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  1. Question regarding IP of animations... Hello everybody I spent 30 hours on an animation, which has got not too shabby at all. =) How can I make sure that the animation code is not used without permission by other people right after they right-click on my website and copy paste it out? Is there a way to secure/protect the .JS containing the GSAP code or is it basically "fair game" for copycats? Best regards, Matt
  2. Hi MovieA.swf (contains no greensock classes at all) MovieB.swf (uses TweenMax) When i load MovieB.swf (online) from MovieA.swf (local) i get some warnings in the FlashEditor output. ( 3 x "MovieB.swf tried to access incompatible context "MovieA.swf") Using System.security.allowDomain("*") does not solve or affect the problem at all. Everything works as expected, i just wish to get rid of the warnings. I'm trying to streamline a small banner production framework for others/colleagues to use, and i'd rather have a "warning-free" setup =)
  3. Hi, When using the MotionBlur plugin to animate a MovieClip (that is not the Youtube Player but a local symbol), I get: at flash.display::BitmapData/draw() at com.greensock.plugins::MotionBlurPlugin/setRatio() at com.greensock::TweenLite/render() at com.greensock::TimelineMax/render() at com.greensock::TimelineMax/render() at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/render() at com.greensock.core::Animation$/_updateRoot() The problem is of course that you are not allowed to use BitmapData.draw on any remotely loaded objected (in this case the Youtube Player). The odd thing is that I am not trying to tween the youtube player, I'm trying to tween another completely different (local) element. What I realized is this: If you are trying to motion blur something that is on the same scope/"level" as the youtube player: (child-)level MovieClip Parent 0 Stage - 1 MC to be blurred Stage 1 Youtube player Stage What the MotionBlur plugin does is that it takes the element, and in MotionBlurPlugin.as:369 does: _bdCache.draw(_target.parent, _matrix, _ct, "normal", bounds, _smoothing); Which means that it makes a new Bitmap object and tries to take a snapshot of the MovieClips parent, not the MovieClip itself. In my case this is the Stage (level 0). This - however - means that it tries to take a snapshot of an object (in my case the Stage) which includes the Youtube Player (loaded remotely) and thus gives the error. To reproduce 1. Include the Youtube Player Proxy (or download the example project on from http://goo.gl/NXH5L), 2. Add it to the stage 3. Create a new symbol 4. Add it to the stage 5. Try to use the MotionBlur Plugin on the newly created object Solution Put all your objects that you will tween in an empty Symbol and add that symbol to the stage. That way, when the MotionBlur plugin tries to fetch parent it only gets the newly created Symbol. I don't know if this is something that the MotionBlur Plugin can even fix, that said, this would be nice: try{ _bdCache.draw(_target.parent, _matrix, _ct, "normal", bounds, _smoothing); }catch(е) { trace("The animated object (" + _target + ") can't live on the same level as a remote object (such as a video player). To solve this, put the animated object into it's own empty MovieClip"); }
  4. Hello, I have an AIR application where I have to load a SWF from a server. At some point the user will click on a button and that button will create a new nativeWindow. Inside that nativeWindow we have a stage reference. I just want to load a SWF, addChild it to the stage and be happy! But I'm getting this error: SecurityError: Error #2070: Security sandbox violation: caller http://somewhere.com/swfapp.swf cannot access Stage owned by app:/Teste.swf. at flash.display::Stage/get stageWidth() at com.swfapp::MainClass/initApp() at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild() at flash.display::Stage/addChild() at NativeWindowSWFLoader/loadSWFURLComplete()[C:\Users\hats\Desktop\teste\NativeWindowSWFLoader.as:93] I'm using a normal SWFLoader: private function loadSWF(url:String):void { holder = new MovieClip(); applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(); loaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, applicationDomain); loader = new SWFLoader(url, { context:loaderContext, container:holder, onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:onCompleteSWFLoader } ); loader.load(); } private function onCompleteSWFLoader(e:Event):void { this.stage.addChild(holder); } Can someone hep me on this? Thank you.
  5. HI everyone and Greensock, I have a problem in my project that my application allows users can upload a .swf to use it as a avatar. I use SWFLoader to add it into a container(MovieClip). I want the external .swf cannot run scripts or access to the parent/main.swf. How can I do this with SWFLoader? I have searched on Google for a long time but I haven't found a solution for this. Hope to see your answer Thanks.
  6. Hi, I'm developing a flash application that loads random images as thumbnails from a site. When you click these images, you get a big preview of them. I'm working with debug version 11.2 in Flash Builder, and everything works fine, even in the normal standalone player, but when a friend is trying to load the images with flash player 11.3 (standalone version), he gets a security error 2048. The strange thing is that he gets the issue when he tries to load the thumbnails, BUT he CAN load the preview image without this error. Here's a piece of code: Loading the preview: private function loadPreview(id:String):void { new ImageLoader("http://www.site.com/" + id, {name:id, onError:previewError, onProgress:previewProgress, onComplete:previewComplete}).load(); } Loading the thumbs: private var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({auditedSize:false}); private function loadSequence(total:int = 20):void { for(var i:uint = 0; i < total; i++) { queue.append(getThumb()); } queue.load(); } private function getThumb():ImageLoader { var id:String = getRandomID(); if(queue.getLoader(id) || queue.getContent(id)) { return getThumb(); } return new ImageLoader("http://www.site.com/" + id, {name:id, onError:function():void{getThumb().load()}, onComplete:thumbComplete}); } Thanks in advance, Thomas
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