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  1. First thanks to Jamie and Jack for answering a similar question. Turns out I was asking the wrong question What I'm failing to achieve is something very similar to the Draggable Spin demo... http://www.greensock.com/draggable My requirement has two differences: I need to snap to a bunch of degrees from an array that are not in even increments. For example [0, 88, 185, 268]. I need a callback so I can display information related to the "snapped" degree. You can think of this as the Wheel of Fortune with uneven distances between each pin. A few things to note: I tried supplying an array to the snap option, but once the dial turns more than one rotation, it comes whipping back like it's attached to a rubber band. In addition, I can't use a callback with this technique (I don't think). But the GreenSock Spin demo allows you to spin the dial around and around, and it smoothly lands on a "snap" degree. Thanks for any help!
  2. I'm using the ThrowProps rotation code, except it doesn't quite work how I want it to. How would I get the AS3 ThrowProps Rotation Demo.fla code to snap to 90 degrees as in the Draggable js demo? http://www.greensock.com/draggable/ http://www.greensock.com/js/demo/throwprops/spin.html Need some AS3 code from the following .js code: var rotationSnap = 90 * (Math.PI / 180); //90 degrees described in radians (for snapping Draggable.create("#knob", {type:"rotation", //instead of "x,y" or "top,left", we can simply do "rotation" to make the object spinnable! throwProps:true, //enables kinetic-based flicking (continuation of movement, decelerating after releasing the mouse/finger) snap:function(endValue) { //this function gets called by ThrowPropsPlugin when the mouse/finger is released and it plots where rotation should normally end and we can alter that value and return a new one instead. This gives us an easy way to apply custom snapping behavior with any logic we want. In this case, we'll just make sure the end value snaps to 90-degree increments but only when the "snap" checkbox is selected. Keep in mind that rotation values are always defined in radians, not degrees! return Math.round(endValue / rotationSnap) * rotationSnap;}});
  3. Hi, There's a way to know the end value of the throwprops plugin before the the snap function triggers?. I have an array of points for the snap function and what I want to achieve is to snap the element being dragged by one point of the array at a time no matter what, because if the speed of the throw is high enough it could advance more than one. I've tried with some conditional logic onDragEnd, but snap gets called before, the only callback that triggers before is onDrag and this.endX is undefined at that time. What I have achieved is using some conditional logic inside onDrag to determine whether the drag is to the left or right and based on that tell throwprops to move the element to the next or previous point, but you lose the throw ability so to speak, because the smallest drag triggers the snapp, meanwhile with throwProps if the velocity is too small the element goes back to the original position the idea is to keep that feature too. I've setted up a codepen: http://codepen.io/rhernando/pen/hmjyA Best, Rodrigo.
  4. Hello! Has anyone noticed when using Draggable with throwProps:true, with restricted bounds AND with snap that if throwing the object and try to catch it before it reaches its destination it directly jumps to calculating end position. It should just freeze the object when the user click on it when it still in motion. Like when you are not using the snap. Im creating a webapp with a navigation that I can throw Like the facebook app. Try with the examples http://www.greensock.com/draggable/ the first one "Throw" with the setting "Snap to grid" checked. You will see what happens. Any thoughts or solution? Thanks //Robert
  5. Hi Everyone! I have problem with figure out method to scroll snapping to the nearest point. I'm using Superscrollama. This is my testing site: http://arcadioenmadrid.es/scroll/2mojedemoFOLIO.html First DIV is pinned by superscrollama for 3000px after this it scrolling up and there will be second pinned DIV for next some pixels. I would like to make something snapping like on this site: http://www.kosmostumostow.pl So in my case if user stop scroll at <1500 after 1 second site should auto scroll to 0px if he stop on >=1500 site should scrolling to the next DIV. I tried various methods with setTimeout and it never works. Browser snap to for example point 0px and I can't scrolling or looping function till browser crash on it. Anyone could me help with this? I'll be grateful. Thanks! p.s. Maybe someone know why don't work trasition background to white on Chrome and on Firefox is okay?
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