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First of all sorry, but I can't provide a codepen, I will try to describe the problem the best I can. Basically I have this type of structure: <div class='middle'> <div class='canvas-holder'> <!-- [Three.js Canvas] --> </div> </div> This is the CSS each of this element have: .middle { position: relative; margin-top: 7rem; } .canvas-holder { position: absolute; height: 100%; // [Three.js Canvas] canvas { position: sticky; top: 0; } } The Three.js canvas has a certain size (window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight), with GSAP I wanted to animate the position of a model inside the Three.js canvas. I wanted to move up the model by 5 when I scroll, so I wrote this: // peeler_model is the model I want to move, { y: 5, scrollTrigger: { target: middle_div, // I wanted to take the div as a reference point for the markers start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", scrub: true, markers: true } }) Now with this what I thought would've happened is that by setting the target as the middle_div the first top at the start would have went at the top of the middle_div like this: But instead what happened was that START went at the top of the body. I don't know how to really fix it, I used percentages instead of top and bottom to fix it a bit, but it would be really helpful if top would go at the top of the target like it always did for me. The only thing I can think of of why this is happening is because the canvas has a parent with absolute positioning, but that's really strange. Anyways thanks in advance for the help.
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- scrolltrigger
- scroll
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Hi, I have a problem with pinning mainly on mobile. It's similar on desktop, but I somehow managed it, but on mobile, by scrolling on the phone, my "end" moves even though the element is already on the "pin". The faster I scroll with my finger, the more my "end" goes up, as if it doesn't hold its position. This will be perfectly illustrated in the video below my simple piece of code, although I have already tried many solutions. With lenis, without lenis, etc.... scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".p-single-gallery", start: "top top", end: "bottom 50%", pin: true, scrub: false, markers: true, }
Hey GSAP Team, I have a concern regarding my implementation of "scrollTrigger". The Start/End marker of the triggers isn't aligning correctly with the top and bottom of the triggers. Please focus on the ".services-content-heading-inner" element, as this is what I'm currently experimenting with. My ultimate goal here is to animate this element once it enters the viewport. However, it immediately animates because of how the elements' start/end is positioned. I tried changing the position to start: "center top", end: "center bottom". However, the position is still off and not really at the center of the trigger element. I attempted to change the trigger to the parent element, but the story remains the same. I really want to use scrollTrigger because it seems to be simpler compared to I also tried using by wrapping the animation in an if-else condition "ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element)". However, it doesn't fire the logic inside the condition even if the condition was met. I would appreciate your thoughts and expert advice on where I went wrong or missed. Thank you very much for any assistance.
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- scrolltriger
- markers
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import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import './services.css'; import { gsap } from 'gsap/all'; import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/all'; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const Services2 = () => { const staticRef = useRef(null); const scrollRef = useRef(null); const componentRef = useRef(null); let componentHeight; useEffect(() => { // Access the height of the component using ref componentHeight = componentRef.current.clientHeight; console.log('Component Height:', componentHeight); // You can perform further actions with the height, such as updating state or triggering animations }, []); useEffect(() => { const staticPart = staticRef.current; const scrollPart = scrollRef.current; gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: scrollPart, start: 'top 75px', end: `bottom ${componentHeight}`, pin: staticPart, scrub: true, onEnter: () => console.log('Pin starts'), onLeave: () => console.log('Pin ends'), }, }); }, []); return ( <div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-evenly', margin: '10px', }} > <div ref={componentRef} style={{ width: '40%' }}> <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '400px' }} ref={staticRef}> hi, my name is yosh </div> </div> <div style={{ width: '40%' }} ref={scrollRef}> <div style={{ height: '400px' }}>yes</div> <div style={{ height: '400px' }}>yes</div> <div style={{ height: '400px' }}>yes</div> <div style={{ height: '400px' }}>yes</div> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export default Services2;
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- pin
- scrolltriger
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Hello, the first time I tried ScrollTrigger.matchmedia and it was not working properly. In the example, the link you can see 4 cards on the desktop when the user scrolls all cards move on the x-axis, and it works well on the desktop. But on mobile when we scroll card does not move properly I mean the last card does not show clearly. Actually, I have already solved this problem by just adding some numbers on scrollTrigger end value. But I want to know any other possible way to fix it, because how I can know how many numbers need to add when the card number increases like 8, or 10? The Example Link:,styles%2Fglobals.css,pages%2F_app.tsx
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- scrolltriger
- gsap
