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  1. I have multiple elements that are being used as the trigger under one class. For example, the "dragHandle" class is my trigger: <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div id="draggableLayer"></div> This is fine when it is first initialized. All three will drag the "draggableLayer." The problem is, I am dynamically adding more "dragHandle" elements, and they are not seen as triggers after Draggable has initialized on page load. I.e: <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <!-- these 2 were added after page load, but don't work like the others do as a trigger --> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div class="dragHandle"></div> <div id="draggableLayer"></div> I have tried disabling (and killing) and then enabling the Draggable after adding the the additional trigger elements, but that hasn't worked. Is there a way to destroy and reinitialize the Draggable? Or maybe another way to make it see the additional trigger elements I am dynamically adding? Thanks!
  2. Sorry Im a new user of greensock . I want to achieve a 100% screenHeight scroll whenever user scroll until the trigger : ================================================================================ var tween7b = TweenMax.fromTo('#red2', 1, {y: "100%"}, {y: "0%", backgroundColor:'#C74A00', ease: Linear.easeNone}); var tween7c = TweenMax.to('#red2', 1, {y: "-100%", backgroundColor:'#C74A00', ease: Linear.easeNone}); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#trigger6e", triggerHook: 0.85}) .setTween(tween7b) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: "#trigger6e", triggerHook: 0.45}) .setTween(tween7c) .addTo(controller) .addIndicators(); ================================================================================== Sometimes its work, but sometimes it failed. I guess its getting confused because of two TweenMax.fromTo affected the same ID ? how could I achieve what I want then? thankyou before
  3. Hi guys, I am working on a drag and sort thing with draggable and i have an issue that i can't find a way around it. Actually it looks like a bug. Items are in an unordered list so they are all identical in terms of child elements and class names. Draggable seems to work find with a class selector. Here's a code pen with just a simple setup. There is no drag trigger. http://codepen.io/ap-o/full/CEHBo But, once i pass a trigger selector everything goes wrong. Try to drag the little black box. http://codepen.io/ap-o/full/qfKtm Thanks in advance for your time *Apo
  4. Hi all! Today I was trying to execute some instructions on manual scroll event, avoiding the scroll animation performed by TweenMax. I attempted to initialize a boolean variable, which is false during the TweenMax animation and is restored to true "onComplete". On $(window).on("scroll") I checked the status of the variable. I found out that a scroll even was triggered even when my status variable was already returned to true: after some tests, it turns out that it's TweenMax itself. I tried on an empty page, reporting the following code in Firebug console, and looks like after the "hi" reported by TweenMax onComplete, another scroll event is triggered. $(window).on("scroll", function(){console.log ("scroll");}); TweenMax.to(window, 1, { scrollTo: { y: 500 }, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function () { console.log("hi!"); } }); I wouldn't expect this behavior: why does this happen? Thanks in advance! Massi
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