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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I am trying to increase the strength of the glow effect. I am using the following code: TweenMax.to(mc, 0.3, {glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:30, blurY:30}}); I am not looking forward to increase the blur radius just trying to achieve a heavier glow especially around the movieclip. Is it possible somehow? I have tried increasing the "alpha" value but it doesn't work above the max value 1. My only other possible option would be to stack another glowFilter tween on the same movieclip but it may result in performance problems. Thanks, Attila
  2. I am building a tooltip class that upon rollover of a displayobject, I will highlight the object with a tweened glow. When you roll off, the glow will go away. But, if the objects already has its own glow applied, I don't want to interfere with it during removal of my new tooltip highlight glow. I see there is a param for addFilter:boolean, that I think will allow me to add my new glow filter to an object that already has it's own glow filter. And there is a remove:boolean that will auto cleanup that filter at the end of the tween. but what if I want to keep the new highlight-glow attached until a later time, such as rollout? I think what I am trying to do is store the new glowFilter in a variable, so I can later remove that specific glow filter by reference. But I don't see how I can do this within the Tween engine. It looks like almost all the tools are there for me, but not quite. What am I missing? To reiterate, I don't mind if an object has two glow filters applied; one from before, and one from my rollover. But I want to leave the original glow intact, if it had one.
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