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Hi, i have the following issue: I am making a Website using Vuejs and would like to use the ScrollTrigger in a sub-page. On this sub-page images should be revealed on scroll using the ScrollTrigger and toArray. However for some reason the starting point "top bottom" is only set properly for the first image at the first visit of the site. On all following images the start trigger is kind of the same as the first one, which shouldn't be the case. If i reload the page or visit it for the second time, everything works properly and the start and end triggers are at the right place. I don't know whether this i a vue, webpack or gsap bug, or do i miss something? How it should look like and does on reload. On first load mounted() { gsap.utils.toArray(".anim").forEach(anim => { gsap.from(anim, { scrollTrigger: { start: "top bottom", end: "top center", markers: true, scrub: 1, trigger: anim }, y: 120, opacity: 0.3 }) }) }
I've encountered a problem with my start & end position on my ScrollTrigger. This is how the start and end position should be, and every time I save after writing a code the position is correct. However.. When I refresh the page the start & end position gets buggy. The start & end position does not align with the top and the bottom of the container to the left. This is the scrollTrigger code useEffect(() => { const el = cardRef.current ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger : el, start : 'top center ', end: 'bottom center', onEnter : () => { playVideo() store.dispatch(currentElementHover(techNames())) cardRef.current.classList.toggle('cardFocus') }, onEnterBack : () => { playVideo() store.dispatch(currentElementHover(techNames())) cardRef.current.classList.toggle('cardFocus') }, onLeave : () => { resetVideo() store.dispatch(currentElementHover([])) cardRef.current.classList.toggle('cardFocus') }, onLeaveBack : () => { resetVideo() store.dispatch(currentElementHover([])) cardRef.current.classList.toggle('cardFocus') }, markers : true }) },[]) Any help would be appreciated greatly!
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- scrolltrigger
- start
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I am toggling class at box-container (black borderbox on left) based on selector's (color boxes) start and end point while scroll. I try to find a way to avoid toggleClass when distance between next start point and current end end point is too short. ( want to implement toggleClass only if this distance is larger than box height ) **** Screenshot that issue happened (passed end and about to pass next start) **** I was trying to achieve this with scrolltrigger's callback functions but it was too complicated and failed to get the distance between endpoint and next start point.
?? hello fellow humans. feels really nice to join this awesome community. i found so much help here already. now its time to make my own first post. - - - so! i would love to get some help on positioning tweens inside a timeline as i was not able to find an elegant solution until this point. the attached image explains what i got and what i want. so i have a main tween in my timeline that has a duration of 2s. and a few others that are shorter in time. now, basically i want to dynamically align all the other tween endpoints with the main tween's endpoint. i say dynamically because tween durations will change within the website. i know that i can use the relative position parameter for this. and with absolute numbers it works beautifully: // create timeline let timeline = gsap.timeline(); // add tweens timeline.add(container.fadeOut(), 0); timeline.add(elements.fadeOut(), '-=1.2'); timeline.add(footer.fadeOut(), '-=1.4'); timeline.add(progress.reset(), '-=1.8'); but what happens if for example my footer.fadeOut() tween changes its duration to 0.8s? with my code example, the endpoints of footer.fadeOut() and container.fadeOut() are not aligned anymore. how can i dynamically change the -1.2s to -0.8s? how can i subtract the tweens own duration, relative from the timeline endpoint? and how can i do this elegantly without using tons of variables to get each tween's duration? thank you so much for taking your time. stay healthy, stay safe. jaro ??
I have not made a codepen. It's basically that. I want to know how I can force the timeline to finish animating to the end or beginning. Just want the elments to return to the initial state without tweening while scrolling using scrollmagic or basically to press a button. I have tried pretty much all the timelinemax methods without success. somebody here with much experience then me should know. Thanks so much
Is it possible to call draggable's snap method on the completion of a scroll? The snap is working perfect on drag complete (type scrollLeft) but I'd like it to behave the same way on the completion of a horizontal scroll, is this possible?
Hi, guys. I am quite new to GSAP. The system is really solid, however, I ran into a small problem. I am trying to animate the X property of the the main container and text in it. Basically, I want to make a nice slide out menu. THE PROBLEM: The black background slides out really nicely, BUT, the text starts sliding out as normal, but then jumps at the end as if it was skipping something. I cannot figure out what is causing that. I would be really grateful If someone helped me out, because I feel like I am missing something really fundamental here. Here is the code: Codepen: var menu = $('.js-menu'), menuContainer = $('.menu-container'), menuItems = $('.js-menu-items h3 a'); var tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true, reversed: true, }); // set new timelinemax // container animation tl.from(menuContainer, 3, { x: '-1000', autoAlpha: 0, force3D: true, ease: Power3.easeOut }) // text animation tl.from(menuItems, 2, { x: '-600', autoAlpha: 0, force3D: true, ease: Expo.easeOut }); // toggle animation $(menu).on('click', function() { tl.reversed() ? : tl.reverse(); }); Thanks in advance!
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- gsap
- x property
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