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ScrollTrigger crashes WordPress admin editor scripts when imported from node modules
Damien Chantelouve posted a topic in GSAP
Hi o/ I'm making this post mainly for reference to maybe help some others users which might encounter this issue (and also maybe for you GSAP). I did read the article / documentation about how to integrate GSAP into WordPress using WordPress methods which is a good thing but most devs build / handle directly their assets using a bundler and enqueue only their final build. As of right now (WordPress 6.6 / 6.7), if you use GSAP ScrollTrigger from import / node_modules (the CDN version works fine), and if you enqueue your final js build in editor hooks like "enqueue_block_editor_assets", it will break WordPress admin editor javascript somehow (i think it's related to some global variable clash) and result in a white screen mostly and a lot of console errors (see screenshots below) Code : WordPress admin "New post" page: The fix : load GSAP ScrollTrigger out of your js build using wp_enqueue_script and before enqueueing your js build using the same WordPress function (see how to load it correctly here) Hope this can help Have a good day, Damien-
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Well... I dont know if it's really draggable the cause, but that's the last thing I added on this page and before it wasn't having any problem actually. At the very end ~ 0:29: you can see the page crashing and reloading. It's actually impossible to replicate the issue on Codepen, as it'd mean replicate the whole page.. I guess it'd be too much useless content to view a single section's problem. Following an old thread with @OSUblake I did added the CSS attribute will-change to some elements that ... well... "will-change" with scrolltrigger (?lol) .. but the issue is still there. How to replicate the issue: 1) Unlock the page:, then just to to till the GSAP carousel, then scroll somewhere. This is the code on that page, and below you can see the video that shows the problem. /***su di noi***/ function _funzioni_su_di_noi(){ if(body_class.contains("pagina-su-di-noi")){ function img_grid() { let griglia_ipads = document.querySelector('.contenitore-griglia-ipad'); if(griglia_ipads){ gsap.fromTo(griglia_ipads, { scale: 5, transformOrigin:"center", }, { transformOrigin:"center 60%", scale: .3, stagger: .5, scrollTrigger: { trigger: griglia_ipads, start: "top 110%", end: () => innerHeight * 6, scrub: true, } }); gsap.set(".contenuto-ipad:not(.centerBlock)", {autoAlpha: 1})".contenuto-ipad:not(.centerBlock)", {duration: 0.1, autoAlpha: 1}, 0.001) // Images to make it look better, not related to the effect const size = Math.max(innerWidth, innerHeight); gsap.set('.contenuto-ipad', {backgroundImage: i => `url(//${size}/${size}?random=${i})`}); const bigImg = new Image; bigImg.addEventListener("load", function () {".centerPiece .contenuto-ipad", {autoAlpha: 1, duration: 0.5}); }); bigImg.src = `//${size}/${size}?random=50`; } } img_grid(); /*horiz scroll sections4*/ async function horiz_scroll_sections(){ let snapX,slideDelay=4,slideDuration=.3,slides=document.querySelectorAll(".slide"),prevButton=document.querySelector("#prevButton"),nextButton=document.querySelector("#nextButton"),progressWrap=gsap.utils.wrap(0,1),numSlides=slides.length;gsap.set(slides,{backgroundColor:"random([red, blue, limegreen, dodgerblue, orange, goldenrod, lime, black])",xPercent:a=>100*a});let wrap=gsap.utils.wrap(-100,100*(numSlides-1)),animation=gsap.timeline({repeat:-1});,{xPercent:"-="+100*numSlides,duration:numSlides,ease:"none",modifiers:{xPercent:wrap}},0),".slide span",{rotate:360,ease:"none",stagger:{amount:numSlides-1}},0),animation.pause(),setupDraggable();function setupDraggable(){function a(){f.kill(),this.update()}function b(a){f.kill();let b=snapX(gsap.getProperty(e,"x")+a*-g);,{x:b,duration:slideDuration,onUpdate:c})} function c(){/*console.log(gsap.getProperty(e,"x")/-h,"wrapped",progressWrap(gsap.getProperty(e,"x")/-h)),*/animation.progress(progressWrap(gsap.getProperty(e,"x")/-h))}function d(){let a=gsap.getProperty(e,"x")/h||0;g=slides[0].offsetWidth,h=g*numSlides,snapX=snapDirectional(g),gsap.set(e,{x:a*h}),b(0),f.progress(1)}let e=document.createElement("div"),{},{}),g=0,h=0;d();let i=new Draggable(e,{type:"x",trigger:".slides-container",inertia:!0,maxDuration:.75,minDuration:.1,minimumMovement:45,onPress:a,onDrag:c,onThrowUpdate:c,allowContextMenu:!0,allowNativeTouchScrolling:!0,snap:{x:a=>snapX(a,0>i.deltaX?