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  1. It possible to add a native event like: .eventCallback('onKill', function) or maybe a way to force onComplete when is kill ? Example context: pointerdown_Axi3d(e){ // blink renderable objs gsap.fromTo( $objs.LOCAL.unique().map(o=>o.link), 3, { renderable:false }, { renderable:true, repeat:-1, ease:SteppedEase.config(1), id:'blinkRenderable' }) .eventCallback('onComplete', myfunction); } then if i kill pointerup(e){ gsap.killTweenById('blinkRenderable'); } how i can say, kill but plz call the onComplette event ! ? My target is when i kill the tweens lots, i want force restore the value renderable to true inside a event function.
  2. With the arrival of tools in Gsap3, it would be great to see some native tools and methods to optimize debugging. It would be great to see an included method to dissect complexe timeline child data. We forget sometime js offer nice visual debugging tool like console.table. It would be great to have this kind of method at hand natively in gsap. Can be better optimized by a pro from the library to correctly remap the visual hierarchy. I do not yet know all the operation internally, a lot of information difficult to decode. But a simplified version could be interesting. maybe a thing like this gsap.utils.consoleTable(timeLine,options); Any suggest about the good way to map all good thing for debugging a complexe timeLine in a console table ? the code used upper look like this. what do you think? console.table(master.getChildren().map((c)=>{return {_id:c.vars.id,_labels:JSON.stringify(c.labels),...c } }))
  3. hey guy can you make a paid (jobs,Classifieds,hire... ?) section plz ? some similar example http://www.html5gamedevs.com/forum/22-jobs-hiring-and-freelance/ https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?forums/classifieds-offers.78/ https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?forums/classifieds-requests.79/ why,... i will maybe need help to make some complexe hack and not have time study all your api, but.. You have a lot of talented people, I think it would be a 'plus' to create a sections for commercial jobs . I do not say to take example here, but it will be nice to be able to spend cash for helping dev som complex scripting with your api. thank Idee is not about make your more money but about unleashing your software What do you think about this guys ?
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