.
Relative values
Use a"+="
or "-="
prefix to indicate a relative value. For example,".class", {x:"-=20"});
will animate x
20 pixels less than whatever it is when the tween starts. {x:"+=20"}
would add 20.
If multiple targets are defined, you can easily stagger (offset) the start times for each by setting a value like stagger: 0.1
(for 0.1 seconds between each start time). Or you can get much more advanced staggers by using a stagger object. For more information, see the stagger documentation.
For basic sequencing, you could use a delay
on each tween (like".class", {`delay: 0.5,` duration: 1, x: 100})
), but we strongly recommended using a Timeline
for all but the simplest sequencing tasks because it gives you much greater flexibility, especially when you're experimenting with timing. It allows you to append tweens one-after-the-other and then control the entire sequence as a whole. You can even have the tweens overlap as much as you want, nest timelines as deeply as you want, and much, much more.
Timelines have convenient to(), from(), and fromTo() methods as well so you can very easily chain them together and build complex sequences:
let tl = gsap.timeline(); //create the timeline".class1", {x: 100}) //start sequencing
.to(".class2", {y: 100, ease: "elastic"})
.to(".class3", {rotation: 180});
If you find yourself animating the same target over and over again, you should definitely check out Keyframes which can make your code much more concise. They also let you port animations over from CSS animations easily.
Notes / Tips
- You can change the default ease via
gsap.defaults({ease: ...})
. The default is"power1.out"
. - Kill all tweens of a particular object anytime with
You can also use selector text likegsap.killTweensOf("#someID");
- You can kill all
s to a particular function withgsap.killTweensOf(myFunction)
- If you find GreenSock tools useful, please consider joining Club GSAP which not only helps to sustain ongoing development, but also gets you bonus plugins, classes and other benefits that are ONLY available to members. Learn more at the club page.
delay( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the animation's initial delay which is the length of time in seconds before the animation should begin. |
duration( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the animation's duration, not including any repeats or repeatDelays. |
endTime( includeRepeats:Boolean ) : Number | Returns the time at which the animation will finish according to the parent timeline's local time. |
eventCallback( type:String, callback:Function, params:Array ) : [Function | self] | Gets or sets an event callback like |
globalTime( localTime:Number ) : Number | Converts a local time to the corresponding time on the gsap.globalTimeline (factoring in all nesting, timeScales, etc.). |
invalidate( ) : self | [override] Flushes any internally-recorded starting/ending values which can be useful if you want to restart an animation without reverting to any previously recorded starting values. |
isActive( ) : Boolean | Indicates whether or not the animation is currently active (meaning the virtual playhead is actively moving across this instance's time span and it is not paused, nor are any of its ancestor timelines). |
iteration( ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the iteration (the current repeat) of tweens. |
kill( target:Object, propertiesList:String ) : self | Kills the animation entirely or in part depending on the parameters. To kill means to immediately stop the animation, remove it from its parent timeline, and release it for garbage collection. |
pause( atTime:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : self | Pauses the instance, optionally jumping to a specific time. |
paused( value:Boolean ) : [Boolean | self] | Gets or sets the animation's paused state which indicates whether or not the animation is currently paused. |
play( from:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : self | Begins playing forward, optionally from a specific time (by default playback begins from wherever the playhead currently is). |
progress( value:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : [Number | self] | [override] Gets or sets the tween's progress which is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the virtual playhead (excluding repeats) where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway complete, and 1 is complete. |
repeat( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the number of times that the tween should repeat after its first iteration. |
repeatDelay( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the amount of time in seconds between repeats. |
restart( includeDelay:Boolean, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : self | Restarts and begins playing forward from the beginning. |
resume( ) : self | Resumes playing without altering direction (forward or reversed). |
reverse( from:*, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : self | Reverses playback so that all aspects of the animation are oriented backwards including, for example, a tween's ease. |
reversed( value:Boolean ) : [Boolean | self] | Gets or sets the animation's reversed state which indicates whether or not the animation should be played backwards. |
revert( ) : Self | Reverts the animation and kills it, returning the targets to their pre-animation state including the removal of inline styles added by the animation. |
seek( time:*, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : self | Jumps to a specific time without affecting whether or not the instance is paused or reversed. |
startTime( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the time at which the animation begins on its parent timeline (after any delay that was defined). |
targets( ) : Array | |
then( callback:Function ) : Promise | Returns a promise so that you can uses promises to track when a tween or timeline is complete. |
time( value:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : [Number | self] | [override] Gets or sets the local position of the playhead (essentially the current time), not including any repeats or repeatDelays. |
timeScale( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | Factor that's used to scale time in the animation where 1 = normal speed (the default), 0.5 = half speed, 2 = double speed, etc. |
totalDuration( value:Number ) : [Number | self] | [override] Gets or sets the total duration of the tween in seconds including any repeats or repeatDelays. |
totalProgress( value:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : [Number | self] | [override] Gets or sets the tween's totalProgress which is a value between 0 and 1 indicating the position of the virtual playhead (including repeats) where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway complete, and 1 is complete. |
totalTime( time:Number, suppressEvents:Boolean ) : [Number | self] | Gets or sets the position of the playhead according to the totalDuration which includes any repeats and repeatDelays. |
yoyo( value:Boolean ) : [Boolean | self] | Gets or sets the tween's yoyo state, where true causes the tween to go back and forth, alternating backward and forward on each repeat. |
data : * | A place to store any data you want (initially populated with |
ratio | [read-only] the progress of the Tween (a value between 0 and 1 where 0.5 is in the middle) after being run through the |
scrollTrigger: ScrollTrigger | undefined | A handy way to access the ScrollTrigger associated with a tween. This is only accessible if the tween has a ScrollTrigger. |
vars : Object | The configuration object passed into the constructor which contains all the properties/values you want to animate, along with any of the optional special properties like like |