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hey guys , how gsap work to tween with hex colors tint ? i get weird result. cs.tint = 0xffffff; // default, 0.6, { tint: 0x228200, // green ease: Power4.easeOut, }); Existe a native method to compute hex color transition and keep green transition? thanks
Hi guys, I'm trying to give a color for each path. my issues is the color of the first path is applied to all the rest! thanks very much. site to see the animation: JS: // Signs Anim // var tlBio = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1, delay: 3, repeatDelay: 0.2, yoyo: true }), earth = document.getElementById('earth');, 2, { morphSVG: '#fire' }, '+=1').to(earth, 2, { morphSVG: '#water' }, '+=1').to(earth, 2, { morphSVG: '#space' }, '+=1').to(earth, 2, { morphSVG: '#wind' }, '+=1'); CSS: #earth { fill: pink !important; } #fire { fill: yellow !important; visibility: hidden; } #water { fill: blue !important; visibility: hidden; } #wind { fill: green !important; visibility: hidden; } #space { fill: red !important; visibility: hidden; }
Hello, I'm using the applySettingXml method to configure the TransformManager from an external file. Everything work fine, but I don't know in which format the colors for the handle and the line are described. For example, to which color will translate a value of "16777215" for the handleColor? Thank you.