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  1. Hey Team - I'm creating some GSAP parallax demos at the following url: https://livecanvas.ignitesolutions.com/smoothscroller-parallax/ I get the following error in Chrome devtools Console: caught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf') at A (ScrollTrigger.min.js?ver=6.2:10:566) at K (ScrollTrigger.min.js?ver=6.2:10:1243) at $.getScrollFunc (ScrollTrigger.min.js?ver=6.2:10:35446) at new ScrollSmoother (ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=6.2:10:5532) at r.create (ScrollSmoother.min.js?ver=6.2:10:11576) at init-smoother-demo.js?ver=6.2:4:33 I looked through a few similar forum posts but am unable to resolve. Any thoughts as to what I might be doing incorrectly? -Paul
  2. I tried to make a simplified version of what I experienced in another project. Essentially I get 2 warning in the console. I tried to make a modal that it will render if the state is equal to true. Else it will return null. I believe my issue is due to returning null. But I don't know how to do this another way. I experimented with the kill() option in gsap, but I had no luck with it. Here is the reference from the docs that I read. import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import gsap from "gsap"; export default function TestGsap(props) { const box = useRef(); useEffect(() => { gsap.from(box.current, { y: "500", ease: "expo", duration: 2, }); }); if (props.toggleModal === true) { return ( <div> <section ref={box} style={{ width: "10rem", height: "10rem", backgroundColor: "red" }} > <p>Hello, I am a red box.</p> </section> </div> ); } else { return null; } }
  3. timdt

    Uncaught Cannot add undefined

    Uncaught Cannot add undefined into the timeline; it is not a tween, timeline, function, or string. Hey guys, sooo first time i am getting this. Cannot understand why. My other documents work but with this i am suddenly getting this weird error. Must be something i am overlooking. Btw everything is in one file because i am making something for google adwords Help would be very much appreciated. Side question: item 1 from x-250 to 0 (center) fade out(opacity 0 ) item 2 from x-250 to 0 (center) fade out(opacity 0 ) item 3 from x-250 to 0 (center) fade out(opacity 0 ) Could this be achieved with stagger? and how? thankss!
  4. Hey folks! I got this strange error only in IE/Edge and Windows Phones. Safari, Firefox and Chrome works just fine. check the site here: www.grace-restaurant.at when i animate the content it outputs me the following error into the console multiple times: unable to set property "cssText" of undefined or null reference. so first i thought, theres something wrong with the selector, i sometimes used a jquery selector inside using the method .not(). so i changed that, but the errors still occur. then i thought maybe its the css plugin so i deleted the use of css:{} gsap method where its not necessary. stil doestn work. I really have no clue what it could be. Of course i'm not assuming its a gsap bug or problem, but isn't it weird, that it only occurs in IE and Windows Phone? Maybe anyone has a clue what this could be? thanks in advance
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