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Found 14 results

  1. Hello! I'm trying to do a simple animation. In this animation the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock animates to mimic a clock. Everything is working as expected in all browsers except Internet Explorer/ Egde (surprise surprise). The problem I'm facing is that Internet Explorer/ Edge is not honoring the transform origin property being applied on the hour and minute hand of the clock. Anyone else faced a similar problem before? Oddly enough I've made many complex animations using GSAP but Internet Explorer never behaved like this.
  2. Danik

    A few questions...

    Hello everyone, I would like to start by apologising for the oh so abstract title, my questions vary quite a bit. I recently began working with SVG animations, started with SMIL, continued to Velocity.js, and then found out about GSAP and its great browser support - so here I am. Bearing this in mind, while looking at my Codepen if you guys find anything I did wrong or simply something you would have done differently be it in the SVG, or the GSAP implementation please do not hesitate to mention it. So in the following Codepen that I am currently working on I ran into a few issues: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/WxJQQr?editors=1010 1. On Firefox the cup sections fill up and then return to their original state, for those familiar with SMIL it had the option of fill="freeze" in its animate which would stop the animation at its end state. I am looking for something similar in GSAP - or perhaps something else. 2. On Firefox one of the gear does a proper rotation around the center transform-origin while two of the gears decided to do their own thing. 3. In Internet Explorer, the cup does not even fill up. It doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my linear gradient as the inside of the gears does fill up but has a lower opacity than it should. 4. I ended up solving this with adding a negative delay, but what would be the proper way of starting an animation while another one is still in progress in GSAP? Would it be making a new timeline? (I also solved the issue of infinite repeat by creating a new timeline - is this the right approach?) 5. And a quickie - which combination of TweenLite + extras would I need to maintain this at minimal file size? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hey folks! I got this strange error only in IE/Edge and Windows Phones. Safari, Firefox and Chrome works just fine. check the site here: www.grace-restaurant.at when i animate the content it outputs me the following error into the console multiple times: unable to set property "cssText" of undefined or null reference. so first i thought, theres something wrong with the selector, i sometimes used a jquery selector inside using the method .not(). so i changed that, but the errors still occur. then i thought maybe its the css plugin so i deleted the use of css:{} gsap method where its not necessary. stil doestn work. I really have no clue what it could be. Of course i'm not assuming its a gsap bug or problem, but isn't it weird, that it only occurs in IE and Windows Phone? Maybe anyone has a clue what this could be? thanks in advance
  4. Hi there... I've just started with greensock and been loving it so far. However, I'm having an issue with getting rotationY to work in Firefox, IE11 and Edge. I need to support these browsers and everything else has worked perfectly! I've attached my codepen, can anyone help? It works perfectly in Chrome and Opera!
  5. Hi Carl, It's me again. I have been coding an animation using GSAP recently and I came across a case that works fine in Chrome and Firefox but act strangely in IE including IE11. I eventually found a workaround but I thought maybe it would be something that the GSAP team want to take a look into. The problem appears when we have a <div /> with "height:XXpx" and "padding:XXpx 0" and we only want to animate this <div />'s padding to a different size. The truth is that the height doesn't change in the animation at all but... The problem: If we provide only the target padding, all the browsers including IE act normally with correct animation, but as soon as we also provide the target height which is practically the same as the initial height, IE animation gets ruined (other browsers still work correctly). When one inspect the elements, it can be seen that the height is being decreased during the animation in IE and comes back to normal at the end. Workaround: Not to include the height in the parameters, but this only works if we don't want to change the height during the animation. *) One thing that might or might not be the reason is that I have used a <svg /> element directly inside the <div /> which is being animated. Thanks for your attention in advance.
  6. how we can animate things with greensock for old IEs when they do NOT support css transions CSS TRANSITIONS
  7. what can i use instead of transform-style in IE?
  8. Hi, people) Had anybody problems with animation in 'super' browser IE8, 9, 10 and so on? My animation didn't work in IE9(. It's handled through jQuery... in all other browsers everything is ok. Could you help me with advice! thanks a lot! $(document).ready(function(){ TweenMax.from(".logo", 0.8, { x: 500, y: 500, rotation: 2580, opacity: 0, scale: 0.2, }); });
  9. dxc

