Hi all .. this is not really something I can make a codepen example of .. But I could really do with a wee bit of help diagnosing whats up please !!
The website was created in Adobe Edge Antimate and powered by Greensock .. It was my first attempt at a site away from Flash and had been working happily across platforms ( mobile and desktop ) for over a year and a half .. Now the site no longer works on iOS Chrome and possibly some other platforms that I don’t have access to.
I really don’t know how to start diagnosing this .. here is what I’m seeing:
- iOS Chrome
- Loads the edge animate preloader
- Preloader finishes
- Site hangs on green screen which is where Greensock should kick in
It appears to me that the edge side of things is ok .. but chrome isn’t liking Greensock for some reason .. I may be wrong ?!
I have tested on:
- mac versions of - Safari - Chrome - Firefox - Opera - iPhone - safari - ALL GOOD
- iphone Chrome - ALL BAD
I’ve put the site up on my server .. here’s a link:
Would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on how to diagnose what up.