There's a way to know the end value of the throwprops plugin before the the snap function triggers?.
I have an array of points for the snap function and what I want to achieve is to snap the element being dragged by one point of the array at a time no matter what, because if the speed of the throw is high enough it could advance more than one.
I've tried with some conditional logic onDragEnd, but snap gets called before, the only callback that triggers before is onDrag and this.endX is undefined at that time.
What I have achieved is using some conditional logic inside onDrag to determine whether the drag is to the left or right and based on that tell throwprops to move the element to the next or previous point, but you lose the throw ability so to speak, because the smallest drag triggers the snapp, meanwhile with throwProps if the velocity is too small the element goes back to the original position the idea is to keep that feature too.
I've setted up a codepen: