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  1. I'm really disappointed about this news; in the past they had always been very accepting of external libraries. Even though they even host some of the main libraries including GSAP on their own CDN, it seems that they will now start counting them against the file size of banner ads. (I discovered this today when I uploaded an ad and it gave me a new warning message about the file size, even though without the libraries the zip was well under 200k). Hopefully the IAB reevaluates their stance on this, since Sizmek is just following their guidelines... Details below: https://support.sizmek.com/hc/en-us/articles/206239683 Last Update: Wednesday at 01:47 The new methodology for calculating the HTML5 ad size follows the preliminary guidance of the IAB. The size of an HTML5 ad is the total size of all assets in the ad’s Workspace, at the compressed size. This includes images, the largest video, fonts, javascript files, html files and any other files. We do not count additional assets for dynamic creative or videos. Compression is automatically applied which reduces the size of each asset type to the compressed size. Note: Only one video is counted. The platform counts only the largest video in the Workspace. So if there are five videos in the Workspace, Sizmek counts only the largest video. One exception to this rule: If there’s an asset in the ad’s Additional Assets folder, (outside the Workspace), that is larger than the largest video in the Workspace, that asset is counted instead of the largest video. The new method takes effect on February 1, 2016 and applies as follows. Ads created before February 1, 2016 will be counted at the current methodology, even if they are not attached to a campaign. Ads created prior to February 1, 2016 and are copied to a new campaign after this date, will be counted according to the former calculation method.
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