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Hey guys! I've been using this library for a couple of days now and it's very exciting! One problem I have run into, however, is this: I've recreated the Icon of our company in a SVG-File using Inkscape. Very ugly for now, but I wanted to use it as a proof-of-concept. However, DrawSVG didn't work out of the box because I had to change portions of the SVG-File from something like: <svg> <circle style="stroke-width:0.04409721;stroke:#58575a"/> </svg> to: <svg> <circle stroke-width="0.04409721" stroke="#58575a"/> </svg> It worked relatively well from thereon out. I thus wanted to ask, before I need to write a problem that converts these SVGs automatically, whether you know of a way to force Inkscape to adjust the way it creates styles out-of-the-box, or to tell the DrawSVGPlugin to look a little harder for the styles in the first place. Disclaimer: I realize this may be a question better fit over at the Inkscape Forum, but I thought I'd give it a shot here, since the connection to the GSAP library is already established. Thank you in advance!
Hello, The following code pen example shows unwanted morphing behavior: I played around and realized that the underlying issue is caused by the value in the paths 1e-5 and 10e-6. The following changes: Change 1e-5 to 0 in path1 Change 10e-6 to 0 in path2 can be seen in this codepen example: And this is the expected behavior. I am using Inkscape to create the svgs. I played around with the precision and saving as an Inkscape SVG, Plain SVG and Optimized SVG, but I didn't have any luck getting rid of the precision whilst preserving the shapes. A quick Google search on how to handle numbers in that notation turned up this stackoverflow: Would it be possible to have the MorphSVG plugin filter the numbers in that way? Could I get an unminified copy to make the adjustment myself? Or can anybody offer some other work around advice. Thanks!
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MorphSVG crashing browsers! (Turns out it was InkScape produced SVGs causing an issue)
padders posted a topic in GSAP
Hi, I'm having some problems with MorphSVG. The latest version seems to be crashing every browser other than Internet Explorer 11 (which works, amazingly!) with a little morph I've made. (Chrome, Firefox and Opera all crash) I'm not sure If I've done something wrong, if inkscape has created a slightly dodgy svg file, or if it's a bug in the latest version of MorphSVGPlugin. I can't get any error data as it totally kills the browser tab. It was working in the version of MorphSVGPlugin dated 13/10/2015, but it wasn't setting the shapeIndex correctly on the A's in my morph, nor was setting that value making any difference to the resultant morph when I changed shapeIndex manually. I decided to use your codepen to check I was doing it correctly so forked it and the crashing behaviour started. Since then I've updated my local copy of the plugin (dated 21/10/2015) and it's now crashing in everything other than IE on my webpage too. Does anyone know what's going on? Note that the latest version now sets the shapeIndex correctly (at least in IE, I can't see the others as they crash), so that behaviour seems to have been caused by the older version of the plugin I was using. Cheers, Paul -
Given an SVG image with two circles, #innerCircle and #outerCircle, and other elements I don't care as much about - I want to have an easy way to animate the arc of #outerCicle with maybe easein. Tried snap.svg but it doesn't animate well (which is a point of contention on SO), wanted to try Raphael but it doesn't handle existing SVGs, looked up svgjs but it is pending svg adoption in the RC milestones. (function () { var ocx = 0, ocy = 0, oca = 0; function describeArc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle) { var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, endAngle); var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, startAngle); var arcSweep = endAngle - startAngle <= 180 ? "0" : "1"; var d = ["M", start.x, start.y, "A", radius, radius, 0, arcSweep, 0, end.x, end.y, "L", x, y, "Z"].join(" "); return d; } function polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) { var angleInRadians = (angleInDegrees - 90) * Math.PI / 180.0; return { x: centerX + (radius * Math.cos(angleInRadians)), y: centerY + (radius * Math.sin(angleInRadians)) }; } Polymer('character-hitpoints', { maxHealth: 0, maxHealthChanged: function () { // NotImplemented }, increment: function () { // NotImplemented }, ready: function () { var character = this.character; var h = this.$.hpRing; var t = {}; // load the svg fragment into the element Snap.load("hpcircle.svg", function (f) { var s = Snap(h); s.append(f); var n ='#outerRing').node; var np = n.pathSegList[2]; var a = n.pathSegList[1]; ocx = np.x; ocy = np.y; oca = a.r1; t ='#characterName'); t.node.textContent = character; t.node.x = ocx + 10; t.node.y = ocy; }) }, animRing: function (divRing) { var hpRing = Snap(divRing.toElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('#svg2')); var max = Math.floor(Math.random() * 359 + 1) Snap.animate(0, max, function (val) {'#outerRing').attr({ 'd': describeArc(ocx, ocy, oca, 0, max) }); }, 2000, mina.bounce, function (val) { console.log('Animate done'); }); } }); })(); The last bit, animRing, changes the arc, but doesn't actually animate with a bounce, it just flips to the new size. Any advice is welcome, I've got a dent where I've been banging my head against my desk.