The following code pen example shows unwanted morphing behavior:
I played around and realized that the underlying issue is caused by the value in the paths 1e-5 and 10e-6.
The following changes:
Change 1e-5 to 0 in path1
Change 10e-6 to 0 in path2
can be seen in this codepen example:
And this is the expected behavior.
I am using Inkscape to create the svgs. I played around with the precision and saving as an Inkscape SVG, Plain SVG and Optimized SVG, but I didn't have any luck getting rid of the precision whilst preserving the shapes.
A quick Google search on how to handle numbers in that notation turned up this stackoverflow:
Would it be possible to have the MorphSVG plugin filter the numbers in that way? Could I get an unminified copy to make the adjustment myself? Or can anybody offer some other work around advice.