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  1. Hi everyone, its been a few days since I found out and started using gsap js and must admit its an awesome framework. I make native games for iOS and now I evaluate gsap for html 5 cross platform 2d game development. I have a strange performance issue regarding the Draggable utility on iOS devices (maybe on other platforms too but I have not tested any other device). When the user moves the draggable element around with his finger I observe high CPU usage (55-65% on an iPhone 3GS) while when the user is not interracting with the element the CPU usage is 25-35%. I downloaded an updated version of Draggable from here but there was no difference. I am at your disposal for further info and testing!
  2. spinlight

    exportRoot() garbage collection

    I'm trying to use exportRoot(); in an iOS app. If the app is in the background for a length of time, the timeline can no longer resume. Is it possible that the timeline is lost in garbage collection? My pause screen is still visible and the buttons are still available. But nothing resumes. If you leave and come back quickly it's fine. Anything I can try to make it hold the timeline for as long as the app is in the background? --- EDIT ---- Sorry, looks like I was calling the exportRoot twice and that was the source of my trouble.
  3. Hi guys, firstly, let me thank you for this fantastic animation platform. Discovering it was simply jaw-dropping experience that changed my life as a developer. I am now playing around with page that will have multiple animations triggered on particular scroll position. I decided to not use any parallax plugins that work on mobile, because they appeared to be slow. Basically, I want to animate some DOM elements when they come in to the view. I tested it in all browsers and it works fine, even on iOS, but sometimes it is acting a bit weird. I have problems only on iOS. I haven't tested any android, i don't have any. When you scroll slowly to the desired element, it animates just fine. But sometimes when you scroll faster, it appears in final position, but without an animation. Sometimes just part of an animation happens. I would like to understand whats going on there. Can you help me please, or at least point me to the right direction? I am using latest version of GSAP, tested on iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.3 and iPad 3. I was able to recreate the issue on iOS simulator as well. I am attaching example code. Many thanks! scrolltest.zip
  4. Joe

    iOS Animation Issue

    Hello, First off, thanks for all the work on this great API. I've looked at many of the past posts on this topic and can't seem to find a remedy for my issue. I'm using a simple move tween with a bounceOut on a fixed position div, which works great on everything but iOS devices. I've tested on an updated iPad 1 (iOS 5.1.1), iPad 2 (mini, iOS 6.1.3), and an iPhone 4 (iOS 6.1.3). This is in both Safari and Chrome (both the most updated versions), and I'm using the most current release of GSAP JS (TweenMax.min.js). Could this be an issue with the way I'm calculating scroll positioning? jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //disables the requestAnimationFrame functionality and causes GSAP to use a simple setTimeout() internally (pretty much like jQuery). TweenLite.ticker.useRAF(false); var winHeight = $(window).height(), socPos = winHeight - $('#socialBox').height(); $('#socialBox').css('top', socPos); $(window).bind('scroll', function(e) { scrollBinder(); }); function scrollBinder() { var winScroll = $(window).scrollTop(), winHeight = $(window).height(), docHeight = $(document).height(), percent = (winScroll / (docHeight - winHeight)), targetDiv = $('#socialBox'), newPos = (winHeight * percent) * (-.65); if (newPos > socPos) { newPos = socPos; } if ($(window).width() > 480) { TweenMax.to(targetDiv, .75, { y : newPos, ease : Bounce.easeOut }); } } });
  5. I'm experiencing a problem only on ios, Safari and Dolphin. When the page first loads, the TimelineMax animation will not play. If I tap somewhere on the screen (not on a button) or reload page, everything plays. I cannot seem to figure this out and I have tired rearranging the order of the way the page loads and to no avail, nothing works unless I reload the page or tap on the screen in a random spot. I checked the console.log and no issues. I could really use a bit of help on this one. URL: Works on: DESKTOP: Safari, Chrome, FF and Opera Broken on: iOS: Safari and Dolphin
  6. Hi All I am having an issue with a app that loads video from the app document directory. Its working great with flv format videos. It loads and plays fine. When I try to load mp4 or f4v it appears and acts as though it has loaded. My scrubber moves, time counts down but there is no audio or video. The video is just black. I am using gpu acceleration but have tried with it off and same result. Any help would be great. This is running on an ipad. I have the same app running on an adroid working fine. _videoProperties = new VideoLoaderVars(); _videoProperties.width(747); _videoProperties.height(419); //_videoProperties.bgColor(0x000000); _videoProperties.autoPlay(autoPlay); _videoProperties.container(_container); _videoLoader = new VideoLoader("file:////var/mobile/Applications/F601234555A-D27F-48D5-A484-675F7E84839F/Documents/myvideo.mp4", _videoProperties); _videoLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, _onLoadComplete, false, 0, true); _videoLoader.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.ERROR, _onLoadError, false, 0, true); _videoLoader.netStream _videoLoader.load(true); private function _onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{ _videoLoader.addEventListener(VideoLoader.PLAY_PROGRESS, updatePlayProgress); _videoLoader.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, VideoComplete); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownScrubber); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpScrubber); _videoScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseUpScrubber); _playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playClick); _pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pauseClick); _muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, muteClick); _soundButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, soundClick); _volumeScrubber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, volumeClick); _volumeScrubber.mouseChildren = false; _videoScrubber.mouseChildren = false; }
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