What are internal plugins?
SnapPlugin is an internal plugin, It is automatically included in GSAP's core and doesn't have to be loaded using gsap.registerPlugin().
You can think of internal plugins as just a part of GSAP.
The SnapPlugin allows tweens to "snap" to the closest value in a given array or increment. It basically adds a modifier to any property that implements one of the following snapping behaviors to every value DURING the tween (live, not just to the end value).
For example:
// snap all of the properties in the comma-delimited list ("x,y" in this case) to the closest whole number:".class", {
x: 1000,
y: 250,
snap: "x,y",
// snap to an increment:".class", {
x: 1000,
snap: {
x: 20, // x snaps to the closest increment of 20 (0, 20, 40, 60, etc.)
// snap to the closest value in an array:".class", {
x: 1000,
snap: {
x: [0, 50, 150, 500], // x snaps to the closest value in this array
// snap to a value in an array, but only when it's within a certain distance/radius of one of those values:".class", {
x: 1000,
snap: {
x: { values: [0, 50, 150, 500], radius: 20 }, // x snaps to the closest value in the array but only when it's within 20 pixels of it.
You can define as many snap properties as you want.
How do I include this plugin in my project?
Simply load GSAP's core - SnapPlugin is included automatically!
Do I need to register SnapPlugin?
Nope. SnapPlugin is built into the core and doesn't need to be registered.