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  1. I'm trying to change the fill color of a movieclip I created using Flash Pro with the canvas tag / Create JS. This is what I'm trying: TweenLite.to(instructions.demoColor, 1, {colorProps:{backgroundColor:"#279133", tintAmount:1}}); TweenLite.to(instructions.demoColor, 1, {colorProps:{backgroundColor:"#279133", tintAmount:1}}); But nothing seems to be working. I saw an older post in the from (2012) that was using : TweenLite.to(circle, 3, {y:150, easel:{tint:"#0000FF", tintAmount:0.5}}); That also doesn't seem to do anything. I don't see any errors so I'm guessing this line is just being ignored. Thanks!
  2. I've been catching back up with Flash Pro and Greensock using the new Canvas and WebGL file formats. One thing I noticed is when I try to use relative numbers with Greensock I get unexpected results. In AS3 I would have use something like this TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:"500"}); and the mc would have moved 500px to the right of where it was sitting on the stage. When I use the same piece of code in Flash Pro in JS instead of AS3 TweenLite.to(this.mc, 1, {x:"500"}); The mc seems to move to a location that is far more then 500px and not always in the direction that I thought it would move.. Since I'm using Flash Pro I'm not sure I can recreate this in codepen? Again this might be an issue with CreateJs and not GSAP.
  3. I'm not 100% sure this is the correct place to post this. I have a question about Flash Pro CC 2015 when using the canvas file type. When I create a movieclip and set the registration point to the top left corner and place it on the stage. When I change the properties in the Properties panel and set the x and y values to 0 it moves to the top left corner like it should. But when I set these values using javascript this.mc.x = 0 and this.mc.y = 0; It uses the center point of the movie clip. So the top and left half of my mc are off of the stage. I'm not sure why this is. Does it have something to do with how the DOM reads the js file? I would like to have it when I write that code that it does the same thing as it does on the stage when i use the properties panel Thanks!
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