    SVG Animations in IE

    Oh how I hate IE. I have this working in all browsers, including mobile iOS. The only place it doesn't work is in ie. Everything shows up as it should, but none of the movements happen. I'm not even sure where to start. Thanks for your help! Here's the non-codepen version if that helps: http://aprendagames.com/stock/error_pages_robot/headlessRobot/?errorcode=404
  10. marcusfriberg

    IE troubles

    Hi guys, I am having some IE problems and would like some support. In IE 7 and 8 the blue "panels" containing price and the text "Boek nu!" in the last frame shows through the whole animation. This works fine in Safari, GC, FF and so on, but not in IE 7 and 8. The only issue in Safari, GC and FF is that these panels show up for like a millisecond in the beginning of the sequence. I guess the both issues has anything to do with the css property "visibility", but I can't get it to work. Can someone please look at my animation and check for what could be wrong and what could fix this. This is the URL to my animation: http://marcusfriberg.com/greensock/ie-test/ Please look at it in Safari, FF, GC or newer IE to see what I want it to look like, except for that issue in the beginning where the panels show for a millisecond sometimes, and compare that to how it looks in IE 7 and 8. Please let me know if there is something that is unclear. Thanks for any kind of help! - Marcus
  11. I have made an image slider for a site I am working on but thought it works in the other major brwosers it is jumpy in IE. You can see it in action here http://handrailcreations.co.uk/ function startAnimate(object) { var tl1 = new TimelineMax(), slideImg = jQuery('#inner-header').innerWidth(), slideImgH = jQuery('#inner-header').innerHeight(), slideF = slideImg/26, slideH = slideImgH/26, leftMove = Math.floor((Math.random()*3))* slideF - slideF, topMove = Math.floor((Math.random()*3))* slideH - slideH, left = leftMove.toFixed(0), top = topMove.toFixed(0); //alert(top); tl1.to(object, 1, {autoAlpha:1}, 'zoom') .to(object, 10, {scale:1.1, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 'zoom') .to(object, 10, {x: left , y:top, force3D:true, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 'zoom') .to(object, 1, {autoAlpha:0}) .to(object, 0, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, onComplete: endAnimation, onCompleteParams: [object], ease:Linear.easeNone}); } Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  12. Team, Doesn't mozilla firefox support TweenMax feature? I don't see it working in IE7 too. I have a set of ordered list that will flyin on page load. This works fine in Chrome, IE8 and IE9, but it doesn't seem to work fine in Firefox 14 and IE7. Could you please let us know the support features. And the error obtained in FF is as below: "TypeError: can't convert undefined to object: Line 14, Tweenmax.js" Thanks Abhilash
  13. Hello, I do not have any real internet explorer 8, just the compatibility mode of IE10 on a Windows 7. I saw on the forum that it could have some issues with the compatibility mode. Thus, I wonder if someone could confirm or not that this example below works on a real IE8 (and IE7 if possible) The problem I have is that the rotation does not work. There is strange behavior. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=1000" /> <title>ROTATION</title> <style>body {margin: 50px;background-color: #000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}#box {position: absolute;}</style> </head> <body> <button id="rotate">rotate</button> <div id="box"><img src="http://www.snorkl.tv/images/crab.png"></div> <script src="http://codeorigin.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.10.2/TweenMax.min.js"></script> <script> $(function() { $("#rotate").on("click", function() { TweenLite.to("#box", 0.95, { directionalRotation:'+=90_short', ease:Power3.easeOut }); }); }); </script> </body> </html> Best
  14. I'm using this simple code to make my div button fade in and off automatically and it suppose to repeat itself....... var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); tl.from($('#slideScrollBtn'), 1, {autoAlpha:0}) .from($('#slideScrollBtn'), 1, {autoAlpha:1,ease:Power1.easeOut}); it works fine in chrome and firefox but when I tested in IE8 the animation works fine in the first 2 rounds then it stuck. Where did I go wrong?
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