-1:1)}});window.addEventListener("resize",d),document.querySelector("#prevButton").addEventListener("click",()=>b(-1)),document.querySelector("#nextButton").addEventListener("click",()=>b(1))}function snapDirectional(a){let b=gsap.utils.snap(a);return(c,d,e=1e-3)=>{let f=b(c);return!d||Math.abs(f-c)<e||0>f-c==0>d?f:b(0>d?c-a:c+a)}}; function dx_sx(){let e=document.querySelector(".hero-caption"),t=document.querySelector(".drag-carousel");e.addEventListener("touchstart",(function(n){let a=n.changedTouches[0].pageX;e.addEventListener("touchend",(function(e){let n=e.changedTouches[0].pageX;a<n?(t.classList.remove("mancino"),t.classList.add("destro")):(t.classList.add("mancino"),t.classList.remove("destro"))}),!1)}),!1)}dx_sx(); } horiz_scroll_sections(); }//su di noi } _funzioni_su_di_noi(); What can I do? Thanks
hi guys. trying convert my current app with gsap3 Little crash here ? i can't track why? any ideas about what can do this ? Don't know what hardness should be , but it look undefined. Removed from projets:" ---TweenMax.js ---EasePack.js ---TimelineLite.js Added gsap3 gsap.js EasePack.js
Hello, I am really not a developper, and I just want to modify an old Flash project, it was done in Adobe Flash CS5.5 and Actionscript 3 At the time with this applications, The publishing of the FLA project (a kind of mp3 player...) was well and done, everything was working well. it was created to work as a local standalone "application" (SWF) opened with Flash Now, I managed to find Adobe Flash CS6 application (since Flash is dead now...) And when I try to export or publish the animation I got these error, and the Flash Player Debugger application crash (Then I have to force to quit the app)... : VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of onInitTween in com.greensock.plugins.TintPlugin. ReferenceError: Error #1065: variable MainTimeline is not defined I was thinking perhaps, it is caused by using a newer version of greensock AS3 ? (but really don't know, and I didn't find the way to download previous AS3 versions) I am using the recently downloaded Greensock AS3 version 12.1.5 Please is anyone able to help me ? with this minimal informations ? if you need more info or copy of actionscript actions used in that projet, jusst tell me. Thanks
MorphSVG crashing browsers! (Turns out it was InkScape produced SVGs causing an issue)
padders posted a topic in GSAP
Hi, I'm having some problems with MorphSVG. The latest version seems to be crashing every browser other than Internet Explorer 11 (which works, amazingly!) with a little morph I've made. (Chrome, Firefox and Opera all crash) I'm not sure If I've done something wrong, if inkscape has created a slightly dodgy svg file, or if it's a bug in the latest version of MorphSVGPlugin. I can't get any error data as it totally kills the browser tab. It was working in the version of MorphSVGPlugin dated 13/10/2015, but it wasn't setting the shapeIndex correctly on the A's in my morph, nor was setting that value making any difference to the resultant morph when I changed shapeIndex manually. I decided to use your codepen to check I was doing it correctly so forked it and the crashing behaviour started. Since then I've updated my local copy of the plugin (dated 21/10/2015) and it's now crashing in everything other than IE on my webpage too. Does anyone know what's going on? Note that the latest version now sets the shapeIndex correctly (at least in IE, I can't see the others as they crash), so that behaviour seems to have been caused by the older version of the plugin I was using. Cheers, Paul