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  1. I am using tween max in flash and I am using glow filter effect on a movieclip it works well when debugging on computer but when I try to use it on mobile the glow effect doesn't happen Is it not supported on mobile? here's the code: TweenMax.to(mc,1,{delay:1.5,glowFilter:{color:0xff0000,alpha:1,blurX:40,blurY:40,strength:1.5}}) any help?
  2. I am building a tooltip class that upon rollover of a displayobject, I will highlight the object with a tweened glow. When you roll off, the glow will go away. But, if the objects already has its own glow applied, I don't want to interfere with it during removal of my new tooltip highlight glow. I see there is a param for addFilter:boolean, that I think will allow me to add my new glow filter to an object that already has it's own glow filter. And there is a remove:boolean that will auto cleanup that filter at the end of the tween. but what if I want to keep the new highlight-glow attached until a later time, such as rollout? I think what I am trying to do is store the new glowFilter in a variable, so I can later remove that specific glow filter by reference. But I don't see how I can do this within the Tween engine. It looks like almost all the tools are there for me, but not quite. What am I missing? To reiterate, I don't mind if an object has two glow filters applied; one from before, and one from my rollover. But I want to leave the original glow intact, if it had one.
  3. Hey every one, i'm newbie with Starling and greensock I try to use Greensock with Starling but i find down there's some problem When i try to make a glow filter with MovieClip of starling. i got this error <B>ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property filters not found on starling.display.MovieClip and there is no default value.</B> Here is the code TweenPlugin.activate([FilterPlugin]); TweenMax.to(heroArt, 1, {glowFilter:{color:0x99cc33, alpha:1, blurX:30, blurY:30, strength:3}}); with heroArt is the MovieClip from starling.display.MovieClip But if i use heroArt is flash.display.MovieClip, everything's okay. So, how can we deal with that problem ? I got stuck with Image too
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