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  1. http://dev.option5.net/CNCT/CNCT13004/video.html I've built a custom video player built on the use of VideoLoader. However, the loader progress isn't working. It appears to be working; the loader bar grows in width based on a LoaderEvent.PROGRESS dispatch. But when I test the actual network usage in Chrome (dev tools), it shows the video is loading long after the loader bar goes to 100%. Any ideas?
  2. Hi everybody, for a personal project I would like to build an oblique progress bar. So, my first question is: Is there a way to create dynamically and easily a Line object with Tweenmax.js? For the moment I just resize the width of a rectangle shape like this : http://jsfiddle.net/FracArt/6GJ67/2/ Which actually works! But seems a bit "hacky". Second question, as you can notice on the jsfiddle file I tried to build an oblique progress bar on the same principle. However, when I rotate the rectangle a gap appears between the initial and final position of the bar. So do you have an idea of how I can correct that without doing some geometry calculations? (maybe a transform-origin property on the css?)
  3. I am trying to get url in progresshandler. I tried typecasting event.target to LoaderItem, but it doesn't seem to work. event.target is of type LoaderMax. How can I get the currently loading item's url in progress handler ? Please help..
  4. When I run my application from a cd/dvd, the progress bar doesn't work. Do I need to do something differently when running from a disk? loader = new SWFLoader(url, {name:"main", estimatedBytes:3000, container:this, autoPlay:false, onProgress:imageProgressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler}); loader.load(); function imageProgressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { TweenLite.to(mc_progress, .1, {alpha:1}); mc_progress.progressBar_mc.bar_mc.scaleX = event.target.progress; }
  5. Hello Does anyone know of a way to tween/animate the updating of the progress attribute? Right now it seems to just jump to that point. I'm currently using: myTimline.progress(myProgress); Thanks
  6. Hi, I seem to have found a bug... I'm currently working on a custom video player based on VideoLoader, and up till today everything was OK. I understand the limitations of progressive loading and all that, but... I thought I'd do a 'connection lost' test while the video file was still loading (disable/enable the ethernet connection on my PC). What I was hopping to see was the loading progress bar stop when I disable, and resume when I enable the connection, or at least get some king of a load error (fail, error, cancel, ioError). But that wasn't the case. In fact, atfer some digging around, I found that the bytesTotal were set to bytesLoaded when connection was lost (not the other way around, it's not a typo), which in my case were a lot less, thus giving me a progress of 1 and a completly full loading progress bar. Also, a loadComplete event was dispatched. So, when the playProgress reached that last loaded frame, instead of staying there and showing me that the videoBuffer was empty, it just triggerd a VIDEO_COMPLETE event. I can't seem to figure out any work around this, since the bytesTotal is read-only, right? Also, as mentioned before, no events are dispatched other then LoaderEvent.COMPLETE.
  7. I have an infintie scrolling stack (actually its only 4 items looping) - and it's made up of a bunch of tweens, designed to seamless loop from progress 0-1, 0-1,0-1 and so on. So if I use tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:20}); It will play seamless. Eventually I want to swipe the stack and it just rolls continuesly until it has lost momentum... (think mobile browser scrolling - where you flick your thumb and it scrolls ahead smoothly) So I paused the timeline and test with a tweening. For instance I want to move the stack 8 positions (that is moving twice through the stack of 4 items) - and since I timed each stack move with a second it would be: TweenLite.to(tl, 1, {progress:8}); Naturally it wont tween progress beyond 1. Naively I briefly thought: TweenLite.to(tl, 1, {progress:8 % 1, ease:Expo.easeOut}); would work. But of course not - it isnt moving throught the stack twice So my question is is there a way of looping progress? I am thinking of doing the "progress modulu way" in an onUpdate. But I feel it isn't right tweening a vairable and using it in onUpdate - and won't it hurt performance? or I could use tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:20000}); and just tween the totalProgress or totalTime (if possible?) But is there a better and more propper way? TIA!
  8. Hello, I have strange problem loading swf file, in the preloading event most of the time the preloading progress value isvery small and then after 2/3 of loading progres speed up. On the server when I multiply the number with 100 and rount the walue I got 0% all the time and then it jumps to the 100%. private function onLoadingProgress(event:LoaderEvent) { percent_num = Math.round((event.target.bytesLoaded/event.target.bytesTotal) * 100); parent_class.mainPreload.progressData(percent_num); }
  9. Hello and thank you so much for the most useful AS3 Library I've ever used! I'm currently using a VideoLoader to playback external MP4 on a client website. I've set bufferMode=true and all goes well on short videos. However, on larger videos (about 100MB) when I try to seek the video immediately after the first bufferFull event: - bufferEmpty is displached properly - I display a 0% buffer progress info and wait for buffer progress - It stays at 0% for about 20 seconds! -> My problem - It then starts to show progress and quickly gets to 100% - bufferFull is dispached, all is good. I can't quite explain to my client why does this happen on our website and it doesn't happen on youtube. On youtube it starts re-buffering immediately after seeking to a further frame I'll post the essential parts of my code and I hope you can give me some insight on this subject, thank you very much in advance. Here is how initialize the loader: // Estimated Bytes are provided on each video video = new VideoLoader(url, {container:this, x:bkg.x, y:bkg.y, width:bkg.width, height:bkg.height, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoPlay:false, volume:1, auditSize:false, estimatedBytes:this.estimatedBytes, bufferMode:true, onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler}); video.load(); video.gotoVideoTime(0); video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress); video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, videoComplete); video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_EMPTY, bufferEmptyHandler); video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, bufferFullHandler); video.content.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, toogleFullScreenMode); Here are the listener functions: public function progressHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("progressHandler",(Math.round(event.target.progress*100))+"%"); // custom code to display progress text } public function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { // custom code to hide buffer progress text } public function errorHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occured with " + event.target + ": " + event.text); } public function bufferEmptyHandler(evt:LoaderEvent):void { // custom code to show buffer progress text, starting with "0%" addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reportBufferProgress); } public function bufferFullHandler(evt:LoaderEvent):void { trace("bufferFullHandler"); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reportBufferProgress); completeHandler(null); } public function reportBufferProgress(evt:Event):void { // ISSUE: it stays at 0% for about 20 seconds on large movies and then evolves super fast to 100% trace("buffer progress:",video.bufferProgress); } public function updatePlayProgress(evt:LoaderEvent=null) { // custom code to show play progress bar } public function videoComplete(evt:LoaderEvent=null) { // custom code for when the video is done playing }
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