Hi, probably an easy question for most of you, but I searched a lot and I didn't find anything (english isn't my first language so...)
I'm obviously a new user of GSAP and I saw uses of x and y properties used to move an object, is it possible to do it without CSSPlugin?
Maybe I should put this question in banner section, because I would like to only use TweenLite.js for banner ads, a matter of very restrictive weight in multiple platforms Ads Exchange campaign.
In short, I mostly want to know what I can do with TweenLite.js only. Can we move object like this TweenLite.to(element, duration, {x:200}); ?
And last question : Is it better to use .delay() to create a kind of timeline or we can chain tweens in each onComplete for the next one.
My test didn't work at all for onComplete but I need a confirm to be sure I didn't made a mistake.
Thank you for your attention